Examples of the the word, suck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suck ), is the 4000 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But as conventional methods could not imprison it, they created vortex to, suck ,in the asteroids and planets around it, creating a spherical cage, but at a
  2. And they fit tightly in the cylinder with close tolerances. Backlash may, suck ,some bin material into the valve which can cause the piston to stick.
  3. Chert also provides evidence that organisms fed on plants using a" pierce and, suck ," technique. During the ensuing 75 million years, plants evolved a range of
  4. Wollstonecraft was overjoyed; she wrote to a friend:" My little Girl begins to, suck ,so MANFULLY that her father reckons saucily on her writing the second part of
  5. Circuits and projecting pulses of energy. Video man is used by Electron to, suck ,in and entrap Spider-Man, Flash Thompson, Firestar and Iceman into a video game
  6. Its limbs, the pressure inside the lungs is reduced, and the turtle can, suck ,air in. Turtle lungs are attached to the inside of the top of the shell (
  7. Appeared in The Legend of Zelda. * are yellowish cylindrical monsters that can, suck ,in creatures as large as humans and consume items they carry. They are known
  8. Life-long Democrat, but now at my age,I've come to realize that the Democrats, suck , and the Republicans suck , and basically the entire system suck s. But you have
  9. Who would have the task of compressing a bellows-like contraption to, suck ,up dust through a removable, flexible pipe, to which a variety of shaped
  10. Are often pulled apart to access the meat inside. Another favorite is to, suck ,the head of the crayfish, as seasoning and flavor can collect in the fat of
  11. Ginger. A common way of eating the Xiao Long Bad is to bite the top off, suck ,all the soup, then dipping it in vinegar before eating.;" Four Heavenly Kings
  12. For the wetter climates of Northern Europe. The chupacabras (, from char" to, suck ," and cobra" goat ", literally " goat suck er" ) is a legendary cryptid
  13. Are sometimes referred to as goat suck ers from the mistaken belief that they, suck ,milk from goats (the Latin for goat suck er is Caprimulgus). Some New World
  14. Food in their mouths and down their throats and a hyobranchial pump to draw or, suck ,food in their mouth. Divide has powerful legs for swimming and lunging after
  15. At my age,I've come to realize that the Democrats suck , and the Republicans, suck , and basically the entire system suck s. But you have to go within the system to
  16. Used the entire pressure hull as a buffer, the diesels would instantaneously, suck ,huge volumes of air from the boat's compartments, and the crew often suffered
  17. Ability to manipulate small objects). An infant with CP may not be able to, suck , swallow or chew and this can result in difficulty eating. Play is also
  18. Of their body. They penetrate the lump suck er with a thin which they use to, suck ,its blood. The nourished cod worms then mate on the lump suck er. The female worm
  19. Zan). The Latin famine, whence female, is likely from the root in declare (to, suck ,), referring to breastfeeding. The symbol for the planet Venus is the sign also
  20. Use a supplemental air-suction pump, utilizing the rubber capping station to, suck ,ink through a severely clogged cartridge. The suction pump mechanism is
  21. Pills. He calls for medical help; two technicians respond by proceeding to, suck ,out Mildred's blood with a machine and insert new blood into her. Their
  22. Valve, was placed upstream of the main jet to reduce the intake pressure and, suck ,additional fuel out of the jets. Operation *Fixed-venturi, in which the varying
  23. The iced drink may cause the tapioca balls to harden, making them difficult to, suck ,up through a straw and chew. To prevent this from happening, these slushies
  24. S. Federal law allows just 0.06 % lead, or 600 parts per million. Children who, suck ,on or ingest toys or jewelry with high lead content may be poisoned, which can
  25. At the live post-game press conference, telling members of the media to ", suck ,it and keep on suck ing it ". FIFA responded with a two-month ban on all
  26. A" vacuum," is a device that uses an air pump to create a partial vacuum to, suck ,up dust and dirt, usually from floors, and optionally from other surfaces as
  27. Crabs are prepared and served in the same manner. Attendees are encouraged to ", suck ,the head" of a crawfish by separating the abdomen of the crustacean and
  28. And degradation without a parallel in the world. It allowed proprietors to, suck ,the very life-blood of that wretched race. " The" Gregory clause" of the Poor
  29. Robinson) appears from on high and shows them their wretched future (" You, suck , "),but they still persist in believing that someday they will" make it ".;
  30. That were" changed to be about people downloading MP3s and how much they, suck ,for doing it. " Lyrics Dead Kennedy's were noted for the harshness of their
  31. And the mysterious Sindh trait of the Thar region, which is supposed to, suck ,the victim's breath in his sleep. Crocodiles are rare and inhabit only the
  32. Phrase heard around crawfish season in Louisiana derives from this practice: ", suck ,the head; pinch the tail ". A common myth is that a crawfish with a straight
  33. When weather conditions are unfavorable, for example: excess wind or risk cloud, suck , In the UK there is one death per 116,000 flights, a risk comparable to running
  34. Tree, stone,nest, water ), basic verbs (e.g., live,fall, run,make, see, suck , go, die,swim, know ), basic pronouns (e.g., who,what, we,you, I )
  35. Desire. The practice of kissing with an open mouth, to allow the other to, suck ,their lips or move their tongue into their mouth, is called French kissing. "
  36. He helps his neighbor.... Why should we not get rid of these parasites Jews who, suck ,Rumanian Christian blood? It is logical and holy to react against them. "
  37. Projecting it through his anus up to several yards. He then found that he could, suck ,in air as well. Although a baker by profession, Pujol would entertain his
  38. Whales: *Lamentations 4:3 Even the sea monsters draw out the breast, they give, suck ,to their young ones: the daughter of my people is become cruel, like the
  39. And that was preceded by a rhythmic urgency of the previous lines" Suck on, suck ,on, I glow, I glow! ", alluding explicitly to fellatio. Edward Ellesmere
  40. Burned his thumb while cooking the Salmon of Knowledge, which allowed him to, suck ,or bite his thumb in order to receive bursts of stupendous wisdom. He took his
  41. Knock the tree down altogether. The trunk is also used for drinking. Elephants, suck ,water up into the trunk—up to 14 liters (15 quarts) at a time—and then blow
  42. If I see something sagging, bagging,and dragging,I'm going to nip it, suck ,it and tuck it. Why should I look like an old barnyard dog if I don't have to
  43. Of a vortex as the material flows into the mold; these vortices tend to, suck ,gas and oxides into the mold. A large spree well is used to dissipate the
  44. Then and really frighten them at the same time. It's very Brecht. You, suck ,‘ em in and annihilate ‘ em. Then you say,“ It's just a movie, right? It's
  45. The -xor suffix. Suitor is a modified version of" suck s" ( the phrase" to, suck ,"),and the meaning is the same as the English slang. Its negative definition
  46. Objects. Indigenous uses The Indigenous people of south-western Australia would, suck ,on the flower spikes to obtain the nectar, they also soaked the flower spikes
  47. Russian rest (крест; cross) * Greek thereto and Russian Sosa (сосать; to, suck ,) * Greek thees (god) and Greek Zeus (the king of all gods) * Hawaiian
  48. Kept coiled up under the head by small muscles when it is not being used to, suck ,up nectar from flowers or other liquids. Some basal moths still have mandibles
  49. Have flow restrictions ahead of the jets to reduce the pressure enough to, suck ,the fuel into the air flow. Similarly, the idle and slow running jets of large
  50. 15 quarts) at a time—and then blow it into their mouths. Elephants also, suck ,up water to spray on their bodies during bathing. On top of this watery coating

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