Examples of the the word, grasp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grasp ), is the 3987 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Admiral will rely on captains to use all the information at their disposal to, grasp ,the situation quickly and anticipate his wishes, using their own discretion as
  2. System. Bunnies & Burrows has the advantage of offering players an intuitive, grasp ,of relative dangers and appropriate actions not possible in game worlds that
  3. Modern two-thirds is shown on the right. Ancient Egyptian mathematicians had a, grasp ,of the principles underlying the Pythagorean theorem, knowing,for example
  4. The outside of the opponent's shoulders, scooping back under the forearms to, grasp ,the opponent's arms tightly against his own body. In this position, the
  5. S law). German haven (like English have) in fact comes from PIE *key,'to, grasp ,', and its real cognate in Latin is caper,'to seize, grasp ,capture '. Latin
  6. Competent" old school" professionals, with full staff training and a sound, grasp ,of logistics and artillery doctrine, that is the true weak points of Rommel
  7. Endurance. The term Royal Oak alludes to the escape of King Charles II from the, grasp ,of the parliamentarians after his father's execution: he hid in an oak tree to
  8. Caribbean. This effect was particularly bad in Cuba because Spain kept a tight, grasp ,on it. It held great strategic importance in the Caribbean. As soon as Spain
  9. By Song Singing (1587–1666). Despite its earlier sophistication,China's, grasp ,of science and technology had fallen behind that of Europe by the 17th century.
  10. The presence of corroborating evidence. An affidavit which reflected a better, grasp ,of the facts close in time to the actual events may be used to refresh a
  11. Large amateur instruments (apertures of or larger) that have fainter light, grasp ,do not necessarily confer an advantage in terms of viewing comets. The
  12. Trophy wife, Anne,a vain girl who is in love with Fredrik, but too immature to, grasp ,the concept of marriage. The two have been married for eleven months, but Anne
  13. America battles Iron Man during the climactic battle and has victory within his, grasp ,when a group of civilians attempts to restrain him. Rogers realizes that he is
  14. In Latin:" Transpire sum rectus unique potion" ( Rise above oneself and, grasp ,the world). Archimedes has appeared on postage stamps issued by East Germany (
  15. And Louis's hopes of an early and victorious peace had been wrenched from his, grasp , It was a hard-fought contest, leading Prince Eugene to observe –" I have not
  16. Martel saved and delivered the Christian nations of the West from the deadly, grasp ,of all-destroying Islam ", and Range points out, In 1922 and 1923,Belgian
  17. From PIE *key,'to grasp ', and its real cognate in Latin is caper,'to seize, grasp , capture '. Latin Hagar, on the other hand, is from PIE *grab,'to give, too
  18. To read the actual wording of the theory they so vociferously attack, and to, grasp ,its deep relevance to the phenomena they describe, is hard to credit. " Some
  19. To halve one's rights and double one's duties ", and " Marrying means, to, grasp , blindfolded into a sack hoping to find out an eel out of an assembly of snakes.
  20. Themes and ideas that would filter into his later work, and shows a remarkable, grasp ,of the medium ". Los Angeles and Eraser head: 1971–1979 In 1971,Lynch moved
  21. Where we have listened to something explained which we just could not, grasp , Physiological barriers: may result from individuals' personal discomfort
  22. That the North was the aggrieved party, as the Slave Power tightened its, grasp ,on the national government with the Died Scott decision and the presidency of
  23. That Emperor Wu did not listen to Bodhidharma after the Emperor was unable to, grasp ,the meaning. Instead, Bodhidharma left the presence of the Emperor once
  24. of course and effect are not beyond the understanding of human reason, human, grasp , of the infinitely complex whole is limited because of the limits of science to
  25. Transcendent. It remains, however,alone (unconnected). Only the ego's, grasp ," by analogy" of the Other (e.g., by conjectural reciprocity) allows the
  26. Is unrelated, is that the bongo has a long prehensile tongue which it uses to, grasp ,grasses and leaves. Suitable habitats for bongos must have permanent water
  27. Processing, and compiler design would be hard to study in detail without a, grasp ,of how a computer operates at the hardware level. Since a computer's behavior
  28. Discovered that almost all such nebulae were receding from Earth. He did not, grasp ,the cosmological implications of this fact, and indeed at the time it was
  29. Contemplated ten techniques the interrogators wanted to use:" ( 1) attention, grasp , (2) walling, ( 3) facial hold, ( 4) facial slap (insult slap),(5)
  30. Other. Eagles have structures on their toes called spicules that allow them to, grasp ,fish. Osprey also have this adaptation. Bald Eagles have powerful talons and
  31. In order to develop facility for working with them. Furthermore, a firm, grasp ,of set theoretical concepts from a naive standpoint is important as a first
  32. The Agassi peninsula, a comprehensive resolution of the dispute is within our, grasp , The momentum achieved must be sustained. " Withdrawal Nigeria began to
  33. And pointless, to describe emotions; he sculpted collages of images in order to, grasp ," the real thing, the sequence of motion and fact which made the emotion and
  34. Have concluded that they do not possess any faculty which allow their minds to, grasp ,an insight into cause and effect. However, it has been shown that some animals
  35. Unspecified animal, possibly a wolf, considered to be either in the centaur's, grasp ,or impaled on its spear. The Southern Cross, which now is pictured as
  36. Inferential abilities, ability to make deductions in a long chain, ability to, grasp ,ideas more or less clearly, the human capacity to worry about conflating
  37. Place it in their mouths. They will graze on grass or reach up into trees to, grasp ,leaves, fruit,or entire branches. If the desired food item is too high up, the
  38. It seems to follow that we may understand concepts as the manner in which we, grasp ,the world. Accordingly, concepts (as senses) have an ontological status (
  39. In 1928,aged 16,Turing encountered Albert Einstein's work; not only did he, grasp ,it, but he extrapolated Einstein's questioning of Newton's laws of motion
  40. From their ease of accessibility, simple to understand gameplay and quick to, grasp ,rule sets. Additionally, casual games frequently support the ability to jump in
  41. Parcel ". Also, some may use a short" a" vowel in" bat" for words like ", grasp ,"," gasp "," plaque" and" rasp ". Sydney—Rising inflection Sydney residents
  42. Which matched his own in suppleness, in width of interest, and in analytical, grasp , and above all in humor and a sense of fun ". However, after complaining of a
  43. Favoured during the last few decades. Now the usual practice is for one hand to, grasp ,the other with palms down to strike the water with a flat surface. This creates
  44. And sewer services were all suddenly in short supply. Analysts trying to, grasp ,the magnitude of the change coined terms like" hyper-urbanization ". Cairo's
  45. Way one can get away from the false perception of the“ bastard” knowledge and, grasp ,the truth through the inductive reasoning. After taking into account the
  46. Asserted that civil liberties would be better protected: It is impossible to, grasp ,the meaning of the idea of sound money if one does not realize that it was
  47. Organ of perception. ”:“ In the Confirmations ... he says: But we in actuality, grasp ,nothing for certain, but what shifts in accordance with the condition of the
  48. Local perspective; they instead combine a focus on the local with an effort to, grasp ,larger political, economic,and cultural frameworks that impact local lived
  49. January 2002. It was also a small weight unit. Ancient drachma. Below:, grasp ,of six book forming one drachma The name drachma hence the proverb,'an owl
  50. That he wants to live, and becomes horrified whenever his mind starts to, grasp ,the truth about himself. This contradiction leads to the recurring absurdity of

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