Examples of the the word, fleet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fleet ), is the 3985 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Isolated, he wrote to Diego Lopes de Sequeira, who was arriving with a new, fleet ,to India, but was ignored as Square joined the Viceroy. At the same time
  2. Held at Malacca since 1509. It urged moving forward with the largest possible, fleet ,to demand their release, and gave details about the fortifications. Albuquerque
  3. Influenced by Mates' reports. Knowing that Mameluke were preparing a second, fleet ,at Suez, he wanted to advance before reinforcements arrived to Aden. He
  4. Water — Athens at its height was a significant sea power, defeating the Persian, fleet ,at the Battle of Salamis — but the water was salty and not very good for
  5. Months later, on November 25,Albuquerque reappeared in Goa with a renovated, fleet , Diego Mendes de Vasconcelos compelled to accompany him with the reinforcements
  6. Son born in 1500 and made his will. Scotia and Hormuz first conquest,1507 The, fleet ,left Lisbon on April 6,1506. Albuquerque piloted his ship himself, having lost
  7. Of Santa Maria del Fiore begins in Florence. *1427 – The Viscount of Milan's, fleet ,is destroyed by the Venetians on the Po River. *1461 – The Ming Dynasty Chinese
  8. To be sung by an army on the march and before entering into battle, when a, fleet ,left the harbor, and also after a victory had been won Dorian origin The
  9. Over 100 ships of the line and many frigates and smaller craft, although this, fleet ,was old and in poor condition, a situation which would be blamed on Lord
  10. They cruised the Red Sea inside the Bad Amanda, as the first European, fleet ,to have sailed this route. Albuquerque attempted to reach Jeddah, but the winds
  11. In 2009,the company began Audi Mileage Marathon. The driving tour featured a, fleet ,of 23 Audi TDI vehicles from 4 models (Audi Q7 3.0 TDI, Audi Q5 3.0 TDI, Audi
  12. 508 BC. Athens had by this time become a significant naval power with a large, fleet , and helped the rebellion of the Ionian cities against Persian rule. In the
  13. Those 1,839 buses 416 runs on compressed natural gas, Besides being served by a, fleet ,of natural-gas and diesel buses, the Athens metropolitan area is also served by
  14. They rescued captain João the Nova who joined his ship From de la mar to the, fleet , having been stranded on his return from India. From Malinda, da Cuba sent
  15. Remaining forces were only spared due to a last-ditch effort by Cleopatra's, fleet ,that had been waiting nearby. Octavian pursued them, and after another defeat
  16. Archipelago. At the Battle of the Saints in April 1782,a victory by Rodney's, fleet ,over the French Admiral de Grasse frustrated the hopes of France and Spain to
  17. Which was navigable by sea-going vessels. Aware that the arrival of the French, fleet ,from The West Indies would give the allies control of the Chesapeake
  18. The Hellespont in 334 BC with approximately 48,100 soldiers,6100 cavalry and a, fleet ,of 120 ships with crews numbering 38,000,After an initial victory against
  19. Albuquerque refused a truce by the sultan and abandoned the city in August. His, fleet ,was scattered and a palace revolt in Koch hindered his recovery, so he headed
  20. Which span the entire Attica Basin, with an operating staff of 5,327,and a, fleet ,of 1,839 buses. Of those 1,839 buses 416 run on compressed natural gas, Besides
  21. 2000,while the lines run entirely underground. The metro network operates a, fleet ,of 42 trains consisting of 252 cars, an operating staff of 730 and a fleet of
  22. Claiming that Albuquerque was exceeding his orders departed for India. With the, fleet ,reduced to only two ships and left without supplies he was unable to maintain
  23. At Juno's request, and several failed attempts to found cities, Aeneas and his, fleet ,made landfall at Carthage after six years of wanderings. Aeneas had a year-long
  24. Battle of the Nile (Battle of About Bay) – Battle begins when a British, fleet ,engages the French Revolutionary Navy fleet in an unusual night action. *1800 –
  25. England, France and Spain. In the middle of the 18th century the trade, fleet ,consisted of approximately 100 ships. 19th century In the 19th century, the
