Examples of the the word, muslim , in a Sentence Context
The word ( muslim ), is the 2723 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Residing in coastal areas of the state follow Shaft'i school. Most of Tamil, muslim , people follow Shadhiliyya Sufi order and Er wadi in Ramanathapuram district and
- Of Mariyah is nearly exclusively Shi‘a Muslims with large Mandarin and Sunni, muslim , communities,until 1951 the town was a home to a sizable Jewish community.
- Muslim 36th Division (National Revolutionary Army) defeated the Turkic, muslim , Uyghur and Kirghiz armies of the Turkish Islamic Republic, and destroyed the
- Qatari Ethnic groups Arab 40 %, Pakistani 85,000 Indian 600,000 (60 %, muslim ,40 % Hindu),Iranian 10 %, other 14 % Religions Islam 71 % - 77.5 %, Christian
- Muslims. Teachers at schools with large shares of Muslims revealed that, muslim , students often" praise or admire Adolf Hitler for his killing of Jews ", that
- The Turkic Muslim Emirs Abdullah Buffy and Our Ahmad Jan Buffy. The Chinese, muslim , General Ma Chongqing then entered Idea Mosque in Kashmir, and lectured the
- Which was the most sophisticated culture during antiquity, suffered under, muslim , conquests limiting its scientific prowess during the Medieval period. Christian
- With the prayer hall, also known as the Mulally in another room for the 5 daily, muslim , prayers prostration. Other doctrines of the Nation of Islam are disputed
- To have had any direct effect on this region of the central plain. " The Hui, muslim , population of Beijing was unaffected by the Muslim rebels during the Duncan
- On July 29, 2006,one person was killed at a Jewish center in Seattle when a, muslim , opened fire in the location. This shooting was in response to the offender's
- Small Tai groups include the Shan, Lue, and Bhutan. Malay and Yawi-speaking, muslim , 's language of the south comprise another significant minority group (2.3 %).
- Of the area to the control of the Republic of China government, Chinese,Muslim, forces then executed the Turkic Muslim Emirs Abdullah Buffy and Our Ahmad Jan
- To man's premarital (Fit rah) nature practiced by all prophets of God. A, muslim , may trim or cut hair on head. The hairs on the chest and the back but may be
- To Article VI of Treaty of Cars on condition that autonomy is provided for the, muslim , population. The Soviet Union established the Adar Autonomous Soviet Socialist
- Against landaus. The king conquers San from the Christian allies of the, muslim , taifas. In a drive to consolidate his southern border, he repopulates the city
- And a coalition of the King of Afghanistan Ahmad Shah Abdul with 2 Indian, muslim , allies --- the Gorilla Afghans of the Drab, and the Away of Ouch
- The disarray that followed the second Anglo-Afghan war. Known to be a hard core, muslim , who converted mass number of Hindus and Buddhists to Muslim by way of slaughter
- The Byzantine Empire's gradual loss of territory to an expanding Islam and the, muslim , conquest of Persia. This caused Christianity to become important to the
- Of Venice the fact that it was the only part of Greece never conquered by the, muslim , Turks. A series of attempts by the Ottoman Turks to take the island began in
- And 20 % of Muslims living in the Middle East and North Africa. Etymology A, muslim , (,;, or Mosley) is the participle of the same verb of which Islam is the
- And became the most powerful military official in the province. Also, the Hui, muslim , population of Beijing was unaffected by the Muslim rebels during the Duncan
- Of Kashmir (1934),Battle of Yang Hussar and Battle of Garland. The Chinese, muslim , Generals Ma Yuan and Ma Chancing declared the destruction of the rebel forces
- The current government of China defines a Hui as a Chinese speaker with foreign, muslim , ancestry. Practicing the Islamic religion is not required. History Origins The
- Shi'a Muslim cities of Barbara and Naval in Iraq, massacred parts of the Shi'a, muslim , population and destroyed the tombs of Human in Ali, the grandson of Muhammad
- One Jewish father also told that his child after school had been taken by a, muslim , mob (though managed to escape),reportedly" to be taken out to the forest
