Examples of the the word, incur , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incur ), is the 4201 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be more shaped by the dangers posed by bears and the economic costs that they, incur ,to farmers and ranchers. Bear meat must be cooked thoroughly as it can often be
  2. Has treated them well, even if going through hard times. The shareholders can, incur ,some damage the company may receive from a bad year or slow period in
  3. Insured entities (known as exposures) to pay for the losses that some may, incur , The insured entities are therefore protected from risk for a fee, with the fee
  4. From a volume V_a\ to a volume V_b\ at constant temperature TO+\ to, incur ,a flow of heat into the body (known as an isothermal change) (2) a change
  5. