Examples of the the word, combustion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( combustion ), is the 8876 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Studies for burning materials in closed glass vessels where the products of, combustion ,could be trapped for analysis. The burning glass was a useful contrivance in
  2. Pass does appear to be a continuation of the small Pass. They are found as, combustion ,products, but at lower levels than the small Pass due to the kinetic limitation
  3. As Joseph Priestley had reported, appeared to be water. In" Memoir SUR la, combustion ,en general" (" On Combustion in General," 1777) and" Considerations
  4. The gas from smoke stacks. This device first blows calcium carbonate into the, combustion ,chamber where it decomposes into calcium oxide (lime) and carbon dioxide.
  5. 2 N2 + 6 H2O (g) (Her = – 1267.20 kJ/MOL) The standard enthalpy change of, combustion , Hoc, expressed per mole of ammonia and with condensation of the water formed
  6. Alloys has not precluded their use in rocketry; even for use in constructing, combustion ,chambers where gases can reach 3500 K. The Agent upper stage engine used a
  7. Early airships used man power and steam-power. The more practical internal, combustion ,piston engine was the power source used for virtually all fixed-wing aircraft
  8. Aq) + (a) At standard pressure and temperature, = 10 M. Combustion The, combustion ,of ammonia to nitrogen and water is exothermic:: 4 NH3 + 3 O2 → 2 N2 + 6 H2O (
  9. And is often known as '.880 Ammonia '. Ammonia does not burn readily or sustain, combustion , except under narrow fuel-to-air mixtures of 15–25 % air. When mixed with
  10. Addition to their presence in fossil fuels they are also formed by incomplete, combustion ,of carbon-containing fuels such as wood, coal,diesel, fat,tobacco, and
  11. Are produced. Thus, coal burning produces a different mixture than motor-fuel, combustion ,or a forest fire, making the compounds potentially useful as indicators of the
  12. The fuel cell bay (Sector 4) with rapidly expanding gaseous oxygen and, combustion ,products. It is also possible some combustion occurred of the Mylar/Tapton
  13. An alcohol fuels. Fuel performance can be increased in forced induction internal, combustion ,engines by injecting alcohol into the air intake after the turbocharger or
  14. Heat of formation table for detailed data. The standard enthalpy change of, combustion , Echo, for alkanes increases by about 650 kJ/MOL per CH2 group. Branched-chain
  15. Fuels in internal combustion engines, as they vaporize easily on entry into the, combustion ,chamber without forming droplets, which would impair the uniformity of the
  16. And had developed an overhead cam 4-cylinder engines, using Renwick's patented, combustion ,chamber design, and had tested it in an Enfield Allay chassis. It was the only
  17. Few seconds. The plywood ship had a coating of tar paint, which may have aided, combustion , In October 2005 a group of students from the Massachusetts Institute of
  18. Fuels such as wood, coal,diesel, fat,tobacco, and incense. Different types of, combustion ,yield different distributions of Pass in both relative amounts of individual
  19. Chamber without forming droplets, which would impair the uniformity of the, combustion , Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less prone to premature
  20. Has been proposed as a practical alternative to fossil fuel for internal, combustion ,engines. The calorific value of ammonia is 22.5 MJ/kg (9690 BTU/lb) which is
  21. Guinea pig's metabolism. Lavoisier concluded," la respiration est done one, combustion ," That is, respiratory gas exchange is a combustion , like that of a candle
  22. Expanding gaseous oxygen and combustion products. It is also possible some, combustion ,occurred of the Mylar/Tapton thermal insulation material used to line the
  23. An amount of the least is enough to meet the reaction stoichiometry) leads to, combustion ,without any smoke; with halogens, substitution. In addition, alkanes have been
  24. Related to chemistry. Contributions to chemistry Research on gases, water,and, combustion ,Lavoisier demonstrated the role of oxygen in the rusting of metal, as well as
  25. July 14, 1871). *1885 – Gottlieb Daimler patents the world's first internal, combustion ,motorcycle, the Pathogen *1903 – The Russian battleship Slave, the last of the
