Examples of the the word, refund , in a Sentence Context

The word ( refund ), is the 3984 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The increase in property tax liability over pre-enterprise zone levels; and a, refund ,of local sales taxes on purchases of equipment, machinery tools, or supplies
  2. The edition via auction and ships the defective one to the seller, demanding a, refund ,on the auction. Sellers should record item numbers and other details about the
  3. For Miles, followed by a secret agreement between the team and Miles to, refund ,the amount of his fine. That summer the team hired Nate McMillan, who had
  4. Sections 8 and 9. " The court ruled that Ms. Murphy was not entitled to the tax, refund ,she claimed, and that the personal injury award she received was" within the
  5. Or bounced checks. In some cases debit card-issuing banks will promptly, refund ,any disputed charges until the matter can be settled, and in some jurisdictions
  6. Of the Netherlands must observe" in order to be exempt from, or obtain a, refund ,of, the Mexican withholding taxes on dividends, interest and royalties. " In
  7. But agreeing to supply those purchasers with free backup software or a 5 %, refund ,on the cost of the drives. Unique binary prefixes Early suggestions While early
  8. 2001). Henry MacLeish, Labour First Minister of Scotland, failed to, refund ,the House of Commons for income he had received from the sub-let of his
  9. Goods are exported without substantial modification. The process of claiming a, refund ,is known as duty drawback. Penalties Certain civil penalties apply for failures
  10. Gaulle announced France would cease supplying Israel with arms (and refused to, refund ,money paid for 50 warplanes). On February 5,1966, the USA announced that it
  11. Attempted to sue Linspire's bank, Comerica,in an attempt to get Comerica to, refund ,severance payments which had been made to laid-off Inspire employees.
  12. For in advance. The German refusal either to deliver the artillery pieces or, refund ,the 125 million Reichsmarks the Turks had paid in advance for them was to be a
  13. Claimed to have no financial connection to the wheat, and that no one claimed a, refund ,despite such an offer for up to a year later for any who were dissatisfied with
  14. Half his agreed fee of $3 million for the concert. MCD claim they had to, refund ,55,126 tickets purchased, and its total losses exceeded $1.66 million. Prince's
  15. The opportunity to reject the license and obtain a refund . If requesting a, refund ,directly from the manufacturer fails, it is also possible that a lawsuit in
  16. Product support were reduced within four years, its customers would receive a, refund ,of between two and five times the fees they had paid for their People soft
  17. If the parcels are not delivered on time, the customer is entitled to a, refund , * Cost, insurance,and freight (CIF): Insurance and freight are all paid by
  18. Business and $7 for households, per ton of CO2. However, Denmark offers a tax, refund ,for energy efficient changes. One of the main goals for the tax is to have
  19. Circumstances, races have been declared no-contests, forcing velodromes to, refund ,millions of yen in bets. Such results are generally known as a. A race at
  20. Zone. After duty has been paid on particular goods, the importer can seek a, refund ,of duties if the goods are exported without substantial modification. The
  21. Incidental or consequential damages" and limits their recourse to receiving a, refund ,of the unused portion of their tickets. According to a Southwest spokesman, the
  22. His musical output and urging fans who bought them to" take copies back for a, refund ,". Bongo Fury to Bat Chain Puller By the fall of 1975 the band completed their
  23. Dealing charges and collect the commission while others may make charges and, refund ,all commission. Examples of large Fund Supermarkets are Fidelity FundsNetwork
  24. Or sell during the first five years of the loan, they are entitled to a partial, refund ,of the FLIP paid at loan inception. If you have financed the FLIP into the
  25. Investment. Measures include a preferential solar-feed-in tariff and a 50 % VAT, refund ,for wind farm developers intended to facilitate the construction of 100
  26. Systems gives the consumer the opportunity to reject the license and obtain a, refund , If requesting a refund directly from the manufacturer fails, it is also
  27. Is told to go to the pet shop run by the shopkeeper's brother in Bolton for a, refund , but he is told by the proprietor of that store (who is really the shopkeeper
  28. Evening of brainstorming with his friend Peter Laird. Using money from a tax, refund ,together with a loan from Eastman's uncle, the young artists self-published a
  29. Pas, and portable music players. Consumers also have the option of obtaining a, refund ,for unused OEM operating system software. The end user license agreement (EULA
  30. Of the Netherlands must observe" in order to be exempt from, or obtain a, refund ,of, the Mexican withholding taxes on dividends, interest and royalties. " In
  31. Personally greeted by church founder J. R." Bob" Dobbs Himself and receive a, refund ,check for $90,along with a booklet titled," How to Enjoy Hell for Five Cents
  32. Committee denounced the Sedition Act as unconstitutional, permitting the, refund ,of fines which had been paid under it. The Alien and Sedition Acts were
  33. Which turns out to be ACME. He offers a store credit when Wile E. claims a, refund ,for a giant slingshot that" slammed me into a mountain ". Ms. Coyote then
  34. State constitutional limits, full-year Colorado residents can claim a sales tax, refund ,on their individual state income tax return. Many counties and cities charge
  35. Guaranteed' sign in the window of the shop legally entitled him to a, refund ,for the cost of the pants, estimated at $1,000. The $54 million total also
  36. Not been without controversy: In 2003 the 407 ETR settled a class action with a, refund ,to users. The same method is used on Highway 6 in Israel and the reversible
  37. And the proceeds from his property and the sale of his counterfeits be used to, refund ,the buyers of his works and to pay income taxes on the sale of his paintings.
  38. This is not a desirable outcome for the sports book, as they are forced to, refund ,every bet, and although both the book and its bettors will be even, if the cost
  39. This type of dividend is sometimes known as a patronage dividend or patronage, refund , as well as being informally named dive or divvy. Producer cooperatives, such
  40. Agreement (EULA) provides that the software may be returned to the OEM for a, refund , Despite refusal of some manufacturers to honor the entitlement, it has been
  41. Such as Tibetan iPhone app have been developed to help Londoners claim their, refund ,more efficiently. Overcrowding on the Underground has been of concern for years
  42. Or otherwise raise additional funds to make any regular coupon payments and, refund ,the principal when the bonds mature. Barometer of the economy At the stock
  43. And paid his fee, they would get the big game animal they wanted, or he would, refund ,their money. Business was very good until game wardens realized that Knievel
  44. Services were delayed by more than 15 minutes. Passengers are entitled to a, refund ,if their journey is delayed by 15 minutes or more due to circumstances within
  45. Of Canada received fewer votes than had been estimated and has been asked to, refund ,the difference. The province of Quebec was the first province to implement a
  46. Relief Act of 1997 that resulted in Amtrak receiving a $2.3 billion tax, refund ,that resolved their cash crisis. In January 1998,after Amtrak weathered this
  47. Requested for a deposit. When the check arrives, the scammer will ask for a, refund ,of the difference between the check they sent and the agreed upon amount. The
  48. He brought in for a $10.50 alteration) and refused his demands for a large, refund , Pearson believed that a 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' sign in the window of the
  49. That insurance policy dividends are generally not taxed. They are merely a, refund ,of overpaid premiums. In the fields of science, engineering,industry and
  50. The tranche was not disbursed due to the accumulation of a large amount of VAT, refund ,arrears to Ukrainian exporters which amounted to a hidden budget deficit. The

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