Examples of the the word, fifteen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fifteen ), is the 4202 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As a pitcher. For the most part, his Yankee pitching appearances (five in, fifteen ,years) were widely-advertised attempts to boost attendance. Despite
  2. Works Archimedes' Book of Lemmas or Fiber Assumptorum is a treatise with, fifteen ,propositions on the nature of circles. The earliest known copy of the text is
  3. And England The events which marked the life of the artist during the first, fifteen ,years of the period in which he was engaged on the above-mentioned works
  4. Association of America after a month. Worldwide, the album topped the charts in, fifteen ,countries and sold over ten million copies in a year. It became the biggest
  5. Woodcut subjects of the Little Passion, published first in 1511,and a set of, fifteen ,small engravings on the same theme in 1512. Indeed, complaining that painting
  6. Of templates applied to roots. For verbs, a given root can construct up to, fifteen ,different verbs, each with one or more characteristic meanings and each with
  7. t. Also, unexpected emphatic ṭ in the numbers 13-19 (e.g. ḫamṣṭaʿšar ", fifteen ," < hamlet NASA). *Certain lexical items,e.g. jab" bring" < Jay bi- "
  8. Is now Brown County was a party of only four people, three horses, two mules, fifteen ,cattle, and two wagons. This group of settlers was later joined by another
  9. Baseball seemed to prosper. The competitive balance between franchises saw, fifteen ,different teams make the World Series, and nine different champions during the
  10. From homesickness. She was withdrawn from the school and replaced by Anne. At, fifteen , it was Anne's first time away from home, and she made few friends at Roe Head
  11. Scale, this disaster led to the creation of an Irish diaspora that numbers, fifteen ,times the current population of the island. The linguistic heritage of the
  12. Physician, Sergey Bodkin, was asked how long it would be, he replied," Up to, fifteen ,minutes. " At 3:30 that day the standard (Alexander's personal flag) of
  13. Ben Are addressed to the congregation of Montpellier a letter, signed by, fifteen ,other rabbis, proposing to issue a decree pronouncing the anathema against all
  14. Relationships, By the 1950s in the United Kingdom, it was thought that about, fifteen ,percent of male homosexuals had anal sex. More recent studies, The Gay Urban
  15. Abdul'Baha soon became his father's secretary and shield. ` Abdul'Baha was, fifteen ,or sixteen at the time and ` Ali Shaka Pasha regarded the more than 11000
  16. Rudolf II of Burgundy and Bertha of Swabia. Her first marriage, at the age of, fifteen , was to the son of her father's rival in Italy, Lothair II, the nominal King
  17. In the USA A 2009 ABC News/Belief net phone poll of 1 022 adults suggests that, fifteen ,percent of Americans identify themselves as Baptists. Besides North America and
  18. Storage capacity:" perhaps for a first machine ten (columns) would do, with, fifteen , wheels in each ". Such a version could manipulate 20 numbers of 25 digits each
  19. S tutelage that he became the youngest Soviet National Master in history at, fifteen ,in 1966; this tied the record established by Boris Spas sky in 1952.
  20. 197) on November 26, 2001 after a five-year standardization process in which, fifteen ,competing designs were presented and evaluated before it was selected as the
  21. Transition from a pitcher to a power-hitting outfielder became complete. In his, fifteen ,year Yankee career, consisting of over 2,000 games, Ruth re-wrote the record
  22. In drawing that he started as an apprentice to Michael Wolgemut at the age of, fifteen ,in 1486. A self-portrait, a drawing in silver point, is dated 1484 (Albertina
  23. Age, entering two of his flutes and a clarinet into a competition at the age of, fifteen , He subsequently studied those two instruments at the Royal School of Singing
  24. A miniature Atari 7800 and joysticks and had 20 built in games (five 7800 and, fifteen ,2600 titles). While the unit sold well, it was controversial among Atari fans.
