Examples of the the word, specialized , in a Sentence Context

The word ( specialized ), is the 4197 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Taiwanese, and Hong Kong traditions are widely available, as are more, specialized ,restaurants such as seafood restaurants, Hong Kong-style diners and cafés (
  2. To use AIX (versions 4.1.4 or 4.1.5) as their native operating system in a, specialized ,version specific to the ANS. AIX was only compatible with the Network Servers
  3. Among the more colorful historical figures, despite being little known outside, specialized ,history. He and his widow (who became queen regnant after his death) had a
  4. Methods exist for the preparation of amines, many of these methods being rather, specialized , Reactions Alkylating, acylation, and suffocation Aside from their basicity
  5. Middle of the third century, and for the absence of widespread knowledge of the, specialized ,treatises of Aristotle throughout the Hellenistic period, as well as for the
  6. The group level, AA may hire outside professionals for services that require, specialized ,expertise or full-time responsibilities. Unlike individual groups, the GSO is
  7. As their primary interest within the hobby of amateur astronomy. Although, specialized ,and experienced amateur astronomers tend to acquire more specialized and more
  8. Unnecessary habits at their source with a specialized hands-on assistance. This, specialized ,hands-on requires Alexander teachers to demonstrate on themselves the improved
  9. Specialize, for example the heads of most arthropods are composed of fused, specialized ,segments. Etymology First attested in 1658,from Latin anus (“ ring, anus ”)
  10. Kinases, the largest kinase super family, all share common structural features, specialized ,for ATP binding and phosphate transfer. ATP in complexes with proteins, in
  11. But, in some protozoa such as the kinetoplastids, this is carried out in a, specialized ,organelle called the lysosome. Glycolysis generates a net two molecules of ATP
  12. For making twines and ropes; now most aback is pulped and used in a variety of, specialized ,paper products including tea bags, filter paper and banknotes. It is classified
  13. Carriers that were specifically designed as such. This allowed the design to be, specialized ,to their future role and resulted in superior ships. During World War II, these
  14. In media in the applied arts or decorative arts include artisan, craftsman,and, specialized ,terms such as potter, goldsmith or glassblower. Fine arts artists such as
  15. Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future, and others argue that, specialized ,artificial intelligence applications, robotics and other forms of automation
  16. Explosive shell or rocket, and being of such a size and weight as to require a, specialized ,carriage for firing and transport. However, its most important characteristic
  17. And Theology. Each faculty is further divided into departments and schools, specialized ,in areas of teaching and research. The Division of Research & Graduate Studies
  18. But most historians did not try to replicate it and instead focused on their, specialized ,monographs. The book dramatically raised the worldwide profile of the Annals
  19. Although specialized and experienced amateur astronomers tend to acquire more, specialized ,and more powerful equipment over time, relatively simple equipment is often
  20. Neuromuscular disease have PSSM. To some extent it can be diet controlled with, specialized ,low-starch diets, but genetic testing is advised before breeding, as the
  21. Common type can be called a flat-top guitar to distinguish it from the more, specialized ,arch top guitar and other variations. The standard tuning for an acoustic guitar
  22. With alcohols:: ROW + NH3 → RNH2 + H2O These reactions require catalysts, specialized ,apparatus, and additional purification measures since the selectivity can be
  23. To have evolved from an early, un specialized form. Human beings are the least, specialized ,animal, and as such maintain the closest connection to the archetypal form.
  24. Cultivation of land, monocropping,organized irrigation, and the use of a, specialized ,labor force, particularly along the waterway now known as the Shaft Al-Farabi
  25. Had habitually received most attention; anthropologists who traditionally, specialized ,in" other cultures" looked for them far away and started to look" across the
  26. SIMS assembly version from x264) * no high-level language exists, on a new or, specialized ,processor, for example. ** real-time programs that need precise timing and
  27. Preferring fresh water, while crocodiles can tolerate salt water due to, specialized ,glands for filtering out salt. In general, crocodiles tend to be more dangerous
  28. For visual discoveries of supernovae. * Clinton B. Ford (1913–1992),who, specialized ,in the observation of variable stars. *Will Hay, the famous comedian and actor
  29. Literature. Below the nobility were the priests, physicians,and engineers with, specialized ,training in their field. Slavery was known in Ancient Egypt, but the extent and
  30. Their conversations. The term argot is also used to refer to the informal, specialized ,vocabulary from a particular field of study, hobby,job, sport,etc. The author
  31. Officer in the Royal Navy * Adrian Jones, English sculptor and painter who, specialized ,in animals, particularly horses * Adrian Kashchenko, Ukrainian writer
  32. Monitoring, guiding and preventing unnecessary habits at their source with a, specialized ,hands-on assistance. This specialized hands-on requires Alexander teachers to
  33. By preganglionic nerve fibers, the adrenal medulla can be considered as a, specialized ,sympathetic ganglion. This may be one of the reasons lung cancer commonly
  34. Computer b. v. was called MCP (Music print Computer Product),because it was, specialized ,in producing computer assisted printing of sheet music. The director of the
  35. Health effects of the extreme muscle mass that is currently fashionable in the, specialized ,halter horse, which typically is 15.2 to 16 hands and weighs in at over when
  36. Chinese bakeries, boba milk tea shops, roasted meat, vegetarian cuisine, and, specialized , dessert shops. Chop sea is not widely available in San Francisco, and the city
  37. Ibadan Institute of Technology was established in Ibadan in 1939. The school, specialized ,in engineering and petroleum chemistry, and was designed to train staff for the
  38. Of the aluminum frame is that it is very expensive to repair and requires a, specialized ,aluminum body shop. The Audi A2,Audi TT and Audi R8 also use Audi Space Frame
  39. Of preschools, general secondary schools, and vocational schools, including, specialized , secondary schools and technical schools. Education through the eighth grade is
  40. Only as a verb, seldom as a noun or adjective except in reference to certain, specialized ,objects, such as a tape transport or a military transport (e.g., a troop
  41. architect's decisions affect public safety, and thus an architect must undergo, specialized ,training consisting of advanced education and a practicum (or internship) for
  42. Made by courts with more limited jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions have, specialized ,appellate courts, such as the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which only hears
  43. And the White House for a Pennsylvania daily. Meanwhile, his wife worked at a, specialized ,library for business and behavioral science. Löffler is also frequently cited
  44. The former providing close fire-support for infantry and the latter acting as, specialized ,anti-tank vehicles. Modern self-propelled artillery vehicles may superficially
  45. That the actinophryids developed from anodizes such as Peninsula. These are, specialized ,heterodox algae, related to golden algae, diatoms,brown algae, and the like
  46. Related *APL (programming language),a computer programming language with, specialized ,array processing capabilities *Frame wave, formerly the APL, the AMD Performance
  47. Treatment is so important. Generalized anxiety disorder can be treated through, specialized ,therapies aimed at changing thinking patterns and in turn reducing
  48. By compilers, it is still used for direct hardware manipulation, access to, specialized ,processor instructions, or to address critical performance issues. Typical uses
  49. 1906),produced on Broadway. He became known as" The Playboy Playwright" and, specialized ,in comedies and farces, some of them with material considered risqué at the
  50. Of the Eukaryotes. Rather than in chloroplasts, they conduct photosynthesis on, specialized ,unfolded cytoplasmic membranes called thylakoid membranes. Therefore, they

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