Examples of the the word, shortage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shortage ), is the 3998 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Resin was at one point considered for the manufacture of coins, due to a, shortage ,of traditional manufacturing material. In 1943,Bakelite and other non-metal
  2. 1941–1942 was hard for the Finnish urban population due to poor harvests and a, shortage ,of agricultural laborers. Conditions were gradually improved, and the following
  3. Manpower pool with high unemployment and relief in 1940 to a severe manpower, shortage ,by 1943. Industry realized that the Army urgently desired production of
  4. In key sectors such as health, which is currently experiencing a critical, shortage ,of manpower. Botswana also is one of the countries where Russian citizens do
  5. And privatize agriculture, leading to problems such as the rice supply, shortage ,in Southeast Asia. The bank has also been criticized by Vietnam War veterans
  6. Range between France and Spain is so low, estimated at 14 to 18,with a, shortage ,of females, that bears, mostly female, from Slovenia were released in spring
  7. Shortage up to 2,500 liters of clean water per second by 2015. To ease the, shortage , the central government plans to build a water catchment and processing
  8. Panzer battalion in the German panzergrenadier divisions due to the chronic, shortage ,of tanks, and were sometimes used as makeshifts even in the panzer divisions.
  9. Du ROI LE 31 Mai 1785 (Instruction on the means of compensating for the food, shortage ,with fodder, and of increasing the subsistence of cattle, Supplement to the
  10. All travel to a crawl would soon start to fall. At the time, Menelik claimed a, shortage ,of cavalry horses with which to harry the fleeing soldiers. Chris Pouty
  11. City of Hyderabad on the banks of the Must River in 159120 to relieve a water, shortage ,the dynasty had experienced at its old headquarters at Golconda city (11
  12. On its domestic market and constrained by a limited water supply and a labor, shortage ,stemming from the lure of higher wages in tourism and construction work.
  13. Known to provide significant financial aid. In both parts of the island, water, shortage , is a growing problem, and several desalination plants are planned. The economic
  14. In late 1999 and running through to mid-2000,suffered delays. There was a, shortage ,of Pentium III parts. In contrast, AMD enjoyed a remarkably smooth process
  15. Like many other European colonists, opted to use slavery to supply this, shortage ,of workers. Colonists tried to enslave Brazilian natives in the beginning, but
  16. Dried up and based on research, the southern part of Bali would face a water, shortage ,up to 2,500 liters of clean water per second by 2015. To ease the shortage , the
  17. Veterans with lavish donations to gain their support. In 22 BC there was a food, shortage ,in Rome which sparked panic, while many urban plebs called for Augustus to take
  18. Feed) in years of adverse weather. Meat production was constrained by, shortage ,of feed, but the country still recorded high per capita consumption of meat. *
  19. Battlefield but not enough to simultaneously occupy the colonies. This manpower, shortage ,became critical after French and Spanish entry into the war, because British
  20. Of cattle, Supplement to the instruction on the means of providing for the food, shortage ,with fodder, published by order of King on May 31, 1785). * (with Guy ton de
  21. In the area since 2002. However, rising prices directly correlate to a housing, shortage ,across the city and the entire metro area. The Bronx Museum of the Arts
  22. International was unable to provide large enough quantities of 1571s due to a, shortage ,of double-sided drive mechanisms. Like the 1571,it could read and write both
  23. Escalation of oil prices and mitigate the effects of transportation energy, shortage ,that will occur under peak oil. This is contingent on liquefaction production
  24. Of starvation and disease. Name "/IN"> mcpherson66"/> In spite of the South's, shortage ,of soldiers, most Southern leaders — until 1865 — opposed enlisting slaves.
  25. 1911. There were two main reasons for Alumni's demise: the first cause was the, shortage ,of players due to the fact that Alumni rarely admitted players outside the
  26. Growth continued, expanding significantly to the northwest and an acute housing, shortage ,was eased with the establishment of an extensive Housing Commission of Victoria
  27. Though the Netherlands remained neutral in this war, Amsterdam suffered a food, shortage , and heating fuel became scarce. The shortage s sparked riots in which several
  28. In Algiers. New residential developments aim to solve Algiers current housing, shortage , Sports Algiers is the largest sporting center of Algeria. The city has a
  29. By November 1921 about 9,500 men had joined. This sudden influx of men led to a, shortage ,of RIC uniforms, and the new recruits were issued with khaki army uniforms (
  30. Slowly during this period, as it was hard to find adequate labor. This labor, shortage ,prompted the authorities to import slaves from Indonesia and Madagascar. Many
  31. He only reluctantly accepted a promagistracy in Militia for 51 BC, after a, shortage ,of eligible governors was created by legislation requiring an interval of five
  32. Of the century, whose miseries were accompanied by severe drought and food, shortage , started in 1505; by 1507,about 100,000 people had died in Andalusia alone ...
  33. Stored on magnetic telemetry tapes. During the following years, a magnetic tape, shortage ,prompted NASA to remove massive numbers of magnetic tapes from the National
  34. Detroit 12,New York 13,Green Bay and Cleveland 14,and the Eagles 16. This, shortage ,of players could have been eradicated if African Americans had been integrated
  35. Can be caused by a nutrient deficiency of iron--called iron chlorosis—or by a, shortage ,of magnesium or nitrogen. Soil pH sometimes plays a role in nutrient-caused
  36. Depended. Despite great hardship caused by limited power, loss of cabin heat, shortage ,of potable water and the critical need to jury-rig the carbon dioxide removal
  37. On the death of his brother John I Albert (1501). Biography Alexander's, shortage ,of funds immediately made him subservient to the Polish Senate and nobility (
  38. The Atari Lynx, a handheld console with color graphics, to much fanfare. A, shortage ,of parts kept the system from being released nationwide for the 1989 Christmas
  39. Anger towards the government over the fuel protests which had led to a severe, shortage ,of motor fuel. By the end of 2000,however, the dispute had been solved and
  40. Perform nationwide until the start of the Korean War in 1950,when (due to a, shortage ,of pilots, and no planes were available) the team was disbanded and its
  41. Parts of the city. These new neighborhoods were built to relieve the city's, shortage ,of living space and give people affordable houses with modern conveniences. The
  42. War, Quaker guns were also used by the Confederates, to compensate for their, shortage ,of artillery. The decoy cannon were painted black at the" muzzle ", and
  43. Trade to almost half. Name "/IN"> mcpherson72"/> When Britain did face a cotton, shortage , it was temporary, being replaced by increased cultivation in Egypt and India.
  44. In Britain were inadequate to meet the increased demand in World War I, and a, shortage ,of cordite would have severely hampered Britain's war effort. Lloyd-George
  45. And save games. Reception The Jaguar was a commercial failure due to its, shortage ,of third party support and several poorly received first party titles. In
  46. RIC) in policing an increasingly anti-British Ireland. There was no, shortage ,of recruits, many of them unemployed First World War army veterans, and by
  47. Forces and to organize the Continental Army. Realizing his army's desperate, shortage ,of gunpowder, Washington asked for new sources. Arsenals were raided and some
  48. India. The decision to shoot down a plane is taken by CCS. However, due to the, shortage ,of time, whoever – the prime minister, the defense minister or the home
  49. Mitigation of effects of petroleum shortage s In the event of a petroleum, shortage ,(see peak oil for global concerns),organic agriculture can be more
  50. Only a third of the national norm of 180 hours. The Navy also has some fuel, shortage ,problems, but military training is still effective. The most recent overseas

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