Examples of the the word, ruin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ruin ), is the 3999 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Returned to a life as a landowner, but soon financial misfortune would, ruin ,him. By 1831 he was so deeply in debt he was forced to take up a position as a
  2. Terminology is from the Maya temple Chichen Itza in the Yucatán Peninsula,a, ruin ,of an ancient Mesoamerican civilization about 1,500 years ago. Chicano may be a
  3. Drastic changes in appearance of a character. Such errors in continuity can, ruin ,the illusion of realism and affect suspension of disbelief. In cinema, special
  4. Large and finely carved. Other churches The Chapel of St Thomas Becket is a, ruin ,of a 14th century building in Bodmin churchyard. The holy well of St Huron is a
  5. Starting in the 1970s,the Bronx often symbolized violence, decay,and urban, ruin , The wave of arson in the South Bronx in the 1960s and 1970s inspired the
  6. By the loss of her trade and the decay of her marine. The completeness of the, ruin ,of so powerful a state finds an explanation in the economic conditions of the
  7. It was only Martin Melcher's premature death that saved Day from financial, ruin , It remains unresolved whether Martin Belcher was himself duped. Day stated
  8. Out, and the accession of the Borgia's' deadly enemy Julius II caused his final, ruin , While moving to Romagna to quell a revolt, he was seized and imprisoned by
  9. Only be for their good; a better day would dawn for them. Chapter 4 laments the, ruin ,and desolation that had come upon the city and temple, but traces it only to
  10. Least failure in either of these particulars must be attended with inevitable, ruin ,and misery. Society provides a remedy for these three inconveniences. By the
  11. Whitehead, Gerry Go, Trevor Taint on and Jimmy Mann. Decline and financial, ruin ,(1980–82) In 1980,the City team went back to the Second Division in the
  12. Any kind of worldly agenda, and thus any intrusion of utility or politics would, ruin ,the point of the beauty. It is thus for Schopenhauer one way to fight the
  13. The Abbasid period. Today It is now it is entirely deserted, occupied only by, ruin ,mounds. The great number of these indicates the former importance of the city.
  14. Tumultuous roar. The human blood, and swords, and spears delight, and the dire, ruin ,of mad savage fight. Stay furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works
  15. Respected as a step above the former. Early traces of bricks were found in a, ruin ,site in Xi'an in 2009 dated back about 3800 years ago. Before this discovery
  16. Tradition: Anaxagoras, coming home from a long voyage, found his property in, ruin , and said:" If this had not perished, I would have. "" This is a sentence -
  17. So that they are less likely to use carpet or furniture which they can easily, ruin , Commercial scratching posts typically are covered in carpeting or upholstery
  18. Deuteronomistic message, that obedience leads to success and disobedience to, ruin , Moses, Joshua and Josiah The Deuteronomistic history draws parallels in proper
  19. Stupendous fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight. The story of the, ruin ,is simple and obvious; and instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was
  20. She is worried that Krogstad will publish libelous articles about Torvald and, ruin ,his career. Torvald dismisses her fears and explains that although Krogstad is
  21. Autobiographical, is that of rejected love. The (male) speaker deplores the, ruin ,of his life, and in tones at times reminiscent of Hamlet, craves oblivion, for
  22. The Cold War After World War II the economy of the UK was in a state of, ruin , and continued to suffer relative economic decline in the following decades.
  23. To leave the Empire practically defenceless. He thus consummated the financial, ruin ,of the state. At Christmas 1196,Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI attempted to force
  24. To pass them onto a terrorist organization. When news of this threatens to, ruin ,the President's chances for re-election, the Hubbard's conspire to steal the
  25. History, such a tendency among nations once powerful was the sure precursor of, ruin ,". In addition to religious socialism, many Mormons in Utah were receptive to
  26. And spiritual death' – on analogy perhaps with Conan Doyle's dictum that 'the, ruin ,of every novelist who has come up has been effected by driving him into a
  27. In her autobiography, Priscilla says that despite his worries that it would, ruin ,his career, Parker convinced Presley that to gain popular respect, he should
  28. Indicating the wealth of the city. London Bridge, which had fallen into, ruin ,following the Roman evacuation and abandonment of Londinium, was rebuilt by the
  29. The Greek word ἀρή (are),the Ionic form of the Doric ἀρά (Ara)," bane, ruin , curse, imprecation ". There may also be a connection with the Roman god of war
  30. Agents also employed Flanders in the port of Buenos Aires and also tried to, ruin ,wheat harvests with a destructive fungus. The Geneva Protocol of 1925
  31. Predestination and free will, why evil men often prosper and good men fall into, ruin , human nature, virtue,and justice. He speaks about the nature of free will
  32. Retorted," If I am a lousy dog, you have made me so; you have brought me to, ruin ,and many more. " Kidd snatched up and heaved an iron bound bucket at Moore.
  33. The mosque turned into barracks, and the hall of audience allowed to fall into, ruin , There still remain a minaret and some marble arches and columns. Traces exist
  34. Town on the south coast of England ** Christchurch Castle, a 12th century, ruin ,in the town ** Christchurch Priory, a historic church in the town **
  35. Ambrosia in Attica. In 2007,a team of Swiss and Greek archaeologists found the, ruin ,of Artemis Ambrosia Temple, at Europa, Greece. *Festival of Artemis Sardinia, a
  36. Ago. The museum exposes numerous objects from the time of Roman occupation. The, ruin ,of the cavalry fort located beside the museum is open to the museum visitors.
  37. Or come to terms before Ballard arrived with reinforcements; and secondly, to, ruin , Bavaria as a base from which the French and Bavarian armies could attack Vienna
  38. S infrastructure—electrical, water,road, transportation,and health—fell into, ruin , Religion was repressed, and education ceased. The private and public sectors
  39. A street procession and short piece of street theater. The Abbey fell into, ruin ,after the Reformation. From 1590 onward, its stones were raided for buildings
  40. Any dirt on the bottom of a stone or in its path can alter the trajectory and, ruin ,the shot. This is called a pickup or pick. The thrower throws from the hack.
  41. Are now being used as farm buildings, while others were abandoned and fell into, ruin , The earliest surviving farms, still in operation today, are known as the
  42. But short-lived. The celebrity of this, as of other orders, worked its moral, ruin , With their growth in wealth and dignity the Clinic foundations became as
  43. Of. It is considered that the words formless and void in fact denote waste and, ruin , taking into account the original Hebrew and other places these words are used
  44. Who do righteous deeds. Those who do evil have themselves to blame for their, ruin , Zoroastrian morality is then to be summed up in the simple phrase," good
  45. Contention usually ruled by Denmark, but also by Lübeck and Sweden. The castle, ruin ,Hammers, on the northwestern tip of the island, is the largest medieval
  46. In earlier years the band had criticized neo-Nazi skinheads for trying to, ruin ,the punk scene, but just as big a problem was the increasing popularity of
  47. Point - unnamed point on the border with Libya immediately east of the, ruin ,of ASR all Earn in Libya, Matruh Governorate * * Ra's Madeira lies within the
  48. To the destroyer equal to the accomplishment destroyed. She seeks, then,to, ruin ,Rear den in an effort to prove her own value. Lillian achieves her goal to
  49. As well as physical welfare of his people. If the Christian faith fell into, ruin ,in his kingdom, if the clergy were too ignorant to understand the Latin words
  50. Who was attempting cut-ups, one single word of Burroughs vocabulary could, ruin ,a whole barrel of good everyday words, run the literary rot right through them.

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