Examples of the the word, tutorial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tutorial ), is the 3709 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By sales from the print version of Practical Common Lisp by Peter Label,a, tutorial ,for new Lisp programmers published in 2004. It was briefly Amazon. com's
  2. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Parrot_Virtual_Machine/Squaak_Tutorial squeak ", tutorial ,language * TCL (via http://code.google.com/p/partcl/ part cl) Internals There
  3. Of residence each with its own distinctive style and facilities. All offer, tutorial ,support and a wide range of social and sporting activities in a supportive
  4. Few references to the internet, including online-dating and internet sex, and a, tutorial ,on installing a" bozo filter ". The last page, a column written by Nicholas
  5. Were originally aimed at upperclassmen, the faculty voted in 2001 to expand the, tutorial ,program. There is now a diverse offering of tutorial s, spanning many
  6. Computation Framework (C++) different genotypes, parallel algorithms, tutorial ,* http://jclec.sourceforge.net/ JC LEC - Evolutionary Computation Library in
  7. School is the oldest of several independent schools in the city. *Peter, tutorial ,college, a small independent college on Magdalena Road. *Peter is home to
  8. For most popular subjects. Lessons are organized in lectures, reviews,private, tutorial ,sessions, and recitations. As of 2003,the literacy rate in Taiwan is 96.1 %.
  9. Red Book: OpenGL Programming Guide,7th edition. ISBN 0-321-55262-8: A readable, tutorial ,and reference book – this is a 'must have' book for OpenGL programmers.; The
  10. Game demo campaign, entitled Looming. Comprising three missions and a, tutorial , the campaign acts as a prequel to the events of Star Craft, taking place on a
  11. And reports to the President of the Council of Ministers who exercises a, tutorial ,authority over it. Tourism Between 2005 and 2007,Lebanon was in a state of
  12. Are and the importance of developing and using them. The site includes, tutorial ,modules and case illustrations to introduce the history of standards, the basic
  13. Examination and was able to study for the usual three years. Through his, tutorial ,partner, Norman Miles, he met Kingsley AMIS, who encouraged his taste for
  14. Quickly became one of the youth culture's gateways to DIY culture. This led to, tutorial ,zines showing others how to make their own shirts, posters,zines, books,food
  15. Magazines and books. Role-playing games * Dragon strike (board game and VHS, tutorial ,) (1993) * Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game (Saga System) (1998)
  16. To recognize and assess their pain. Educational resources (such as the, tutorial ,) and observational assessment tools are available. Medications Currently
  17. And the discourse there was of a far different order than any university, tutorial , " Francesco Promotion DEI Costello – François Procope – established the first
  18. At the top for notes in the second octave. Entablature is most commonly found in, tutorial ,books for beginners. Tonic sofa The tonic sofa is found in Ireland and
  19. Is examination-oriented. This does the strong but controversial post-school, tutorial ,education industry favor. India In India, Before The Indian Constitutional
  20. Book: OpenGL Shading Language,3rd edition. ISBN 0-321-63763-1: A readable, tutorial ,and reference book for GLSL. Extensions The OpenGL standard allows individual
  21. Perform research, and deliver lectures and seminars. Colleges arrange the, tutorial ,teaching for their undergraduates. The members of an academic department are
  22. Of tools for PASCAL, with P. J. Pl auger *The Unix Programming Environment,a, tutorial ,book along with Rob Pike *The C Programming Language along with C creator
  23. Three broad ways in which user documentation can be organized. # Tutorial: A, tutorial ,approach is considered the most useful for a new user, in which they are guided
  24. Is still expressed through its command line mode. Vim has a built-in, tutorial ,for beginners (accessible through the" vim tutor" command). There is also
  25. And minors. Juniors and Seniors focus on independent work and increasingly take, tutorial ,classes (one or two students and an instructor). For most students Plan
  26. Which remains no-charge. Sun also offered free web-based training and an online, tutorial ,for students and teachers, free support services for teachers (including
  27. One of the distinctive features of a Williams education is modeled after the, tutorial ,systems at Oxford and the Cambridge, which are rare in American higher
  28. Princess. Still the nine years at court were by no means wasted. Bossuet's, tutorial ,functions involved composing all the necessary books of instruction, including
  29. Readers remain confused, prompting the official Zippy website to feature a, tutorial ,on understanding the strip. The original home of the strip was the San
  30. From a constant discount rate for the entire investment duration. Refer to the, tutorial ,article written by Samuel Baker for more detailed relationship between the NPV
  31. And promptly emigrated to the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). The, tutorial ,he gave to Chinese physicists helped them to develop the bomb they tested five
  32. Homonymous with a character from Beowulf but rendered differently. The in-game, tutorial ,function also shows examples of English - poorly translated English - including
  33. Beings would know what they were talking about. However, it is possible for a, tutorial ,to be 'written in' to a video game as part of the overall plot of the game.
  34. Colleges, as in the United Kingdom. These colleges often provide additional, tutorial ,assistance, and some host theological study. Many colleges have strong
  35. The departments. Teaching and degrees Undergraduate teaching is centered on the, tutorial , where 1–4 students spend an hour with an academic discussing their week’s work
  36. Cursor dwells over the cell. To learn more about nuclides and to obtain a quick, tutorial ,on the distinction between isotopes, isotones, and isobars, see Table of
  37. Are described at the http://www.zatznotfunny.com/ttg.htm TiVoToGo Unleashed, tutorial , In August 2005,Tito rolled out http://www.tivo.com/desktop" Tito Desktop "
  38. Of an XML document into a tree structure that can be displayed. A link to a, tutorial ,that uses the adapter design pattern is listed in the links below. A further
  39. Is intended for students and home PC users. The package includes a short, tutorial ,and full online help which includes many example scripts. The software is not
  40. As 1993,William D. Graciela described an online computer-delivered lecture, tutorial ,and assessment project using electronic mail. In 1997, he published an article
  41. Can be made. The phrase is also frequently used in describing any document or, tutorial ,that gives a brief overview about how to do something, without going into too
  42. Mario: The Thousand-Year Door the player can see an NPC being taught a same, tutorial ,as the player was taught. According to proponents of the theory, it is up to
  43. On them. Many of their populations number in the hundreds of billions. * The, tutorial ,in the computer game Dystopia takes place in Yggdrasil's first arcology. * The
  44. Independent thinking, academic potential and ability to learn through the, tutorial ,system. The word Oxbridge may also be used pejoratively: as a descriptor of
  45. And over indefinitely when repeatedly talked to. Some video games begin with a, tutorial ,in which the player is taught how to play. These are often woven into the story
  46. Boy fan site, there is http://www.vr32.de/modules/workshop/index.php? Id=2 a, tutorial ,on how to make a multiplayer cable for the Virtual Boy by modifying a couple of
  47. Majority of successful candidates, since the system continued to favor the, tutorial ,system at Oxbridge. The younger mandarins found excuses to avoid managerial
  48. Vi and Emacs users alike. Tim O'Reilly said, in 1999,that O'Reilly Media's, tutorial ,on vi sells twice as many copies as that on Emacs (which could mean either
  49. Scene 3 The third scene reverts to the initial timeframe, again in a, tutorial ,session between Sections and Thomason, this time in Latin translation. Again
  50. Document to produce different versions of the same document (such as a ", tutorial ," or a" quick-reference guide," where both of these consist of a subset of

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: Few references to the internet, including online-dating and internet sex, and a, tutorial ,on installing a" bozo filter ". The last page, a column written by Nicholas

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