Examples of the the word, networking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( networking ), is the 3988 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Line) or modulated to some higher (pass band) frequency. In computer, networking ,and other digital fields, the term bandwidth often refers to a data rate
  2. And it will instead focus on more immediately marketable areas including, networking , high-speed electronics, wireless networks, nanotechnology and software. Jane
  3. Contact point for support groups today, allowing for local and international, networking , In the US Kink Aware Professionals (MAP) a privately funded, non-profit
  4. Multitasking operating systems, such as OS/2,Windows 95,and Linux. TCP/IP, networking ,allowed most of the remaining BBSes to evolve and include Internet hosting
  5. To act as modem interfaces, and the PAN profile, which allows for ad-hoc, networking , Devices Bluetooth exists in many products, such as the iPod Touch, Lego
  6. Of computer accessories for Mac computers including the Airport wireless, networking ,products, Time Capsule, Thunderbolt Display, Magic Mouse, Magic Trackpad
  7. Headset. This was one of the earliest applications to become popular. *Wireless, networking ,between PCs in a confined space and where little bandwidth is required.
  8. Similarity with both circuit switched networking , and small packet switched, networking , It was designed for a network that must handle both traditional
  9. For disk drives, mouse,RGB video, and serial devices),built-in Applejack, networking , and a ROM toolbox that supported a graphical user interface derived from the
  10. To the operating system, which added color to the interface and introduced new, networking ,capabilities. It remained the architectural basis for macOS until 2001. The
  11. Is social network advertising. It is online advertising with a focus on social, networking ,sites. This is a relatively immature market, but it has shown a lot of promise
  12. Non-graphic computer terminals, printer separators, in early computer, networking ,(e.g., BBSes ), e-mail,and Usenet news messages. ASCII art is also used
  13. Search engines that make use of" foraging trails ", fault-tolerant storage and, networking ,algorithms. In culture Anthropomorphized ants have often been used in fables
  14. To the Foreign Office about recruiting" men of the professor type ". Personal, networking ,was used for the initial recruitment particularly from the universities of
  15. Proved troublesome during the migration to AIX v3. AIX v2 included full TCP/IP, networking , as well as SNA and two networking file systems: NFS, licensed from Sun
  16. By today's standards, but at the time the additional cost and complexity of, networking ,on PC machines was such that it was common that Macs were the only networked
  17. Popularity of niche content brought about by everything from blogs to social, networking ,sites, provide advertisers with audiences that are smaller but much better
  18. Advantage of the demographic information the user has provided to the social, networking ,site. Friendertising is a more precise advertising term in which people are
  19. To technology that provides high-speed wireless Internet access or computer, networking ,access over a wide area. The term broadband Originally broadband had a
  20. More than 15,000 member companies in the areas of telecommunication, computing, networking , and consumer electronics. The SIG oversees the development of the
  21. Connectivity; Newton users have also written drivers for 802.11b wireless, networking ,cards and ATA-type flash memory cards (including the popular CompactFlash
  22. PCMCIA Ethernet cards for Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200 Networking Amiga had three, networking ,interface APIs: * AS225 - Is the official Commodore TCP/IP stack API with
  23. Attempts at implementing Internationalization and localization and TCP/IP, networking , It also allows the user to extend the functionality of the program via
  24. Other devices left in cars. Police are advising users to ensure that any mobile, networking ,connections are deactivated if laptops and other devices are left in this way.
  25. Recording and processing, multitasking OS (on disk) and a Locally port for, networking , Last computer made by Atari. * Atari AAQ, or Atari Transporter Workstation—A
  26. Applejack is a proprietary suite of protocols developed by Apple Inc. for, networking ,computers. It was included in the original Macintosh released in 1984,but is
  27. Infrared links (and was code named Redye). This was changed to a cable-based, networking ,system before the final release. The Lynx was also the first gaming console
  28. Fields such as software engineering, artificial intelligence, computer, networking , and communication, database systems, parallel computation, distributed
  29. AOL began supporting OpenID. * On March 13, 2008,AOL purchased the popular, networking ,site Bebop for $850m (£417m). * On July 25, 2008 AOL announced it was shedding
  30. Hardware; it comprised an Applejack interface card for the PC and a suite of, networking ,software allowing such functions as file, drive and printer sharing. As well as
  31. The Atari Jaguar CD drive, and the Tagline (a simple two-console, networking ,device) reached retail shelves. A voice modem and VR headset (with infrared
  32. Network Wired and wireless computer network Computing technology based wireless, networking ,(CBN) The main goal of CBN is to optimize the system performance of the
  33. Physical Layer links. ATM has functional similarity with both circuit switched, networking ,and small packet switched networking . It was designed for a network that must
  34. Technology solutions, community of practice, and external relations and, networking ,for lesson learning. Among the new knowledge products and services developed
  35. Servers, where server blades reside on one side and the peripheral (power, networking , and other I/O) and service modules reside on the other. Midplanes are also
  36. The Internet has grown more sophisticated, encompassing financing, recruitment, networking , mobilization, publicity,as well as information dissemination, gathering and
  37. Centre, providing customers worldwide with advanced communications and, networking ,systems, and creating next-generation internet telephony solutions. *Research
  38. Space station *Asynchronous Transfer Mode, telecommunications protocol used in, networking ,*Ataxia telangiectasia mutated, protein kinase that plays a role in response to
  39. The rival candidates allowed to run. Six months later, activists using social, networking ,sites initiated a fresh round of protests, mostly by wordless, hand-clapping
  40. To AIX v3. AIX v2 included full TCP/IP networking , as well as SNA and two, networking ,file systems: NFS, licensed from Sun Microsystems, and Distributed Services (
  41. As well as free content in various formats, mostly MP3. It also includes social, networking ,features, somewhat similar to. Also, video files more than 50mb in size and 15
  42. Now unsupported as of the release of Mac OS X v10.6 in 2009 in favor of TCP/IP, networking , AppleTalk's Data gram Delivery Protocol corresponds closely to the Network
  43. Such as Serial controllers, display controllers, memory boards, hard disks, and, networking , components. There were plug-in expansion cards – such as the Z80-card included
  44. I/O) and service modules reside on the other. Midplanes are also popular in, networking ,and telecommunications equipment where one side of the chassis accepts system
  45. Before Be's sale to Palm and included the Beds Networking Environment (BONE), networking , stack,was leaked to the public shortly after the company's demise. In 2002
  46. Such as Serial controllers, display controllers, memory boards, hard disks, and, networking , components. There were plug-in expansion cards – such as the Z80-card – that
  47. 3G would be available on July 11, 2008. This version added support for 3G, networking , assisted-GPS navigation, and a price cut to $199 for the 8 GB version, and
  48. Shift. During the last years the Internet also provides a central platform for, networking ,among individuals who are interested in the subject. Besides countless private
  49. In cultural and technological changes, such as the advance of online social, networking , A unique model for teaching advertising is the student-run advertising agency
  50. Reduce" chattiness. " Together AARP and NBP made Applejack an easy-to-use, networking ,system. New machines were added to the network by plugging them and optionally

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