Examples of the the word, grid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grid ), is the 3993 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Automation, the extension of intelligent control over an electrical power, grid ,* After the Development of Agriculture, A. D. A., a system of counting years
  2. Of East or West Germany. This has now become the backbone of the city's energy, grid , carmaker Daimler AG and the electric utility, RWE AG, are going to begin a
  3. William Light. His plan, now known as Light's Vision, arranged Adelaide in a, grid , with, surrounding it. Light's design was initially unpopular with the early
  4. Placed on intersections of lines on the grid , not in the areas bounded by the, grid ,lines as is seen in chess). (See also: Game mechanic: Movement) *Hex—in
  5. City center, thousands of smaller privately built houses. It is laid out on a, grid ,pattern, with most streets flanked on both sides by narrow irrigation channels
  6. Of an official quarter, making four regions in all. The city was laid out as a, grid ,of parallel streets, each of which had an attendant subterranean canal;; The
  7. American architect. Major roads follow a wheel-and-spoke pattern rather than a, grid , The city center is laid out on two perpendicular axes: a water axis stretching
  8. A principal agent of the Holland Land Company, designed a radial street and, grid ,system that branches out from downtown like bicycle spokes, and is one of the
  9. Or impossible to attain. For example, eliminating dependence on the electrical, grid ,is relatively simple but growing all necessary food is a more demanding and
  10. Thoroughfares crisscrossed the urban grid lengthwise and widthwise. The urban, grid ,was based on the usual central north-south road (card) and central east-west
  11. Of Bronx Community Board 1. Transportation Roads and streets The Bronx street, grid ,is irregular. Like the northernmost part of Upper Manhattan, the West Bronx's
  12. independently of infrastructural support services such as the electric power, grid , gas grid , municipal water systems, sewage treatment systems, storm drains
  13. The West Bronx's hilly terrain leaves a relatively free-style street, grid , Much of the West Bronx's street numbering carries over from Upper Manhattan
  14. From infrastructural support services such as the electric power grid , gas, grid , municipal water systems, sewage treatment systems, storm drains, communication
  15. Used a ceramic interposer much like the Thunderbird instead of the organic pin, grid ,array package used on all later Palomino processors. The initial version (
  16. Expenses can be eliminated by attaching the building to the electric power, grid ,and operating the power system with net metering. Utility permission is
  17. Adelaide has had wide multi-lane roads from its beginning, an easily navigable, grid ,layout and a beautiful green ring around the city center. There are two sets of
  18. Of Calling. Electricity supply Bornholm is connected to the Swedish electricity, grid ,by a submarine 60 KV AC-cable, which is among the longest AC-cables in Europe.
  19. The final RF amplifier can be controlled by varying the voltage of the control, grid , This method requires little audio power, but special care must be taken to
  20. Passengers per day, will become a center of circulation in the heart of the, grid ,system, surrounded by commercial offices and buildings and hotels intended for
  21. Lines. The Berlin 380-kV electric line was built when West Berlin's electrical, grid ,was not connected to those of East or West Germany. This has now become the
  22. Of these power stations. These were connected by static inverters to the power, grid ,and were loaded during times of low energy consumption and unloaded during
  23. Stars, or other objects, themselves are specified using a coordinate chart or ", grid ," that is laid down over all spacetime. The cosmological principle implies that
  24. With the Druid of Colchester. *c. 200 AD: A stone Go/Wadi board with a 17×17, grid , from a tomb at Wang County in Hebei, China. *220-265: Backgammon enters China
  25. Onto the streets over the centuries, and the modern lanes replacing the ancient, grid ,are now quite narrow. The substantial remains of the western card have now
  26. At Port Augusta and Pelican Point, and from connections to the national, grid , Gas is mainly supplied from the Roomba Gas Processing Plant in the Cooper
  27. Taken to reduce distortion. * Clamp Tube (Screen Grid) Modulation. The screen, grid ,bias may be controlled through a“ clamp tube” that reduces voltage according
  28. Inhabited by the Fauna people. Light's design set out Adelaide in a, grid ,layout, interspaced by wide boulevards and large public squares, and entirely
  29. Formulae Areas of 2-dimensional figures *a simple polygon constructed on a, grid ,of equal-distanced points (i.e., points with integer coordinates) such that
  30. e., points with integer coordinates) such that all the polygon's vertices are, grid ,points: i + \franc - 1,where i is the number of grid points inside the polygon
  31. Soviet period. The central part of the city is primarily built on a rectangular, grid ,plan. The city's main street is the east-west Chew Avenue (Prospect Chew)
  32. Systems (for example, the MALT-system). In areas that lack access to the, grid , battery size can be reduced by including a generator to recharge the batteries
  33. There is also a variant in Bolivia when it is played in a Havana or Inca Cross, grid , which adds more complications to the game. Dots-and-boxes has a dual form
  34. Theory. Unusual grid s Dots and boxes need not be played on a rectangular, grid , It can be played on a triangular grid or a hexagonal grid . There is also a
  35. Higher-quality roads and integrating the road system into the European, grid , The focus is on improving road connectors with Turkey and Greece and domestic
  36. The city is belted by three. The streets in downtown Ann Arbor conform to a, grid ,pattern, though this pattern is less common in the surrounding areas. Major
  37. System to be made, called comoving coordinates. In this coordinate system,the, grid ,expands along with the Universe, and objects that are moving only due to the
  38. The long store exiting off to one side. (Later drawings depict a regularized, grid ,layout. ) Like the central processing unit (CPU) in a modern computer, the
  39. Air conditioning puts a major demand on the electrical power, grid ,in hot weather, when most units are operating under heavy load. In the
  40. Fort covered an area of approximately. Between its walls it contained a dense, grid ,of streets and a multitude of buildings, ranging from spacious headquarters and
  41. Moving only due to the expansion of the Universe remain at fixed points on the, grid , While their coordinate distance (comoving distance) remains constant, the
  42. polygon's vertices are grid points: i + \franc - 1,where i is the number of, grid ,points inside the polygon and b is the number of boundary points. This result
  43. That of a typical Roman town wherein main thoroughfares crisscrossed the urban, grid ,lengthwise and widthwise. The urban grid was based on the usual central
  44. Economical and sustainable with fewer lifestyle sacrifices. In rural areas the, grid ,'s cost and impacts can be reduced by using single wire earth return systems (
  45. Need not be played on a rectangular grid . It can be played on a triangular, grid ,or a hexagonal grid . There is also a variant in Bolivia when it is played in a
  46. In Go, for example, the pieces are placed on intersections of lines on the, grid , not in the areas bounded by the grid lines as is seen in chess). (See also:
  47. Consumption and unloaded during periods of high consumption. In 1993 the power, grid ,connections to the surrounding areas, which had been cut in 1951,were restored
  48. On a rectangular grid . It can be played on a triangular grid or a hexagonal, grid , There is also a variant in Bolivia when it is played in a Havana or Inca
  49. Then two) first published in 1889 by Édouard Lucas. Starting with an empty, grid ,of dots, players take turns, adding a single horizontal or vertical line
  50. By Lamar to survey the village and draft a plan laying out the new capital. The, grid ,plan Waller designed and surveyed now forms the basis of downtown Austin. In

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