Examples of the the word, unexpected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unexpected ), is the 4350 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Increasing favor from the government and the artistic community. From the, unexpected ,realism of his first major figure — inspired by his 1875 trip to Italy — to the
  2. With a" trap door" into their background so that, in the event of an actor's, unexpected ,departure from the series, the character could be written out with minimal
  3. Ḫams team, where certain words have a special plural with prefixed t. Also, unexpected ,emphatic ṭ in the numbers 13-19 (e.g. ḫamṣṭaʿšar" fifteen" < hamlet NASA)
  4. By James Bradley was one of the most important in astronomy. It was totally, unexpected , and it was only by extraordinary perseverance and perspicuity that Bradley was
  5. He was while dragging out his corpse. This last twist of welcoming death is, unexpected ,and contributes to the alienation. Another example of Verfremdungseffekt in the
  6. Used in particular situations or simply to confuse the offense with an, unexpected ,look. Offensive plays are more varied, normally involving planned passes and
  7. Lines that would have to be replaced or moved. Tunnel workers encountered many, unexpected ,geological and archaeological barriers, ranging from glacial debris to
  8. The tax to Ireland gained him further enemies, and he was also hampered by an, unexpected ,increase in defense expenditure, which was forced on him by Derby and Sir John
  9. In 1935. Although he had long suffered from heart trouble, his early death was, unexpected ,; taken ill suddenly at the end of 1934,he lay bedridden for three months
  10. Ranges, in men and in the elderly. ... These results may help to explain the, unexpected ,better survival in overweight/mild obese patients. " A 2010 study that followed
  11. Depicted in the film that the seven rise to greatness. " Kurosawa locates the, unexpected ,benefits no less than the tragedy of this historical moment. The upheaval
  12. And sees many unusual things, until escaping from his predicament in a rather, unexpected ,way. Within this frame story are found multiple digressions, the longest among
  13. By the Ambrosia Singers overlaid partly by a composition by Angeles. One, unexpected ,touch is that Jerusalem is sung in four-part harmony, as if it were truly a
  14. Saturn flights (notably Apollo 6),but on Apollo 13 they were amplified by an, unexpected ,interaction with turbo pump line to dampen pressure oscillations, an automatic
  15. S as the French and Bavarian troops tried to draw into battle-order to face the, unexpected ,threat. At about 08:00 the French artillery on their right wing opened fire
  16. Home gives Audi the perfect environment to connect with gamers in an, unexpected ,way, and we made sure to push the platform to its limits with the new Audi Space
  17. His long-lost children. Her betrothal to the Captain obviously nullified by the, unexpected ,revelation that he's actually her brother, Philia weds Hero; Pseudos gets
  18. Of course still remains lender of last resort in the case of any further, unexpected ,shock to the UK financial system. Functions of the Bank of England
  19. Buggy),it can delete a person's work, crash the computer and do other, unexpected ,things. Faults and errors are called" bugs. " Many bugs are discovered and
  20. Knowledge or a rudimentary understanding of the situation: they fail as, unexpected ,circumstances outside its original problem context begin to appear. When
  21. In July 2008,Russia increased the total price to US$3.4 billion because of, unexpected ,cost overruns due to the deteriorated condition of the ship. In February 2009
  22. Carbon-carbon braking" system—a technology Graham pioneered in 1976. However, unexpected ,movement of the car's aerodynamic center of pressure made its handling
  23. To form after being inconsistent for much of the late 1930s; Roma recorded an, unexpected ,title triumph in the 1941–42 season by winning their first ever students title.
  24. Was sailing from Cuba to London. The Jorgenson provisions were strained by the, unexpected ,passengers, but after a difficult passage on very short rations the ship
  25. That a person can go beyond the minimum expectations of the law and choose the, unexpected , However, the importance of the law is evident within the Book of Ruth, and the
  26. Soul ", the music at the heart of this movement was given new life by the, unexpected ,success of two particular recordings on the Jackson-based Malabo label: Z. Z.
  27. Same fashion Alex attacked his 'druids' in the film. (In slow motion at an, unexpected ,moment while playing the same music from the film). *In the short-lived Safe
  28. Who were electoral lobbyists for the American Republican Party, Bennett won an, unexpected ,majority. After several weeks of silence in the aftermath, a sitting of the
  29. Measurements of many of the parameters of the Big Bang model, and have made the, unexpected ,discovery that the expansion of the Universe appears to be accelerating.
  30. Of scientific method, in which observations are made to test a theory, but, unexpected , results are sometimes obtained that in turn lead to new discoveries. It is also
  31. The death of the last of the Fatimid dynasty. Saladin's rise to Sultan was an, unexpected ,reprieve for Jerusalem, as Nu rad-Din was now preoccupied with reining in his
  32. To include computer vision, natural language understanding, and dealing with, unexpected ,circumstances while solving any real world problem. With current technology
  33. The plague and instructs Room to burn all his papers. But Grand makes an, unexpected ,recovery, and deaths from the plague start to decline. Part five By late
  34. To the test using real code. Empirical testing is useful because it may uncover, unexpected ,interactions that affect performance. Benchmarks may be used to compare
  35. Of even more orgiastic violence. Alex skips school the next day. Following an, unexpected ,visit from P. R. Deltoid, his " post-corrective advisor," Alex meets a pair of
  36. His results, particularly his important mass-luminosity relation. This had the, unexpected ,result of showing that virtually all stars, including giants and dwarfs
  37. A motion further shown by observations on the 20th. These results were, unexpected ,and inexplicable by existing theories. However, an examination of the telescope
  38. Text mining, machine translation, and word sense disambiguation) *Dealing with, unexpected ,circumstances while solving any real world problem, whether it's navigation or
  39. In the Democratic gubernatorial primary of 1980. Some suggested Schwarzlose's, unexpected ,voter turnout foreshadowed Clinton's defeat in the general election that year
  40. With a single parameter * Error-trapping, allowing BASIC programs to handle, unexpected ,errors by means of a subroutine written in BASIC Conversely, Applesoft lacked
  41. The plague himself and asks Room to burn his manuscript. But then he makes an, unexpected ,recovery. At the end of the novel, Grand says he is much happier; he has
  42. While taping a TV episode of" Day in Court ", resolved that problem in an, unexpected ,way). Productions After multiple revisions, the show opened on Broadway on
  43. S final years were marked by advancing illness and by family tragedy, with the, unexpected ,deaths of one of his two daughters and a beloved granddaughter. A lifelong
  44. Sequences. An algorithmic view: the Sade triangle The sequence Sn has another, unexpected ,yet important property: The denominators of Sn divide the factorial (n − 1)!.
  45. Of our species is far from trivial, and,as we have seen, can lead to quite, unexpected ,constraints on physical theory. This reasoning does, however,demonstrate that
  46. S home when he died at 1:45 a. m. EDT (05:45 GMT),said his death was not, unexpected , " There was a gospel song that was sung (at his bedside) and (when it was
  47. Audience draw. Berg had interrupted the orchestration of Lulu because of an, unexpected ,(and financially much-needed) commission from the Russian/American violinist
  48. The Shoos debuted. As a result, he reaped enormous financial rewards from the, unexpected ,(and almost unprecedented) merchandising phenomenon that followed. As in the
  49. Reach the top 10 since their 1962 breakthrough. In December, they would score an, unexpected ,number two hit (number three in the UK) with the single" Barbara Ann "
  50. Navigation and guidance computer distracted the crew with the first of several, unexpected ," 1202" and" 1201" program alarms. Inside Mission Control Center in Houston

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