Examples of the the word, placebo , in a Sentence Context

The word ( placebo ), is the 8878 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Increases the live birth rate, although this effect could be due to the, placebo ,effect and the small number of acceptable trials. A further result of this
  2. All studies showed 51 % efficacy - only two points better than that of, placebo , Types Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Selective serotonin reuptake
  3. To lie to patients about alternative medicines known to be no more than a, placebo ,in order to achieve a placebo effect, and “ diverting research time, money,and
  4. The entire body represented on it. The effectiveness of acupuncture beyond the, placebo ,effect is not well established. There is general agreement that acupuncture is
  5. The authors found that no trial employing both blinding and psychological, placebo ,has found CBT to be effective in schizophrenia. The authors also found few
  6. Mexico also found that antidepressant drugs hardly have better effects than a, placebo ,in those cases of mild or moderate depression. The study was published in the
  7. Of depression * An assessment of antidepressants compared with an" active, placebo ," * An assessment of the newer types of the MALI class * A meta-analysis of
  8. The tendency for results to indicate that acupuncture is little more than a, placebo , " In 1993 neurologist Arthur Tab called acupuncture“ nonsense with needles.
  9. Travel itself. A large, randomized,controlled trial in 2000 of aspirin against, placebo ,in 13,000 patients with hip fractures found" a 29 % relative risk reduction in
  10. In a clinical trial it is necessary to show superior efficacy to, placebo , A review of both published and unpublished trials submitted to the U. S. FDA
  11. 41 %) showed any therapeutic response to an antipsychotic, compared to 24 % on, placebo , and that there was a decline in treatment response over time, and possibly a
  12. Clinical trials for menstrual pain, aspirin demonstrated higher efficacy than, placebo , but lower than ibuprofen or naproxen, although maximum doses of aspirin were
  13. Rare in the general population, with an incidence rate below 1 % and similar to, placebo , However, they occur with greater frequency in recreational abusers
  14. Whether, and under what conditions, sham acupuncture may function as a true, placebo , particularly in studies on pain, in which insertion of needles anywhere near
  15. May attribute symptomatic relief to an otherwise-ineffective therapy due to the, placebo ,effect, the natural recovery from or the cyclical nature of an illness (the
  16. Benefits from the placebo response. It is difficult to construct a trustworthy, placebo ,for clinical trials of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT),as experts often
  17. Survey of family physicians found that 56 % of respondents said they had used a, placebo ,in clinical practice as well. Eighty-five percent of respondents believed
  18. Are, according to The Economist," statistically indistinguishable from, placebo ,treatments. " Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, defines alternative
  19. To become available in generic form, found only marginal benefit compared with, placebo ,and that, despite its widespread use, evidence remains limited, poorly reported
  20. Points but not puncturing the skin, which is called a" sham treatment" or ", placebo ,". The World Health Organization Scientific disagreement over methodological
  21. Decreased oxidized low-density lipoprotein and malondialdehyde at 8 weeks vs, placebo , However, cranberry juice consumption caused no significant improvements in
  22. A 2002 study cited that the difference between antidepressants and, placebo ,is close to negligible. Through Freedom of Information Act request, two
  23. Alternative medicines known to be no more than a placebo in order to achieve a, placebo ,effect, and “ diverting research time, money,and other resources from more
  24. Is kept from either the experimenter or the participant to mitigate the, placebo ,effect or observer bias. The expression" blind leading the blind" refers to
  25. While still taking it, compared to 41 % whose antidepressant was switched for a, placebo , The American Psychiatric Association guidelines advise four to five months of
  26. Provides it. Chiropractic care, like all medical treatment, benefits from the, placebo ,response. It is difficult to construct a trustworthy placebo for clinical
  27. Irving Kirsch argues that the small benefit of antidepressants over, placebo ,might itself be an" enhanced" placebo effect, brought about because patients
  28. Needles into" true" acupuncture on traditional acupuncture points versus ", placebo ," points not associated with any TCM acupuncture points or meridians. The
  29. And sleepiness. Zopiclone reduced slow wave sleep and was similar to, placebo ,in that it produced no lasting benefits after treatment had finished and at
  30. Blinding" so that trial participants could sometimes tell whether they were on, placebo ,or not); and issues with the assessment of outcomes (including the use of a
  31. Its academic proponents sometimes recommend misleading patients by using known, placebo ,treatments in order to achieve a placebo effect. However, a 2010 survey of
  32. Antidepressant trial. Thus, the clinical response to the new drug might be a, placebo ,effect associated with the belief that one is receiving a different medication.
  33. More likely to achieve a 50 % absolute reduction in HRSD than patients given a, placebo , Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
  34. That after 4–6 weeks the effect of benzodiazepines may decrease to the level of, placebo , and that benzodiazepines are less effective than antidepressants in
  35. Reported that one or two of the drugs showed a modest benefit compared to, placebo ,in managing aggression or psychosis, but that this was combined with a
  36. Several decades through better blinding, the use of sham needling as a form of, placebo ,control, etc.) the" more that researchers eliminate bias from their trials
  37. Drugs. For this reason, critics argue that therapies that rely on the, placebo ,effect to define success are very dangerous. According to mental health
  38. Base. A recent randomized controlled trial, however,found no benefit over, placebo ,and recommended that the use of antipsychotics in this way should no longer be
  39. Misleading patients by using known placebo treatments in order to achieve a, placebo ,effect. However, a 2010 survey of family physicians found that 56 % of
  40. With randomly inserting needles, which is called a“ sham treatment ”,“, placebo ,”,“ needling” or" medical acupuncture" if the points are determined by
  41. The major challenges in acupuncture research is in the design of an appropriate, placebo ,control group. In trials of new drugs, double blinding is the accepted standard
  42. Small benefit of antidepressants over placebo might itself be an" enhanced ", placebo ,effect, brought about because patients in clinical trials are able to figure
  43. Very effective. Similarly, aspirin,codeine or paracetamol were not better than, placebo ,for muscle soreness after exercise. Headache Aspirin is a first-line drug in
  44. The included studies (as, amongst others, data for Placebo-controlled study |, placebo ,control could not be obtained). As Chinese medicine is based on folk-remedies
  45. Of acupuncture have concluded it is possible to explain its effects as a, placebo ,effect. A review for the American Pain Society/American College of Physicians
  46. Acid, of vitamin E, of beta-carotene,100 kg of selenium, and of zinc) or, placebo ,pills for an average of 7.5 years. The study concluded that low-dose
  47. The authors found that no trial employing both blinding and psychological, placebo ,has found CBT to be effective in schizophrenia. The authors also found few
  48. Detected nature, makes it difficult to use proper scientific controls for, placebo ,effects. Different types of comparison are made in the scientific literature
  49. Trials are able to figure out whether they have been given the drug or the, placebo ,on the basis of side effects. Robert Whitaker, an award-winning journalist
  50. That the positive results reported for acupuncture can be explained by, placebo ,effect and publication bias. There is general agreement that acupuncture is

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