Examples of the the word, venture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( venture ), is the 2706 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Emma channels (Q-Music and Joe FM) and 2.65 % for the Cordelia/Concentrate joint, venture ,channel (Radio Nostalgia). Publicity management Radio advertising is managed
  2. Is limited to fresh water habitats and unlike other manatees, they do not, venture ,into salt water. It is classified as vulnerable by the IUCN. The Amazon and its
  3. Co., an investment company formed by the government of Abu Dhabi. The new, venture ,is called GlobalFoundries Inc. This partnership will allow AMD to focus solely
  4. Holding S. p. A. owned all shares Sense previously hold. KEEP, itself a joint, venture , is held by Benedetto AS Roma LLC and UniCredit in 60-40 ratio, which the
  5. Operations in 1917,having invested a substantial amount of funds into the new, venture , both at the outset, Asphalt was also used for flooring, paving and
  6. Are called" static air shows ". Outline Some air shows are held as a business, venture ,or as a trade event where aircraft, avionics and other services are promoted to
  7. Forest. The lake, located in central Louisiana, was constructed as a joint, venture ,of the Louisiana Forestry Commission, the Rapids Parish Police Jury, and the
  8. At the end of each episode. For many years,20th Century Fox, through a joint, venture ,with CBS called CBS/Fox Video, officially released select episodes of
  9. Was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not, venture ,to punish its perpetrators (2 Samuel 3:31-39; cf. 1 Kings 2:31ff. ). David had
  10. Gambia comments her concert tours are" like her life—a massive money-making, venture ,designed to play up her talents and distract from her shortcomings with a mix
  11. To spin off manufacturing operations in the form of a multibillion-dollar joint, venture ,with Advanced Technology Investment Co., an investment company formed by the
  12. Granted that a domed stadium was a must for a major-league team to be a viable, venture ,in the Phoenix area. Phoenix is by far the hottest major city in North America;
  13. Which he dubbed the National League of Baseball Clubs. To aid him in this, venture , Hubert enlisted the help of Spalding. Playing to the pitcher's desire to
  14. Former RED Motor Car Company ** Honda Atlas Cars Pakistan, Atlas Group joint, venture ,with Honda to build cars and motorbikes * Atlas-Imperial, a historic American
  15. Each other's flights. Less than a week after American's transatlantic joint, venture ,was launched, the DOT gave preliminary approval to American's new transpacific
  16. Savings plans. RFMBT is the only merchant bank in The Bahamas and is a joint, venture ,with Royal Bank of Canada. It provides investment products and services and
  17. The DOT gave preliminary approval to American's new transpacific joint, venture ,with Japan Airlines on October 7,Japan gave final approval to the venture
  18. Fraught with physical, financial or psychological risk, such as a business, venture , a love affair, or other major life undertakings. Adventurous experiences
  19. As Yahoo!, Microsoft,and Google as candidates for turning AOL into a joint, venture ,; those plans were apparently abandoned when it was revealed on December 20
  20. This was the first step in opening up the vast interior. The success of the, venture ,called attention to the opportunities for economic exploitation of the Amazon
  21. Called FALL, and merged into a new company called FALL LLC in 2003. The joint, venture ,firm went public under ticker symbol SPSN in December 2005,with AMD shares
  22. Ought to write the story of his own life in his own hand; but no one should, venture ,on such a splendid undertaking before he is over forty. " These criteria for
  23. Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, non-partisan public media organization, with Austin, venture ,capitalist http://austin venture s.com/team/teammember.asp? ID 24 John Thornton
  24. Corner of the island. This Air Force base is a joint American and Portuguese, venture , Lakes Field continues to support United States and Portuguese military
  25. A significant drop in precipitation in the Titicaca Basin. Some archaeologists, venture ,to label this a major drought. As the rainfall decreased, many of the cities
  26. Group in 2000. On 12 March 2007,it was purchased for £479 million by a joint, venture ,company, headed by David Richards and co-owned by Investment DAR and
  27. Newsgroup) (5.99 %) and De Tied (Media fin) (4.08 %). Media fin is a joint, venture ,of De Newsgroup and Group Russel. Major French-language daily newspapers in
  28. Business career. Schwarzenegger and Columbus used profits from their bricklaying, venture ,to start a mail order business, selling bodybuilding and fitness-related
  29. Claude Bureau, Canadian playwright (d. 1971) *1926 – Arthur Rock, American, venture , capitalist *1928 – Bernard Kevin, English journalist, author,and broadcaster (
  30. USD450 million Methanol plant developed by the Brunei Methanol Company, a joint, venture ,between Petroleum Brunei and two leading Japanese companies, Mitsubishi
  31. Points of the Berlin Wall, is still preserved and also has a museum, a private, venture ,which exhibits comprehensive documentation of detailed plans and strategies
  32. Town, Maine. In this week, members of the Penobscot Tribe from all over Maine, venture ,to the Penobscot Indian Island Reservation in Old Town and take part in games
  33. Found Deutsch-Russische Luftverkehrs A. G. (Derelict),a German-Russian joint, venture ,to provide air transport from Russia to the West. Domestic air service began
  34. Believed that" at that time the Department of Education, itself,was a dubious, venture , " Four individuals (Ellen Wells, John W. Carr, Judge Susan Kirchner, and
  35. The economy. Oil and gas industry Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP),a joint, venture ,owned in equal shares by the Brunei Government and the Royal Dutch/She'll group
  36. Their participation indicates that Albion had the support of the Franks for his, venture , The precise size of the heterogeneous group gathered by Albion is impossible
  37. Augmenting the local exchange with an International Securities Market (ISM), venture , Transport on the island is relatively convenient, with 'route taxis
  38. Appeared to be an" instant" success, it was not initially a profitable, venture ,and Bell's main sources of income were from lectures until after 1897. One
  39. Of the British RB207. The British government was upset and withdrew from the, venture ,; however, the British firm Hawker-Siddeley stayed on as a contractor
  40. Venture with Japan Airlines on October 7,Japan gave final approval to the, venture ,later that month. And the immunity grant was finalized in early November 2010
  41. One of the most significant is the Bokmål Group. Bokmål is a joint, venture ,set up between Malaysian and Bosnian interests. A number of Bosnian students
  42. That day, under the stock symbol NYSE: AOL. History AOL began as a short-lived, venture ,called Control Video Corporation (or CVC),founded by Bill on Master. Its
  43. Brussels' regions are Emma, SBS Belgium and Media ad Infinite. Emma is a joint, venture ,of De Newsgroup and Roberta Media Group. The main competitors in the Wallonia
  44. Air operations in 1999. Versions of the HARM The newest upgrade is a joint, venture ,by the Italian Ministry of Defense and the US Department of Defense: the
  45. Year to three Japanese utilities. The Japanese company, Mitsubishi,is a joint, venture ,partner with Shell and the Brunei Government in Brunei LNG, Brunei Cold gas, and
  46. Earth ships, similar in intent to the Ark project, but organized as a for-profit, venture , with construction details published in a series of 3 books by Mike Reynolds.
  47. Irving's words, the fur traders were" Sinbad of the wilderness ", and their, venture ,was a staging point for the spread of American economic power into both the
  48. 2010. On October 1,American, British Airways, and Iberia launched their joint, venture , enabling, among other things, frequent flyers to earn and redeem miles on each
  49. Animals may take refuge in the entrances of the caves but do not generally, venture ,into the deep portions of the cavern system. Abatement may refer to:
  50. For its aspartame sweetener — Amino Sweet. Holland Sweetener Company A joint, venture ,of DSM and Tosh, the Holland Sweetener Company manufactured aspartame using

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