Examples of the the word, string , in a Sentence Context

The word ( string ), is the 1988 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. British Commonwealth. From the late 1930s until the postwar period appeared a, string ,of monographs and edited volumes that cemented the paradigm of British Social
  2. A powerful demonic resurrection of himself. Crowley has been an influence for a, string ,of popular musicians throughout the 20th century. The hugely popular band The
  3. Abcde with any three adjacent elements bracketed. Nary associativity is a, string ,of length n+ (n-1) with any n adjacent elements bracketed. Examples Some
  4. In terms of numerical ratios representing the harmonic overtone series on a, string , He is reputed to have observed that when the lengths of vibrating string s are
  5. But it was not a particular success. Nonetheless, that same year he published a, string ,of other poems, the most notable of which was White Stains, a piece of erotica
  6. Of the symbol =\, has to be enforced, only regarding it as a string and only a, string ,of symbols, and mathematical logic does indeed do that. Another, more
  7. Battle plans, to the point of thinking the end of the war could be near if a, string ,of victories could be put together; these plans included Hooker's attack on
  8. Street salesmen. Nearby Monastical (), for its part, is well known for its, string ,of small shops and markets, as well as its crowded flea market and taverns
  9. Gravity motivates modern quests for a theory of everything and in particular, string ,theory, where geometrical fields emerge in a unified quantum-mechanical setting
  10. Because different grammatical structures can be assigned to the same, string ,of words. " He ate the cookies on the couch ", for example, could mean that he
  11. They talked about how, before his 1927 flight, Lindbergh had used a piece of, string ,to measure the distance from New York City to Paris on a globe and from that
  12. The string itself, which has 64 characters. More formally, the complexity of a, string ,is the length of the string 's shortest description in some fixed universal
  13. Operations. Ternary associativity is (ABC)DE a (BCD)e ab (CDE),i.e. the, string ,abide with any three adjacent elements bracketed. Nary associativity is a
  14. The string itself. Strings whose Kolmogorov complexity is small relative to the, string ,'s size are not considered to be complex. The notion of Kolmogorov complexity
  15. Its right operand;! ~ is its inverse. Note that a regular expression is just a, string ,and can be stored in variables. The next way uses command-line variable
  16. First public flight. *1918 – World War I: the Battle of Aliens begins a, string ,of almost continuous victories with a push through the German front lines (
  17. 4c1j5b2p0cv4w1x8rx2y39umgw5q85s7uraquuxdppa0q7nieieqe9noc4cvafzf The first, string ,has a short English-language description, namely " ab 32 times ", which
  18. For coercing it from a string to a numeric value. (Concatenating an empty, string ,is to coerce from a number to a string ,e.g. s" ". Note,there's no operator
  19. Orchestra (1970) by Jean Dawdler *Concerto for Alford No. 2 (with flute, string ,orchestra & percussion) (1983) by Dawdler *Dialogue with Nature for
  20. And Woolf son managed Parsons' career as a producer and engineer through a, string ,of successes including Pilot, Steve Harley, Cockney Rebel, John Miles, Al
  21. The following. * The prototypical example of an associative operation is, string ,concatenation: the concatenation of" hello ",","," world" can be computed
  22. Never produced the envisioned third part of the trilogy. Instead, he produced a, string ,of further fantasy novels, Elidor (1965),The Owl Service (1967) and Red
  23. g. 2 to 3,3 to 4),the tones produced will be harmonious. If, for example,a, string ,sounds the note C when plucked, a string twice as long will sound the same note
  24. Can take is therefore analogous to the fundamental frequency of a wave on a, string , Higher energy states are then similar to harmonics of the fundamental
  25. The first two string s (giving" hello,") and appending the third, string ,(" world" ), or by joining the second and third string (giving ", world ")
  26. Constants) next to each other. It is optional to use a space in between if, string ,constants are involved, but two variable names cannot be placed adjacent to
  27. The second and third string (giving ", world ") and concatenating the first, string ,(" hello" ) with the result. String concatenation is not commutative. * In
  28. Part of a religious festival. The work seems to have been written in haste: the, string ,parts are simple, the music of the first three movements is repeated in the
  29. The script, most often the string " AWK ". Also note that ARGVARGC is the empty, string ," ". # initiates a comment that expands to the end of the line. Note the if
  30. Respectively. For string concatenation, simply place two variables (or, string ,constants) next to each other. It is optional to use a space in between if
  31. Empty string . Adding zero to a variable is an AWK idiom for coercing it from a, string ,to a numeric value. (Concatenating an empty string is to coerce from a number
  32. Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan. The name is not commonly pronounced as a, string ,of separate letters but rather to sound the same as the name of the bird, auk (
  33. As ARGV0 is the name of the command that executed the script, most often the, string ," AWK ". Also note that ARGVARGC is the empty string ," ". # initiates a
  34. Of producing formatted reports. The language used by AWK extensively uses the, string ,datatype, associative arrays (that is, arrays indexed by key string s),and
  35. The first and third fields of the current record, separated by a predefined, string ,called the output field separator (OFS) whose default value is a single space
  36. Simple description (using the same character set) other than writing down the, string ,itself, which has 64 characters. More formally, the complexity of a string is
  37. Shebang" syntax. For example, a UNIX command called hello. Awk that prints the, string ," Hello, world! " May be built by creating a file named hello. Awk containing
  38. Numeric value. (Concatenating an empty string is to coerce from a number to a, string , e.g. s" ". Note,there's no operator to concatenate string s,they're just
  39. Sorting algorithms, merge algorithms, numerical algorithms, graph algorithms, string ,algorithms, computational geometric algorithms, combinatorial algorithms
  40. Language elements as optional parameters, symbolic variables, conditionals, string , manipulation,and arithmetic operations, all usable during the execution of a
  41. Include the tilde operator, ~,which matches a regular expression against a, string , As handy syntactic sugar, /regexp/ without using the tilde operator matches
  42. Of any string cannot be more than a few bytes larger than the length of the, string ,itself. Strings whose Kolmogorov complexity is small relative to the string 's
  43. Is discussed below. It can be shown that the Kolmogorov complexity of any, string ,cannot be more than a few bytes larger than the length of the string itself.
  44. Addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division, respectively. For, string ,concatenation, simply place two variables (or string constants) next to each
  45. Which case no value has ever been assigned to s, it will by default be an empty, string , Adding zero to a variable is an AWK idiom for coercing it from a string to a
  46. Is used to output text. The output text is always terminated with a predefined, string ,called the output record separator (ORS) whose default value is a newline.
  47. Appending the third string (" world" ), or by joining the second and third, string ,(giving ", world ") and concatenating the first string (" hello" ) with the
  48. Will be harmonious. If, for example, a string sounds the note C when plucked,a, string ,twice as long will sound the same note an octave lower. The tones in between
  49. 64 characters. More formally, the complexity of a string is the length of the, string ,'s the shortest description in some fixed universal description language. The
  50. Syntactical usage of the symbol =\, has to be enforced, only regarding it as a, string ,and only a string of symbols, and mathematical logic does indeed do that.

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