  25. Of that year, which passed Congress without a Republican vote. It cut taxes for, fifteen ,a million low-income families, made tax cuts available to 90 % of small
  26. Son, Rimush (2278-2270 BC),who fought hard to retain the empire—and in the, fifteen ,year reign of Rimush's elder brother, Manishtushu (2269-2255 BC). The latter
  27. Buy the newspapers. Modern Basque dialects allow for the conjugation of about, fifteen ,verbs, called synthetic verbs, some only in literary contexts. These can be put
  28. The Yankees have currently played in the most division series in history, with, fifteen , appearances. The Toronto Blue Jays are the only team to have never played in
  29. The film grossed a total of $789,409. It eventually expanded to another, fifteen ,theaters, and domestically grossed a total of $8,551,228. It was also released
  30. Station, an Amati no less," in The Surgeon's Mate. In the Wine-Dark Sea, book, fifteen , of the series, Stephen Maturing now has a Geronimo Amati and Aubrey a Guarnieri.
  31. Moises Nail observed that in a small town in Kenya in 1986,an AK-47 cost, fifteen ,cows but that in 2005,the price was down to four cows indicating that supply
  32. In the Barony in 1604. From him, it has descended continuously, through, fifteen , individuals,the title being increased to an Earldom in 1784; and in 1876
  33. Most important Portuguese noble ever to visit India, and he brought an armada of, fifteen ,ships and 3,000 men sent by the king to defend the rights of Albuquerque and
  34. Of a mile long and two hundred feet at most, wide,slides under a dome of, fifteen ,high. Owes its name to the endless echoes repeats. Its waters are having fishes
  35. With gunpowder weapons. The Ottomans brought to the siege sixty-nine guns in, fifteen ,separate batteries and trained them at the walls of the city. The barrage of
  36. Twenty-five strokes with the knot, and then, on the 24th,he was subject to, fifteen ,more. On 26 June, Alexei died in the Petropavlovskaya fortress in Saint
  37. Works *On the Equilibrium of Planes (two volumes): The first book is in, fifteen ,propositions with seven postulates, while the second book is in ten
  38. Statute of Westminster stipulates that the agreement of the governments of the, fifteen ,other Commonwealth realms that share the Crown would first have to be sought if
  39. Now renamed the Chekhov Gymnasium, where he was kept down for a year at, fifteen ,for failing a Greek exam. He sang at the Greek Orthodox monastery in Tagalog
  40. Boroughs with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, and granting constituencies to, fifteen ,unrepresented towns, and extra representation in parliament to larger towns
  41. Then reentered the Lunar Module after spending approximately seven hours and, fifteen ,minutes outside during their final lunar excursion. On December 17,during the
  42. In literature than music as a child and did not begin to compose until he was, fifteen , when he started to teach himself music. In late February or early March 1902
  43. History ", Agassi is an eight-time Grand Slam singles champion who competed in, fifteen ,Grand Slam finals, and an Olympic gold medalist. A multi-surface specialist, he
  44. Warhol's TV in 1982 and Andy Warhol's Fifteen Minutes (based on his famous ", fifteen ,minutes of fame" quotation) for MTV in 1986. Besides his own shows he
  45. Five dollars for all seven lectures. In March 1853,Alcott was invited to teach, fifteen ,students at Harvard Divinity School in an extracurricular, non-credit course.
  46. Built new fortifications in the Agra Decimates, advancing the Limes Germanic us, fifteen ,miles forward in his province and neighboring Ratio. Nevertheless, Antoninus
  47. To the merchant navy. Seven Years War Phillip joined the Royal Navy at about, fifteen , and saw action at the outbreak of the Seven Years' War in the Mediterranean
  48. His support in the North and West, no ballots were cast for him in ten of the, fifteen ,Southern slave states, and he won only two of 996 counties in all the Southern
  49. Point for algae-based biofuels should be within reach in about ten to, fifteen ,years. Fertilizer For centuries seaweed has been used as a fertilizer; George
  50. Will of God revealed through Moses, although it is pointed out that it is said, fifteen ,times in the Pentateuch that“ the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron. ” Under the

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