Examples of the the word, surveillance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surveillance ), is the 3990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fixation for target acquisition devices. *Specialized units with ground, surveillance ,radars, unattended ground sensors or observation patrols operating in depth
  2. And government applications, with responsibilities ranging from airborne, surveillance ,and refueling to cargo and VIP transport. Most military 767s are derived from
  3. 2C for higher funding was not passed, the police have reduced some drug/gang, surveillance , and prioritize some police calls, with property crimes having lower priority
  4. More of his double identity. He starts slowing down his super speed enough for, surveillance ,cameras to see his iconic red and blue streak. This reveals to the citizens of
  5. And reports of suspicious or definite criminal activity. A specialized, surveillance ,department operates the casino's closed circuit television system, known in
  6. Information has been collected. The Government has often undertaken the secret, surveillance ,of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs
  7. Of territorial waters, training of Comoran military personnel, and air, surveillance , France maintains a small troop presence in the Comoros at government request.
  8. FAO troop was replaced by the 1,350 soldiers of the Mission interafricaine de, surveillance ,DES Accords de Bangui (MI SAB). In March, all mutineers were granted amnesty.
  9. There in an" armed overwatch" role. They loiter over the region maintaining, surveillance , ready to deliver guided bombs in support of ground troops if contacted. The
  10. Past. Controlling aircraft over oceans is especially dangerous because radar, surveillance ,only extends 175 to 225 miles offshore. Beyond the radar's sight controllers
  11. In 2005,from existing assets, undertakes close reconnaissance and special, surveillance ,tasks. Overseas Territories military units Numerous military units were raised
  12. To synthetic biological warfare. Defensive Role of public health and disease, surveillance ,It is important to note that all the classical and modern biological weapons
  13. Court in Michigan, challenging government spying in the NSA warrantless, surveillance ,controversy. On August 17, 2006,that court ruled that the warrantless
  14. Threats to the whole financial system. Threats are detected by the Bank's, surveillance ,and market intelligence functions. The threats are then dealt with through
  15. Manifesto: *The BNP rejects ID cards as an undesirable representation of the, surveillance ,society. *The BNP will oppose the intrusion of non-British and alien cultural
  16. Particularly in respect to civil liberties, often specifically related to mass, surveillance , Purported origins In the essay section of his novel 1985,Anthony Burgess
  17. And the Coast Guard. Both branches have their own air arm made up of mostly, surveillance ,and transport aircraft. The combined force comprises about 1,200 soldiers
  18. Special labeling requirements, mandatory performance standards, and postmarked, surveillance , Devices in this class are typically non-invasive and include x-ray machines
  19. The hormone melatonin which leads to reduction in cellular immune defense and, surveillance ,necessary for protection from development of cancers. Melatonin also seems to
  20. Security is usually divided between a physical security force and a specialized, surveillance ,department. The physical security force usually patrols the casino and responds
  21. Complexion. She still pursued her studies and especially her sewing, under the, surveillance ,of her aunt. " Anne also took lessons from Charlotte, after she came back from
  22. And international inspectors on the fishing vessels, as well as satellite, surveillance , Most of the Antarctic region is situated south of 60°S latitude parallel, and
  23. Inhabitants. In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete, surveillance ,by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. The people are constantly reminded
  24. Border. Navy Côte d'Ivoire has a brown-water navy whose mission is coastal, surveillance ,and security for the nation's 340-mile coastline. Equipment * 1 Petra patrol
  25. Of territorial waters, training of Comoran military personnel, and air, surveillance , France maintains few senior officers presence in the Comoros at government request
  26. System for Cisco Systems' networking products *" Communication, navigation, surveillance ,", often associated with air traffic management as CNS/ATM The central nervous
  27. Hayden. Early activities By 1999,the U. S. Government was attempting to run, surveillance ,on Abu Zubaydah. By March 2000,United States officials were reporting that Abu
  28. Seized during Abu Zubaydah’s capture. Inexplicably the NSA expanded its, surveillance ,beyond the numbers seized during Abu Zubaydah’s capture. The spying program
  29. After further development and testing, this method could be of great value in, surveillance ,as a blood or urine-based screening test for CJD. In one third of patients with
  30. Programs. In the end, the council recommended deployment of early warning and, surveillance ,systems as well as regionally controlled defense systems. During Spring 2006
  31. Casinos also have catwalks in the ceiling above the casino floor, which allow, surveillance ,personnel to look directly down, through one way glass, on the activities at
  32. Or overly-controlling authority figure, and attempts by government to increase, surveillance , Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff makes frequent reference to both Big Brother
  33. An autonomous vehicle or mobile robot. * Detecting events (e.g., for visual, surveillance ,or people counting). * Organizing information (e.g., for indexing databases
  34. Theories related to COINTELPRO are unfounded, the issue of ongoing government, surveillance ,and repression is nonetheless real. A cruise missile is a guided missile that
  35. Off limits to visitors today, see Sverdlovsk Anthrax leak). Thus, a robust, surveillance ,system involving human clinicians and veterinarians may identify a bioweapon
  36. Complex police and MI5 investigation of the plot involved more than a year of, surveillance ,work conducted by over two hundred officers. British and U. S. officials said
  37. To kill his fellow superheroes. Batman later creates the Brother I satellite, surveillance ,system to watch over and if necessary, kill the other heroes. It is eventually
  38. On political activity at the 1964 Democratic Convention from FBI electronic, surveillance , * President Nixon authorized a program of wiretaps which produced for the
  39. Big Brother is based on the novel's concept of people being under constant, surveillance , In 2000,after the U. S. version of the CBS program" Big Brother" premiered
  40. Not. In 1985,Cathy Masseter, an MI5 officer who had been responsible for the, surveillance ,of CND from 1981 to 1983,resigned and made disclosures to a Channel 4 20/20
  41. Enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous, surveillance ," investigative" interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to
  42. The 767-200SF and 767-300BCF,while military derivatives include the E-767, surveillance , aircraft,the KC-767 and KC-46A aerial tankers, and VIP transports. United
  43. Publication by carrying signs with four-letter words on them. Examples of, surveillance , spanning all Presidents from FDR to Nixon, both legal and illegal, contained
  44. Eastern part of the Northwest Territories. *2001 – An EP-3E United States Navy, surveillance ,aircraft collides with a Chinese People's Liberation Army Shenyang J-8 fighter
  45. Neutralize them before they exercise their potential for violence. " Illegal, surveillance ,The final report of the Church Committee concluded:: Too many people have been
  46. In Wichita, Kansas,include structural strengthening to accommodate a dorsal, surveillance ,radar system, engine nacelle alterations, as well as electrical and interior
  47. Equipping their artillery observation teams with laser rangefinders, ground, surveillance , radars and night vision devices, these were soon followed by inertial orienting
  48. As they were entering Cinema Rex. The police decided to continue their, surveillance ,and track the group after they left the movie theater. This incident ended up
  49. And co-operation with France, covering economic development, trade and, surveillance ,of the islands' EEA. The establishment of closer relations with France was
  50. To catch these airborne creatures. Huge nets were set up and the same, surveillance ,cameras then captured images of rods flying into the trap. When the nets were

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