Examples of the the word, checklist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( checklist ), is the 5844 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other. The team worked through the orbit preparation checklist and re-entry, checklist ,procedures. Weather forecasters, with the help of pilots in the Shuttle
  2. S failure to lower the landing gear and having not followed the pre-landing, checklist , *On 28 July 2010,a U. S. Air Force C-17 (AF Serial No. 00-0173 –" Spirit of
  3. With a brisk handshake and pat on the back before quickly returning to the, checklist ,of tasks needed to ready the lunar module for liftoff from the Moon should an
  4. At the Pennsylvania crash site, and in Mohamed Atta's suitcase. It included a, checklist ,of final reminders for the 9/11 hijackers. An excerpt reads:" When the
  5. Existence of any related worthwhile" teaching ". *Dr. David C. Lane proposes a, checklist ,consisting of seven points to assess gurus in his book, Exposing Cults: When
  6. Are one of the five largest plant families. According to the World Rutaceae, checklist , 611 genera and 13,143 species were recognized as of 2009. Psychotic, with
  7. Of their cuff checklist s showing these photos. Appearing in Conrad's, checklist ,were Angela Dorian, Miss September 1967 (with the caption" SEEN ANY
  8. By flotation bags triggered by the astronauts. " Everything's okay. Our, checklist ,is complete. Awaiting swimmers," was Armstrong's last official transmission
  9. Of Playboy centerfolds, surprising Conrad and Bean when they looked through the, checklist ,flip-book during their first EVA. The http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/ Apollo Lunar
  10. Islamic prayers, instructions for a last night of life, and a practical, checklist ,of final reminders for the mission. Translated: Saturday,September 29 *The
  11. In 1952 and later authors including Christi dis and Boles in their 2008 official, checklist , place it in the butcher bird genus Practices, giving rise to its current
  12. Only cases with known outcomes and using imputed data. The CONSORT 2010, checklist , contains 25 items (many with sub-items) focusing on" individually randomized
  13. Support their experimental corroboration. In practice a MINI module comprises a, checklist ,of information that should be provided (for example about the protocols
  14. US, and it was convenient to base the facility near the staff. As a 1–2 hour, checklist ,had to be executed before scanning the seas, there was actually little dead
  15. Require the sharing of life support resources). The photos in Bean's cuff, checklist ,were of Cynthia Myers, Miss December 1968 (" DON'T FORGET - DESCRIBE THE
  16. Popular views of Penn's socially progressive Quaker values. The Sibley-Monroe, checklist ,was a landmark document in the study of birds conducted by Charles Bible and
  17. Ports before use National Patient Safety Goals require documentation of a, checklist ,for CVC insertion and Disinfection of intravenous (IV) access ports before
  18. And Avery 2003). Relationships Some authorities (including the Sibley-Monroe, checklist ,) place some other genera in the family Bombycillidae along with the waxwings.
  19. Proper placement are not yet available ". The AOU's draft South American, checklist ,places the Cathartic in their own order, Cathartiformes. However, recent DNA
  20. Storks or herons. In 2007 the American Ornithologists' Union's North American, checklist ,moved Cathartic back into the lead position in Falconiformes, but with an
  21. Benjamin Franklin used to develop what he called 'moral perfection '. He had a, checklist ,in a notebook to measure each day how he lived up to his virtues. They became
  22. Love, Vol.1,No.1. (1965). Pages 48–58. * Checklist: A complete, cumulative, checklist , of lesbian, variant,and homosexual fiction in English (1960). * The
  23. By a forgotten rudder lock. Short of time, the captain never performed his, checklist ,and took off not realizing the lock was still in place. *On 17 November 1957
  24. Has married the widowed Queen Victoria, and rules as Prince Consort. A virtual, checklist ,of fictional vampires have come out of hiding and gained new social status. But
  25. Requiring judgement in application. It does not establish dogma or provide a, checklist ,of procedures, but is rather an authoritative guide, describing how the army
  26. His life to Christian ministry after his mission. Also, at the back of Conrad's, checklist ,were two pages of pre-prepared complex geological terminology, added as a joke
  27. And Goodman (2004) note that they are often taught or referenced as a, checklist ,for assessing causality, despite this not being Hill's intention. Hill himself
  28. Provided a useful synopsis of the order, including a key to genera and a, checklist ,of species. They also presented a novel classification that included the
  29. Of the DSM (DSM-V) no longer includes narcissism. Robert Hare created a, checklist ,to differentiate psychopathy from antisocial personality disorder (ASD)
  30. Consistency with the CMM. For each maturity level there are five, checklist ,types:: Centillion is a big number. It (centillion) refers to different
  31. Was ready to copy the ATC clearance. Because the flight crew was performing the, checklist , copying this clearance was postponed until the aircraft was in takeoff
  32. Group Report estimated there to be 20000 algal species in the UK. Another, checklist ,reports only about 5000 species. Regarding the difference of about 15000
  33. A" Bow Wow Diary," tips on understanding a dog's body language, a medical, checklist ,and a home alone bark recording function. The device consists of a hand-held
  34. The re-entry like any other. The team worked through the orbit preparation, checklist ,and re-entry checklist procedures. Weather forecasters, with the help of pilots
  35. Crew, the Apollo 12 backup crew managed to insert into the astronaut's lunar, checklist ,(attached to the wrists of Conrad's and Bean's spacesuits) reduced-sized
  36. To Stoddard. Top and Martin Hamilton of New Gardens compiled the most recent, checklist ,of vegetation in 2009,which can be found at this footnote. In 1967,Stoddard
  37. First time. Respondents were able to write in an affiliation not covered by the, checklist ,of common religions, and a total of 42,262 people from England, Scotland and
  38. When the second engine shut down. They immediately searched their emergency, checklist ,for the section on flying the aircraft with both engines out, only to find that
  39. These are considered, and no difficulties found, the remaining points on the, checklist ,need to be considered. There are several blogs and knolls dedicated to this
  40. Include: For a full list see: George Bear. Every Corner was a Picture: A, checklist ,compiled for the West Cornwall Art Archive of 50 artists from the early Newly
  41. First time, respondents were able to write in an affiliation not covered by the, checklist ,of common religions, and a total of 42,262 people from England, Scotland and
  42. Wave, awareness-raising tools by giving governments facing public outcry a, checklist ,which measures concrete steps toward improved governance. Name" commons.
  43. High but data is distributed across a high number of publications. The spider, checklist ,of Georgia, for example, includes 501 species. Fungi Just over 6500 species of
  44. Flights of Angels contains Petaja's long biographical essay on the artist,a, checklist ,of Bok's published artwork and writings, and reproductions of a substantial
  45. Botanical Gardens - Fa gales *http://www.kew.org/wcb/aboutfag.html WCSP: World, checklist ,of selected plant families Fables is an order of flowering plants. It is
  46. As the Bradford-Hill criteria, but this makes it seem like it is some sort of, checklist , For example, Phillips and Goodman (2004) note that they are often taught or
  47. Airfield. Rank was criticized by the NTSB for not following the in-flight fire, checklist ,; opening the fresh air vents instead of leaving them closed, not instructing the
  48. And records for 1794 indicate that there were 32 freemen on its voter, checklist , Centered on the hilltop near the Jail Branch, the town consisted mainly of
  49. Within Betulaceae); this arrangement is followed by, for example, the World, checklist ,of selected plant families (see external link below). The other families were
  50. The nineteenth century, Ludwig Main published, Repertorium bibliographicum — a, checklist ,of incunabula arranged alphabetically by author:" Main numbers" are still a

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