Examples of the the word, j , in a Sentence Context

The word ( j ), is the 1990 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. J = 0 to n do CJ, j 0,FJ, j j for d = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do, j ,= i + d FI, j = FI, j − 1 + f´ + f´ j CI, j MIN (i j ) + FI, j In computer
  2. Reformed alphabet discarded six letters Franklin regarded as redundant (c, j , q, w,x, and y),and substituted six new letters for sounds he felt lacked
  3. February 1957 in the letter,http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?, j ,PHRVA,106,162 Microscopic theory of superconductivity. The demonstration that
  4. Procedure Optimum Search Tree (f, f´, c ): for j = 0 to n do CJ, j 0,FJ, j ,f´ j for d = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI, j − 1 +
  5. 0,FJ, j j for d = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI, j ,− 1 + f´ + f´ j CI, j MIN (i j ) + FI, j In computer science, a binary tree
  6. With respect to P (and its own natural filtration); and ## for all 1 ≤ i, j ,≤ n, Xi (t)PJ (t) it is a martingale with respect to P (and its own
  7. 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI, j − 1 + f´ + f´ j CI, j ,MIN (i j ) + FI, j In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data
  8. Be shown that if the eigenvalues of Jr and J2 are MJ and j ( j +1) then MJ and, j ,are both integer multiples of one-half. J is non-negative and MJ takes values
  9. B" are uniformly written with" b" in the ESCA system. Likewise," ch ",", j ,"," g (+e) ", and " g (+i) " are all written" ch ". In addition, the
  10. I and j prime factors respectively, then (m, n ) is said to be of type (i, j ,). For example, with (m, n ) (220,284),the greatest common divisor is 4
  11. G j = GJ ⋅ GI. This implies that the (i, j )'TH entry of the table equals the (, j , i)'TH entry, thus the table is symmetric about the main diagonal. Examples *
  12. Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line ('The total is:' & Number'Image ( j ) ); j : = Next (, j ,); end Print_and_Increment; begin while i < Number'Last loop
  13. i.e. you could declare an array as integer array Thing (i: j ),where i and, j ,were calculated values). Direct machine coding was allowed. Atlas Autocode
  14. Diffuse, and fundamental, the rest being named in alphabetical order (omitting, j ,). The wave function for the electron cloud of a complex atom may be seen as
  15. Do CJ, j 0,FJ, j j for d = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j ,= FI, j − 1 + f´ + f´ j CI, j MIN (i j ) + FI, j In computer science, a
  16. Exercise to show that if c (n) is defined by: c (n): \sum_ a (i)b (, j ,) \sum_a (i)b\left (\franc\right),then: F_c (s) =F_a (s) F_b (s). \;
  17. 2 if n > 10 3 print" This might take a while ..." 4 for i = 1 to n 5 for, j ,= 1 to i 6 print i 7 print" Done! " A given computer will take a discrete
  18. Next; begin Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line ('The total is:' & Number'Image ( j ) );, j ,: = Next ( j ); end Print_and_Increment; begin while i < Number'Last loop
  19. Switched capacitors that are discrete-time filters). It maps positions on the, j ,\omega \ axis, Res 0 \, in the s-plane to the unit circle, | z | 1 \, in the
  20. Of the Latin alphabet, such as Hawaiian, and Italian, which uses the letters, j , k, x,y and w only in foreign words. It is unknown whether the earliest
  21. That the observed response y_ from experimental unit i when receiving treatment, j ,can be written as the sum of the unit's response y_i and the treatment-effect
  22. Of pointers to vectors, one for each row. Thus, an element in row i and column, j ,of an array A would be accessed by double indexing (AIJ in typical notation).