- First name was Hüsamettin, which means" sword of faith". Tarzan comes from a, muslim , family. His parents were part of the generation of Turkish immigrants that came
- President, Asian American Journalists Association * Zhang Changsha 张承志, Hui,Muslim, writer and author of History of the Soul. * Zhang DAI 張岱 (1597–1689),Ming
- Again divided between north and south. Miscellaneous Bad Chong, the future, muslim , General,then a student at a law and political science school, joined a student
- Into western art. Note that despite the taboo of figurative visualization, some,Muslim, countries did cultivate a rich tradition in painting, though not in its own
- After Indonesia),and its status as a declared nuclear power, being the only, muslim , nation to have that status, plays a part in its international role. Pakistan
- Of refugees people migrated from various parts of Pakistan and settled on the, muslim , properties in Partial. The then Maharajah of Partial, His Highness Ravindra
- The EK. II personally by Himmler in the days after the mutiny. Because of his, muslim , faith,only wore the ribbon, and not the cross. Knight's Cross of the Iron
- Under Abdul Aziz in Muhammad in Said attacked and captured the holy Shi'a, muslim , cities of Barbara and Naval in Iraq, massacred parts of the Shi'a Muslim
- And animals ", that despite the massive killings between government forces and, muslim , rebels in the Duncan revolt (1862–1877) in Gansu," Yet while this slaughter
- Is a monastery of cloistered monks, which is located in what was a farm or, muslim , almunia called Andaman that means Fountain of the Tears, and had a wealth of
- Chinese and the Tongans (Chinese Muslims). Yakut Beg seized AKS from Chinese, muslim , forces and forced them north of the Then Shan mountains, committing massacres
- As Jahangir Nagar. It was a provincial capital and a center of the worldwide, muslim , trade. The modern city, however,was developed chiefly under British rule in
- Vijayanagar in 1565,the empire crumbled at the Battle of Talbot. Most, muslim , rulers of south India were Shia Muslims. Mughal era The Mughal Empire () was
- Is the second form of marriage. It is" Harm" in Sunni Islam according to, muslim , scholars. It is a fixed-term marriage, which is a marriage with a preset
- Defeated Yaqui Beg and destroyed his army. Yakut Beg was disliked by his Turkic, muslim , subjects,burdening them with heavy taxes and subjecting them to a harsh
- The ritual of the gnaw (or group) follow rules, that are part from the, muslim , sufi tradition and partly of African animistic origin similar to the traditions
- By Habit Camilla Abdullahi and Muhammad Amino Buffy. However, the Chinese, muslim ,36th Division (National Revolutionary Army) defeated the Turkic Muslim Uyghur
- Republic of China government, Chinese Muslim forces then executed the Turkic, muslim , Emirs Abdullah Buffy and Our Ahmad Jan Buffy. The Chinese Muslim General Ma
- A multi-ethnic and multi-culture democratic country with the majority of moderate, muslim , population,Indonesia faces the challenges to deal with terrorism that linked
- 1901–1955) of British India during the Anglo-Afghan Wars would castrate non, muslim , soldiers who were captured, like British and Sikhs. Slave Trade Early on in
- The Huey and Answer armies made up the larger Baying Army. In the war Chinese, muslim , Hui soldiers engaged in battle against Japan. Qing Muslim General Duo Bangui (
- For his killing of Jews ", that " Jew-hate is legitimate within vast groups of, muslim , students " and that" Muslims laugh or command teachers to stop when trying to
- City and capital of Norway, until Bergen is founded in 1070. * In Spain,the, muslim , de facto ruler of landaus, al-Mansur, with the support of the Christians
- Malappuram District owes to the Kerala Gulf diaspora. Malappuram is one of two, muslim , majority districts or Union Territories in south India other being Lakshadweep.
- To be a hard core Muslim who converted mass number of Hindus and Buddhists to, muslim , by way of slaughter. {Background and early career Before his death in Heart
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