Examples of the the word, conscience , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conscience ), is the 5176 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; * the right of, conscience ,and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society
  2. Hereof shall forever enjoy full, free,absolute, and uninterrupted liberty of, conscience , " One of the Baptist founders, John Gang, had also been the founding minister
  3. Which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human, conscience ,in our times ", not for his novel The Fall, published the previous year, but
  4. Socrates, in the trial leading up to his own death, put the issue of a personal, conscience ,in those troubled times quite succinctly:::" ... he who will really fight for
  5. The army of the Liberators but was later pardoned by Augustus. Augustus' bad, conscience ,for having put Cicero on the proscription list during the Second Triumvirate
  6. As a ghost during the banquet scene serves as an indicator of Macbeth's, conscience ,returning to plague his thoughts. Banquo's triumph over death appears
  7. The government. The Norwegian Nobel Committee called him a spokesman for the, conscience ,of mankind. On December 19, 1986 Mikhail Gorbachev who had initiated the
  8. Zubaydah views himself as part of al-Qaida as a matter of subjective personal, conscience , ideology, or worldview. Pg. 36 The Government has not contended in this
  9. Own testimony ... Cannot everyone who sees, even the blind, say with a good, conscience ,that such things are a powerful, unusual,and miraculous act of God? Those who
  10. Had murdered, including Buckingham. Richard is portrayed as suffering a pang of, conscience , but as he speaks he regains his confidence and asserts that he will be evil
  11. Revenge. She gives him food, and speaks to him, urging him not to" have on his, conscience ,the staggering burden of needless bloodshed" ( verse 31,NIV) and reminding
  12. Has brought on the fall of other nations and people… I say it is time to put, conscience ,back in government. And by good example, put it back in all walks of American
  13. 6-0 decision, the Lord's Day Act was ruled an infringement of the freedom of, conscience ,and religion defined in section 2 (a) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  14. To those who do not believe, nothing is pure because both their mind and their, conscience ,are defiled. ”:“ To the pure all things are pure has the ring of a proverb.
  15. Third Type" cyborg which was an all female line of cyborgs designed to have, conscience , free will and the ability to procreate as a way for a Mars-colony to better
  16. Man would dare consider for his own selfish sake are perpetrated with a clear, conscience ,by altruists who justify themselves by the common good. " (The" altruists "
  17. At the cost of a complex explanation of why they could take the oath in good, conscience , His position satisfied neither the Pope, who condemned it within days of
  18. Were the greatest advocates of religious freedom,“ claiming liberty of, conscience ,to be an ‘ inalienable right of every rational creature. ’” Whitefield’s
  19. Be returned to the same jail in Washington’D. C. He regretfully said:" My, conscience ,tells me I should have gone (to jail),but I was shaking all over. It was
  20. And submission to the proclaimed worldly king () in matters not contrary to, conscience , #The endorsement by the popes and the Church of the line of emperors beginning
  21. Smith critically examines the moral thinking of his time, and suggests that, conscience ,arises from social relationships. His goal in writing the work was to explain
  22. Which with clear-sighted earnestness illuminates the problems of the human, conscience ,in our times ". He was the second-youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize in
  23. Made a farewell suicide video. In it, he reads" I am writing this with my full, conscience ,and I am writing this in expectation of the end, which is near... God praise
  24. Film. Scripted by Alejandro Canon, the film is about a top assassin, with his, conscience ,getting the better of him, and a cop on his tail. The Reincarnation of Peter
  25. Meaning. Descartes used" conscientize" the way modern speakers would use ", conscience , " In Search after Truth he says" conscience or internal testimony" (
  26. Him in crime-fighting, a fear that originates from the criminals' own guilty, conscience , Bruce Wayne In his secret identity, Batman is Bruce Wayne, a wealthy
  27. Are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and, conscience ,and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Note that ě is
  28. The mold of A Man for All Seasons (1966),regarding someone who follows their, conscience , and felt sports provided clear situations in this sense. He discovered Eric
  29. On gave her a modest tomb in Museum. Nero would have his mother’s death on his, conscience , He felt so guilty he would sometimes have nightmares about his mother. He even
  30. Raise a similar example, noting that a bank robber who had an attack of, conscience ,and returned the money would still owe reparations for endangering the
  31. Deception) and views this as being quite distinct from the apparent absence of, conscience ,evident in sociopaths. According to Peck, an evil person: * Is consistently
  32. Those he calls evil to be attempting to escape and hide from their own, conscience ,(through self-deception) and views this as being quite distinct from the
  33. Best ordinary notion that approximates moral intuition would be the idea of a, conscience , Another argument for non-naturalism Moore also introduced what is called the
  34. Animal nature. Mahayana Located in the feet, this is the dark realm 'without, conscience ,', and inner blindness. Fatal Located in the soles of the feet, this is the
  35. Kevin, a Michigan Democrat, was clearly outraged. " Somehow there has to be a, conscience ,here. Aren't you troubled?," he said. The report describes one incident in
  36. Detective stories, and partly on the promptings of the honest author's inner, conscience , " Ronald Knox wrote a set of Ten Commandments or Decalogue in 1929,see
  37. The National League for Democracy in Burma (Myanmar) and a noted prisoner of, conscience , She is a Buddhist and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. Most recently
  38. Who engaged in such non-violent action, and particularly those who suffer for, conscience ,' sake as a result; and be it further Resolved, that this General Convention
  39. Is" not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the response of a good, conscience ,toward God" ( 1 Peter 3:21). One author from the churches of Christ describes
  40. On him, like a child. He dismisses Nora's agonized choice made against her, conscience ,for the sake of his health and her years of secret efforts to free them from
  41. Jurisdictions on issues that may otherwise concern only an individual's, conscience , Activities sometimes criminalized on religious grounds include (for example)
  42. Indeed, the ethical value of (negative) freedom is grounded on the idea that, conscience ,cannot be coerced, and is thus the ultimate standard of morality. The
  43. e.g. to enforce access for a divorced father to his child). Article 9 -, conscience ,and religion Article 9 provides a right to freedom of thought, conscience and
  44. Way modern speakers would use" conscience . " In Search after Truth he says ", conscience ,or internal testimony" ( conscientize Del intern testimony). In philosophy
  45. Are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and, conscience ,and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. *Scottish Gaelic
  46. Malaysia, to India, to Pakistan, reaching Mauritania ... and so we discuss the, conscience ,of this nation. " Others, however,see al-Qaeda as an integrated network that
  47. Targum Jonah translates this as," Whoever knows that there are sins on his, conscience ,let him repent of them, and we will be pitied before the Lord. " God does not
  48. The world is. The heart of the verse is that purity is a matter of the mind and, conscience , not an attribute of things. ” TiB 1955 XI p. 532“ 16. They declare that they
  49. 9 - conscience and religion Article 9 provides a right to freedom of thought, conscience ,and religion. This includes the freedom to change a religion or belief, and to
  50. Changes to make the course challenging. Keeping the raw and environmentally, conscience ,elements gives each course its own personality and strategy. Safety is

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