  23. Procedure Optimum Search Tree (f, f´, c ): for j = 0 to n do CJ, j ,0,FJ, j j for d = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI
  24. f. The discrete autocorrelation R at lag j for a discrete signal x_n is: R_ (, j ,) = \sum_n x_n\, \overlie_. The above definitions work for signals that are
  25. Example: procedure Optimum Search Tree (f, f´, c ): for, j ,= 0 to n do CJ, j 0,FJ, j j for d = 1 to n do for i = 0 to (n − d) do j =
  26. Body Example is i: Number: = Number'First; procedure Print_and_Increment (, j ,: in out Number) is function Next (k: in Number) return Number is begun
  27. A suffix beginning with a vowel is added:" the action "," doing ". The letter, j ,has a variety of realizations according to the regional dialect:, as pronounced
  28. It is called irregular or exotic. If (m, n ) is regular and M and N have I and, j ,prime factors respectively, then (m, n ) is said to be of type (i, j ). For
  29. 1 - \lambda) \sum_^ (\lambda p_ j ) where p_ j equals actual inflation, j ,years in the past. Thus, current expected inflation reflects a weighted average
  30. Awk: declare -A # declare an associative array 'a' i 1;, j ,2 # initialize some indices Ali, $ j =5 # associate value" 5" to key" I, $ j "
  31. By the pair of its left and right children; if these have sizes i and, j ,respectively, the full tree has size. Therefore, the number C_n of binary trees
  32. Maps every point of the frequency response of the continuous-time filter, H_a (, j ,\omega_a) \ to a corresponding point in the frequency response of the
  33. At run-time (i.e. you could declare an array as integer array Thing (i:, j ,), where i and j were calculated values). Direct machine coding was allowed.
  34. Package Example is type Number is range 1. 11; procedure Print_and_Increment (, j ,: in out Number); end Example; Package implementation (example. Adb)
  35. 1; end Next; begin Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line ('The total is:' & Number'Image (, j ,)); j : = Next ( j ); end Print_and_Increment; begin while i < Number'Last loop
  36. For a real function, \overlie = f. The discrete autocorrelation R at lag, j ,for a discrete signal x_n is: R_ ( j ) = \sum_n x_n\, \overlie_. The above
  37. Of i, which iterates from 1 to n. On the first pass through the outer loop, j ,iterates from 1 to 1: The inner loop makes one pass, so running the inner loop
  38. Invariant, and it can be shown that if the eigenvalues of Jr and J2 are MJ and, j ,( j +1) then MJ and j are both integer multiples of one-half. J is non-negative
  39. I = 0 to (n − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI, j − 1 + f´ + f´ j CI, j MIN (i, j ,) + FI, j In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which
  40. And other modern Romanizations) when initial, but AAK when final, while Latin, j ,represents Cantonese initial j but final oak. At least three adaptations of
  41. When initial, but AAK when final, while Latin j represents Cantonese initial, j ,but final oak. At least three adaptations of Braille have completely reassigned
  42. Quantized angular momenta \DEC and \DEC, : \DEC = \DEC + \DEC the quantum number, j ,associated with its magnitude can range from | l_1 - l_2 | to l_1 + l_2 in
  43. Medieval Aragonite sources. With the SLA system," v" and" b" and" ch ",", j ,"," g (+e) ", and " g (+i) " are distinct forms and" NY" is used instead
  44. J2 are MJ and j ( j +1) then MJ and j are both integer multiples of one-half., j ,is non-negative and MJ takes values between PJ and j . Relation to spherical
  45. In the July 1957 article,http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?, j ,PHRVA,108,1175 Theory of superconductivity. They received the Nobel Prize in
  46. The assumption of unit-treatment activity implies that, for every treatment, j , the PTH treatment have exactly the same effect t_ j on every experiment unit.
  47. As: R_ (\tau) = \operator name\left (t)\overlie (t-\tau)\right: R_ (, j ,) = \operator name\left_n\, \overlie_\right. For processes that are not
  48. N − d) do j = i + d FI, j = FI, j − 1 + f´ + f´ j CI, j MIN (i j ) + FI, j ,In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node
  49. The spin S and total angular momentum J are half-integer. For d=3,in fact, j ,and MJ are always either integers or half-integers. Technically, this is
  50. Test (step 5) consumes 2T5 time. During the next pass through the outer loop, j ,iterates from 1 to 2: the inner loop makes two passes, so running the inner

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