Examples of the the word, trustee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trustee ), is the 3981 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Individualism, consent,the concepts of the rule of law and government as, trustee , the significance of property and religious toleration. Although Locke did not
  2. Under the Act. For example, a bankrupt must obtain the permission of his or her, trustee ,to travel overseas. Failure to do so may result in the bankrupt being stopped
  3. Trustee is appointed for cause, the debtor, as debtor in possession, acts as, trustee ,of the business. Chapter 11 affords the debtor in possession a number of
  4. Robert's role at the financial helm of Experience Hendrix with an independent, trustee , On October 5,2011, the U. S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case Golan v.
  5. The DM&E and IC&E in a voting trust with Richard Hamlin appointed as the, trustee , CPR planned to integrate the railroads' operations once the STB approves the
  6. Of the Code's statutory requirements. Generally, the payments are made to a, trustee ,who in turn disburses the funds in accordance with the terms of the confirmed
  7. For example, every Waif was required to have a waif (settler),mutawillis (, trustee ,), qadi (judge) and beneficiaries. The trust law developed in England at the
  8. He excelled at baseball, his first passion was football. His father was named, trustee ,at Penn in 1911 (until 1928). Once commenting on Bert's plans for college
  9. 2008,and Cambridge University in June 2009. He was also made an honorary, trustee ,of Peking University in 2007. Gates was also made an honorary Knight Commander
  10. Goods, an older car) and will not have to surrender any property to the, trustee , The amount of property that a debtor may exempt varies from state to state.
  11. Trustee or substitute another in place thereof * To give such directions to the, trustee ,as the creditors may see fit with reference to the administration of the estate
  12. Then a Chapter 7 liquidation would be likely to achieve. Appointment of a, trustee ,requires some wrongdoing or gross mismanagement on the part of existing
  13. Elected by the regional board of directors. The regional boards also appoint a, trustee ,to The Greenpeace International Annual General Meeting, where the trustee s
  14. Insurance Company, as president of the American Antiquarian Society, and as a, trustee ,of Amherst College. Coolidge received an honorary Doctor of Laws from Bates
  15. Representatives of Brown's estate (including Brown's attorney and estate's, trustee , Albert" Buddy" Dallas) and appoint a special administrator because of
  16. A visible role in growing the endowment at Grinned, where he serves as a life, trustee , A campaign is currently under way to create more transparency and social
  17. A Procurer du Bain Public is elected for three years as a public, trustee ,for the funds and property of the parish and may contract when authorized by a
  18. Learning. " Nonetheless, Edwards joined several others as an original fellow or, trustee ,for the chartering of the College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and
  19. Assisting the SS with this task was a large collection of Capos, who were, trustee ,prisoners. SS personnel assigned to the gas chambers were technically under the
  20. Candidates, and instituting a more traditional one-person, one-vote system, trustee ,elections will become more democratic and will more accurately reflect the
  21. Of Erasmus; founder of the Order of Men tats Miscellaneous * Iblis Gino, human, trustee , and later Grand Patriarch of the Holy Jihad The Baron Vladimir Harmonies is a
  22. S business. The court will grant a motion to convert to Chapter 7 or appoint a, trustee ,if either of these actions is in the best interest of all creditors. Sometimes
  23. Council. Additionally, at the municipal tier, each ward elects a school board, trustee ,for each of the school boards serving in their respective area. The next
  24. Or may have to convert his or her case to a case under chapter 13. Generally,a, trustee ,will sell most of the debtor’s assets to pay off creditors. However, certain
  25. Either Chapter 7 or Chapter 11. In Chapter 7,the business ceases operations,a, trustee ,sells all of its assets, and then distributes the proceeds to its creditors.
  26. From above. This belief would influence later revolutionary movements. As a, trustee ,Government was expected to serve the interests of the people not the rulers
  27. A closed bankruptcy may be reopened by motion of a creditor or the U. S., trustee ,if a debtor attempts to later assert ownership of such an" unscheduled asset "
  28. Administrator is required. A Proposal Administrator is generally a licensed, trustee ,in bankruptcy, although the Superintendent of Bankruptcy may appoint other
  29. Unscheduled asset" after being discharged of all debt in the bankruptcy. The, trustee ,may then seize the asset and liquidate it for the benefit of the (formerly
  30. Meetings Creditors become involved by attending creditors' meetings. The, trustee ,calls the first meeting of creditors for the following purposes: * To affirm
  31. The court to convert the case to a liquidation under Chapter 7,or to appoint a, trustee ,to manage the debtor's business. The court will grant a motion to convert to
  32. As" a way to put 4,000 students into 3,000 beds. " The nominees for alumni, trustee ,are determined by a poll of the members of the Association of Alumni of
  33. For your own bankruptcy in Scotland you must have more than £1500 of debt. A, trustee ,in bankruptcy must be either an Official Receiver (a civil servant) or a
  34. If the bankrupt does not do this, the interest vests in the estate and the, trustee ,is able to take possession of the asset and sell it. The bankrupt will have to
  35. At his estate, Westland Mansion, in Princeton, New Jersey. For a time he was a, trustee ,of Princeton University, and was one of the majority of trustee s who preferred
  36. Of creditors for the following purposes: * To affirm the appointment of the, trustee ,or substitute another in place thereof * To give such directions to the trustee
  37. 2002–present: Henry comes to Boston 2002 In, the Red Sox were sold by Yaw key, trustee ,and president Harrington to New England Sports Ventures, a consortium headed by
  38. To Throop's presidency in 1908. Shear persuaded retired businessman and, trustee ,Charles W. Gates to donate $25,000 in seed money to build Gates Laboratory, the
  39. Provides additional tools for debtors as well. Most importantly, empowers the, trustee ,to operate the debtor's business. In Chapter 11,unless a separate trustee is
  40. He married Juliette. That year, Newcomb pointed out to a Johns Hopkins, trustee ,that Pace, while a Hopkins employee, had lived and traveled with a woman to
  41. Split in 1983 among 22 cousins, including William Summit who serves as a, trustee ,of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Summer was largely discounted by the
  42. Is encouraged to discharge his or her duties to related people and objects as a, trustee , without excessive attachment or aversion. For monks and nuns, non-possession
  43. Polk was their land agent for Tennessee, and his cousin, William Polk, was a, trustee , While there, Polk joined the Dialectic Society where he regularly took part in
  44. Plan, a bankruptcy court will often dismiss the case on the motion of the, trustee , Pursuant to the dismissal, creditors will typically resume pursuit of state
  45. Evolved to suit American English: (). The naming was suggested in 1866 by a, trustee ,of the then College of California, Frederick Billings. Billings was inspired by
  46. As a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery. He is a founding, trustee ,of the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council and has served on the boards
  47. The trustee to operate the debtor's business. In Chapter 11,unless a separate, trustee ,is appointed for cause, the debtor, as debtor in possession, acts as trustee of
  48. Of Public Health. The Pennon Honors College, named for Drexel alumnus and, trustee ,Dr. C. R." Chuck" Pennon '63,'66,Hon. '92,and his wife Annette
  49. Chapter 7,a debtor surrenders his or her non-exempt property to a bankruptcy, trustee ,who then liquidates the property and distributes the proceeds to the debtor's
  50. Their debts as they become due. Duties of trustee s Some duties of the, trustee ,in bankruptcy are to: * Review the file for any fraudulent preferences or

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