Examples of the the word, viewing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( viewing ), is the 5175 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Identify themselves both as agnostics and as followers of particular religions, viewing ,agnosticism as a framework for thinking about the nature of belief and their
  2. Fly-through' reconstruction of the church as it was when complete, and a, viewing ,gallery with excellent views of the ruins. The center won the 2002 Angus Design
  3. Of natural selection, Ahmadis promote the idea of a" guided evolution ", viewing ,each stage of the evolutionary process as having been selectively woven by God.
  4. Same forward cockpit windows as the 757 and a raised cockpit floor to provide, viewing ,angles similar to those on the narrow-body twinset. Related design and
  5. Social anarchists do not see themselves as collectivists or individualists, viewing ,both as illusory ideologies based on fiction. Horizontal collectivists tend to
  6. Judaism denies any connection of the Torah, Written or Oral, with God, viewing ,it instead as the nation's literary and moral genius. The article Jewish
  7. Could be" companions" to their husbands, rather than mere wives. Instead of, viewing ,women as ornaments to society or property to be traded in marriage
  8. Films. In many jurisdictions, the minimum age for legal participation and even, viewing ,of such productions is 18. Films and images showing individuals under the age
  9. The UK before the US. The pilot film debuted in the United States with strong, viewing ,figures, achieving a 9.7 in the Nielsen national syndication rankings. The
  10. To its planet. Boötes also hosts many double stars suitable for, viewing ,by amateur astronomers. Named stars Deep sky objects *NGC 5466 is a loose
  11. Faith. They emphasize the two Dominican sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, viewing ,the other five as" lesser rites ". Some Evangelical Anglicans may even tend to
  12. Two to four players, sometimes tilting the monitor on its back for a top-down, viewing ,experience allowing players to sit opposite one another. Many early computers
  13. An important role in scenes. Directors often have the discretion of determining, viewing ,angles for scenes, particularly regarding backgrounds. In addition, camera
  14. Forms a series of dark absorption bands in the energy output. (An observer, viewing ,the atoms from a view that does not include the continuous spectrum in the
  15. A system for manipulation of samples inside the vacuum, including sample, viewing ,systems. Samples may be required to be cooled anywhere between room temperature
  16. Of a natural desire to have outside observers sympathize with them. Rather than, viewing ,The Wealth of Nations and The Theory of Moral Sentiments as presenting
  17. Moved to the right. During manipulation, beads are moved to the left. For easy, viewing , the middle 2 beads on each wire (the 5th and 6th bead) usually are of a
  18. Often preceded intense emotional reactions; this realization led Beck to begin, viewing ,emotional reactions as resulting from cognitions, rather than understanding
  19. A profit following significant restructuring. Tourism also offers good game, viewing ,and some of the most remote and unspoiled wilderness in Southern Africa.
  20. They split up Cushitic into five or more independent branches of Afroasiatic, viewing ,Cushitic as a Sprachbund rather than a language family. * Christopher Egret (
  21. In procedural terms, not in terms of things or substances. The Buddha advised, viewing ,reality as consisting of dependently originated phenomena; Buddhists view this
  22. Professional astronomers. Amateur astronomy is usually associated with, viewing ,the night sky when most celestial objects and events are visible, but sometimes
  23. Identification The scanning tunneling microscope is a device for, viewing ,surfaces at the atomic level. It uses the quantum tunneling phenomenon, which
  24. University, Nova Scotia; major portions of which are available for online, viewing , A number of historic sites and other marks commemorate Bell in North America
  25. Temporarily disrupts trading at the NYSE by throwing dollar bills from the, viewing ,gallery, causing trading to cease as brokers scramble to grab them. *1981 –
  26. House opened in New York City using ten Kinetochores, a device for peep-show, viewing ,of films. *1906 – The Abuse Street Revival opens and will launch Pentecostalism
  27. A physics student, De Palma became enraptured with the filmmaking process after, viewing ,Citizen Kane and Vertigo. De Palma subsequently enrolled at the newly coed
  28. As being a pioneer of the sport because he allowed an audience to enjoy, viewing ,his physique in" muscle display performances ". Although audiences were
  29. And porcelain which had previously never before been available for the public, viewing , The exhibition ran from September 27 to December 3. The borzoi may frequently
  30. With the Motion Picture Association of America, film critics and the, viewing ,public. De Palma is known for quoting and referencing other director's work
  31. Mr. Logo is among the interviewees of the 27-minute documentary. However,a, viewing ,of the film itself reveals that Lugosi said this line correctly, the exact
  32. Bolsheviks generally refused to co-operate with liberal or radical parties, viewing ,them as" bourgeois" parties, or even eventually other socialist organizations
  33. Air Force Plant 42,Palmdale, California,where it was assembled. This initial, viewing ,was heavily guarded and guests were not allowed to see the rear of the B-2.
  34. Designed by Peter Joseph Lenny. In Kreuzberg the Viktoriapark provides a good, viewing ,point over the southern part of inner city Berlin. Repower Park beside the
  35. Aligning different DNA and protein sequences to compare them and creating and, viewing ,3-D models of protein structures. There are two fundamental ways of modelling a
  36. Accompanying Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog *In-Theater Audio Commentary, viewing ,a film in a theater while listening to commentary on a portable audio player A
  37. Video recorders (such as Tito) allow users to record the programs for later, viewing , enabling them to fast-forward through commercials. Additionally, as more
  38. Automatic TV switch box, allowing it to automatically switch from regular TV, viewing ,to the game system signal when the system was activated. Previous RF adapters
  39. An independent Cuba. " Martí noticed with alarm the movement to annex Hawaii, viewing ,it was establishing a pattern for Cuba…""Martí's impatience to start the
  40. Space. For the first time, Baroque sculpture often had multiple ideal, viewing ,angles. The characteristic Baroque sculpture added extra-sculptural elements
  41. Of ASCII characters, which is usually the case for HTML documents. Successful, viewing ,of a page is not necessarily an indication that its encoding is specified
  42. Genre than the novel does. William Gibson would later reveal that upon first, viewing ,the film, he was surprised at how the look of this film matched his vision when
  43. Have developed, which focus on Revelation as a work of art and imagination, viewing ,the imagery as symbolic depictions of timeless truths and the victory of good
  44. In proximity to the shore which provides spectacular heart of the action, viewing ,for the on-shore audience. Religion Cultural references * The Academy
  45. Similarly negative views, with 4 percent of Turks and 9 percent of Indonesians, viewing ,Jews favorably. Edward Roth stein, cultural critic of The New York Times, writes
  46. To y ", and is denoted by dry or R (x, y ). The latter notation corresponds to, viewing ,R as the characteristic function on" X" x" Y" for the set of pairs of G.
  47. Their selected television channel visible in one section of the screen whilst, viewing ,the text service, in contrast to Colfax, which could only be viewed as a
  48. Home for SAG actors in the San Fernando Valley. * Elton John's AIDS fundraiser, viewing ,party airs the awards live at the nearby Pacific Design Center. * The Governors
  49. The eye opposite the sleeping hemisphere to remain vigilant for predators by, viewing ,the outer margins of the flock. This adaptation is also known from marine
  50. In the South Unit, while the Forest Drive Unit is a great place for wildlife, viewing , The Boat Ramp Unit provides access to the more than lake.; Camping/cabins

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