Examples of the the word, badly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Statement being" Life will go on as it has always gone on – that is, badly , " He spends his time turning the animals' minds to thoughts of Sugar candy
  2. Half of them severely. One village was almost completely leveled, others, badly , damaged. Many inhabitants were still living in temporary housing four years
  3. Raided: considerable property damage was done and Khmelnytsky's son Yuriy was, badly ,beaten. Finally, in April 1647,Czapliński succeeded in evicting Khmelnytskyi
  4. Misogyny, asserts that in other ways he was pro-feminist who thought women were, badly ,served by the law. He considered abortion to be tantamount to murder and
  5. In railways and mines that squandered most of the money, and he found himself, badly ,in need of the proceeds from the publication of The Malay Archipelago. Despite
  6. Is based on the American edition of the book (which Burgess considered to be ", badly ,flawed" ). Kubrick called Chapter 21" an extra chapter" and claimed that he
  7. Cuthbert assumed command and successfully disentangled his ship, allowing the, badly ,damaged Majestic to drift further southwards so that by 20:30 it was stationed
  8. None still accurately represents the Wall's original appearance. They are, badly ,damaged by souvenir seekers. Fragments of the Wall were taken and some were
  9. Plague),pointing to the absence of rats from some parts of Europe that were, badly ,affected and to the conviction of people at the time that the disease was
  10. Population. It then sailed to Gibraltar, where People Suzerain was deemed too, badly ,damaged for the Atlantic voyage to Britain and was converted to a guard ship
  11. In high society he has worked so hard to make, and he is shunned socially. As, badly ,as he has treated his stepson, Barry proves to be a compassionate and doting
  12. Problems, with some families leaving for Western Australia. Adelaide was not as, badly ,hit as the larger gold-rush cities of Sydney and Melbourne, and silver and lead
  13. War spite was brought back under control and survived the onslaught, but was, badly ,damaged, had to reduce speed, and withdrew northward; later (at 21:07),she
  14. Batman would still continue to work together. The second Robin, Jason Todd, is, badly , beaten and then killed in an explosion set by the Joker, but later returns as
  15. Second and third officers either dead or seriously injured. His sloop was so, badly ,damaged that it played no further role in the attack. Again, contemporary
  16. And Shot Arveladze left the team. In the 2007–08 season, AZ performed so, badly ,(first round loss in the KNVB Cup, elimination from the UEFA Cup before winter
  17. Which he wrote to restore the confidence of his fellow Christians, which was, badly ,shaken by the sack of Rome by the Visigoths in 410. His De Trinity (On the
  18. On the other hand" it is also possible, and not too hard, to write, badly ,structured programs in a structured language ". Tamworth augments the three
  19. Well in the Ashes. Mike Getting was the captain in 1986–87, but his team started, badly ,and attracted some criticism. Then Chris Broad scored three hundreds in
  20. He hit just .181 with six home runs in 72 at-bats. The Braves season went as, badly ,as Ruth's short season. They finished 38–115,the fourth-worst record in Major
  21. Young ships could still be obsolete compared to the newest ships, and fare, badly ,in an engagement against them. Admiral John Fisher, responsible for
  22. Atmosphere, that Lowell's analysis of Mars's climate was seriously flawed and, badly ,overestimated the surface temperature, and that low atmospheric pressure would
  23. It was ranked 44 from 48 sub-Saharan African countries, scoring particularly, badly ,in the areas of Participation and Human Rights, Sustainable Economic
  24. The lack of memory protection made the AmigaOS more vulnerable to crashes from, badly ,behaving programs, and fundamentally incapable of enforcing any form of
  25. Fleet; she sank with all hands (903 officers and men). Warrior was also hit, badly , but she was spared destruction by a mishap to the nearby battleship War spite.
  26. Of his finances. Some observers speculate that Alan Jay Lerner's pride was so, badly ,bruised by Muselli's much-publicized rejection of him (due to his drug
  27. As: *archaic vocative forms of some adjectives,e.g. добре (well),зле (, badly ,), твърде (too, rather ), and nouns горе (up),утре (tomorrow),лете (in
  28. And the Yankees won the first two games with Ruth in the lineup. However, Ruth, badly , scraped his elbow during Game 2,sliding into third base (he had walked and
  29. An experiment in evaluating board game positions. Early versions of BKG played, badly ,even against poor players, but Berliner noticed that its critical mistakes were
  30. Iraqi reconstruction efforts have been devoted to the restoration and repair of, badly ,damaged urban infrastructure. More visible efforts at reconstruction through
  31. In Africa and opposed the invasion of Iraq. Verhofstadt's coalition fared, badly ,in the June 2007 elections. For more than a year, the country experienced a
  32. Army, swelling his force to 11,000 by the beginning of October. After being, badly ,beaten at the second battle of Saratoga, Burgoyne surrendered on October 17.
  33. In the Centrobasquet Tournament,2010,defeating Trinidad and Tobago, but lost, badly ,to Mexico in a rematch of the COC ABA final. A tough win over Cuba set Belize in
  34. Wound. Yet this quaint dandified little man who, I was sorry to see, now limped, badly , had been in his time one of the most celebrated members of the Belgian police.
  35. Was the world's the largest refinery with capacity of 680,000 barrels per day, was, badly , damaged or destroyed by the siege and by bombing. Previous to the war, the city
  36. Unsuccessful in its aims. In the early 1860s the Lancashire cotton famine, badly ,affected Arrington, although less so than the wider area due to its more
  37. In Corona, California,race car driver Bob Burman crashes, killing three, and, badly , injuring five, spectators. *1918 – World War I: Actors Douglas Fairbanks and
  38. Tom Colombo writes::" The effects of the budget reductions had been so, badly ,handled that the organization was to remain seriously crippled for years. "
  39. For the costume party, as she is so anxious about performing. She dances so, badly ,and acts so worried that Torvald agrees to spend the whole evening coaching her
  40. Well above .300 and impressive home run and RBI totals. Pedro started, badly , hitting below .200 in April. Manager Terry Franconia stuck with him and his
  41. One inch ". He suffered pain from the injury for the rest of his life and was, badly ,scarred, styling his hair to disguise it as much as possible. As their
  42. Gunpowder dwindled, he had to chase prey on foot. During one such chase he was, badly ,injured when he tumbled from a cliff, lying unconscious for about a day. (His
  43. Sam Delta and Dave Scoured also made their mark to give the fledgling league, badly ,needed credibility. Rounding out this mix of potential talent were the true "
  44. In 1936–37 Brahman succeeded Woodhull as Australian captain. He started, badly , losing the first two Tests heavily after Australia were caught on sticky
  45. Time to get a divorce, but because he didn't want the proceedings to reflect, badly ,upon her, he agreed that she could divorce him for infidelity, thereby meaning
  46. Piston, who were lying down in dead ground behind the ridge. All had suffered, badly ,at Square Bras. In addition, the Island brigade, posted towards the center of
  47. Actual cash BSA had put into Daimler. This financial burden deprived Daimler of, badly ,needed cash to fund development, forcing the Daimler company to borrow money
  48. Christ, as he had in Tancred and would in Lord George Beating, his speech was, badly ,received by his own party, which along with the Anglican establishment was
  49. Split into independent principalities. These Athenian principalities were, badly ,affected by a Mongol invasion in the 13th century, and many were later
  50. 500 for the Bulgarian side. The reputation of the French army also suffered, badly , The Battle of the Red Wall was marked with the total defeat of the French

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