  26. After the failed attack on Cali cut, Albuquerque hastened to form a powerful, fleet ,of twenty-three ships and 1200 men. Contemporary reports state that he wanted
  27. Virginia in August. In early September, French naval forces defeated a British, fleet ,at the Battle of the Chesapeake, cutting off Cornwallis' escape. When
  28. On the arrival at Bangalore of the grand-marshal of Portugal with a large, fleet , He was the most important Portuguese noble ever to visit India, and he brought
  29. Reports state that he wanted to fight the Egyptian Mameluke Sultanate, fleet ,in the Red Sea or return to Hormuz. However, he had been informed by Timor (a
  30. Antony as an intentional provocation. Despite setbacks for Octavian, the naval, fleet ,of Sexts Compass was almost entirely destroyed on 3 September by general
  31. A fleet of 42 trains consisting of 252 cars, an operating staff of 730 and a, fleet ,of 44 trains and 243 cars. Connecting the port of Piraeus with the northern
  32. On Manhattan; the third chronicles the fight to retake Seattle before a Chinese, fleet ,arrives, which could force the US President to destroy the invaders with a
  33. Clinton's army went to New York City in July, arriving just before a French, fleet ,under Admiral d'Estaing arrived off the American coast. Washington's army
  34. King Manuel entrusted him with the command of a squadron of five vessels in the, fleet ,of sixteen sailing for India in early 1506 headed by Tristan the Cuba. Their
  35. Return from Hormuz, at the entrance of the harbor of Goa, he got news about a, fleet ,arriving from Europe bearing dispatches announcing that he was superseded by
  36. Troops from a 1988 number of 65,000 to a 2009 number of 14,500 with a small, fleet ,of aircraft and sea vessels. In the 1990s,the country scrapped enormous
  37. By Duarte de Lemos but left to Cochin and then for the kingdom, leaving his, fleet ,to Albuquerque. Conquest of Goa,1510 In January 1510,fulfilling the orders
  38. And stating his intention to avenge his son's death by fighting the Mameluke, fleet ,of Mice, refusing Albuquerque's offer to fight him himself. Alfonso de
  39. Relieve the Portuguese besieged at Bangalore, and Albuquerque sailed with a, fleet ,of seven ships and five hundred men in an requested advance towards Hormuz in
  40. Showed it to Diego Mendes de Vasconcelos, as an argument to advance in a joint, fleet , In April 1511,after fortifying Goa, he gathered a force of about 900
  41. In the 1980s it became evident that smog from factories and an ever-increasing, fleet ,of automobiles, as well as a lack of adequate free space due to congestion, had
  42. Their colonial rule against the remaining Portuguese resistance. In 1648,a, fleet ,under the command of Salvador de Sá retook Luanda for Portugal and initiated a
  43. Is also related with the Spanish name of the mall, Armada,which means naval, fleet , As Ankara started expanding westward in the 1970s,several moderns
  44. On February 3,1509, Almeida fought the naval Battle of Did against a joint, fleet ,of Mameluke, Ottomans,the Morin of Cali cut and the sultan of Gujarat, taking
  45. French counter-revolution: the port of Toulon revolts and admits the British, fleet , which lands troops and seizes the port leading to Siege of Toulon. *1798 –
  46. Antony committed suicide following his defeat at the Battle of Action by the, fleet ,of Octavian commanded by Agrippa in 31 BC. After the demise of the Second
  47. Battle begins when a British fleet engages the French Revolutionary Navy, fleet ,in an unusual night action. *1800 – The Act of Union 1800 is passed in which
  48. By Queen Tamar of Georgia. *1281 – Mongol invasion of Japan: The Mongolian, fleet ,of Kublai Khan is destroyed by a" divine wind" for the second time in the
  49. The Spice trade. In 1509 the nobleman Diego Lopes de Sequeira was fitted with a, fleet ,and sent to Southeast Asia, with the task of seeking an agreement with Sultan
  50. Leads a raid in the Bay of Cádiz, sinking at least 23 ships of the Spanish, fleet , *1672 – Franco-Dutch War: Louis XIV of France invades the Netherlands. *1770 –

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