  26. With oxygen ( combustion reaction) All alkanes react with oxygen in a, combustion ,reaction, although they become increasingly difficult to ignite as the number
  27. Respiration est done one combustion ," That is, respiratory gas exchange is a, combustion , like that of a candle burning. Law and politics Lavoisier received a law
  28. A carbon arc. Preparation Today acetylene is mainly manufactured by the partial, combustion ,of methane or appears as a side product in the ethylene stream from cracking of
  29. Much of Europe. If produced from coal, the CO2 can be readily sequestered (the, combustion ,products are nitrogen and water). In 1981 a Canadian company converted a 1981
  30. A variety of polyethylene plastics. An important reaction of acetylene is its, combustion , the basis of the acetylene welding technologies. Otherwise, its major
  31. As its first House Speaker. *1826 – Samuel Morey patents the internal, combustion ,engine. *1833 – The Convention of 1833,a political gathering of settlers in
  32. Of rubber, and the polymerization of fuels in the fouling of internal, combustion ,engines. Early research on the role of antioxidants in biology focused on their
  33. Of the Berlin Cathedral Ash may refer to: Products of fire, incineration or, combustion ,The solid remains of fires, such as: * Ash (analytical chemistry),the
  34. Because of the length of time and the ideal weather conditions required for, combustion ,to occur. It was also pointed out that since Syracuse faces the sea towards the
  35. The Nature of Acids," 1778),he demonstrated that the" air" responsible for, combustion ,was also the source of acidity. In 1779,he named this part of the air" oxygen
  36. Conducted experiments that showed that respiration was essentially a slow, combustion ,of organic material using inhaled oxygen. Lavoisier's explanation of
  37. For a flame and animals, indicating that animals produced energy by a type of, combustion ,reaction. Lavoisier also contributed to early ideas on composition and chemical
  38. The alkanes are reasonably volatile liquids. They are used as fuels in internal, combustion ,engines, as they vaporize easily on entry into the combustion chamber without
  39. Gas and refinery process streams. They may also be used to remove CO2 from, combustion ,gases / flue gases and may have potential for abatement of greenhouse gases.
  40. The most common type of rocket, and they typically create their exhaust by the, combustion ,of rocket propellant. Chemical rockets store a large amount of energy in an
  41. Water formed, is – 382.81 kJ/MOL. Dinitrogen is the thermodynamic product of, combustion ,: all nitrogen oxides are unstable with respect to nitrogen and oxygen, which is
  42. Small pyrotechnic charge at the base of the projectile to introduce sufficient, combustion ,products into the low-pressure region behind the base of the projectile
  43. The propellant in a contained area, either the chamber of a gun barrel or the, combustion ,chamber of a rocket motor. Until the late 19th century the only available
  44. And can substantially increase the reactivity. Reactions with oxygen (, combustion ,reaction) All alkanes react with oxygen in a combustion reaction, although
  45. As the number of carbon atoms increases. The general equation for complete, combustion ,is:: CnH2n+2 + (1.5n+0.5)O2 → (n+1)H2O + nCO2 In the absence of sufficient
  46. Engine had a small chance of exploding when burned for long periods unless its, combustion ,chamber was" coated" first. Burning the engine for a short period would
  47. Of organic material using inhaled oxygen. Lavoisier's explanation of, combustion ,disproved the florist theory, which postulated that materials released a
  48. Oxyacetylene gas welding and cutting due to the high temperature of the flame;, combustion ,of acetylene with oxygen produces a flame of over 3600 K (3300 °C,6000 °F)
  49. Jet aircraft Air breathing jet engines take in air, burn fuel with it in a, combustion ,chamber, and accelerate the exhaust rearwards at high speed to provide thrust.
  50. 4 NH3 + 5 O2 → 4 NO + 6 H2O A subsequent reaction leads to water and NO2 The, combustion ,of ammonia in air is very difficult in the absence of a catalyst (such as

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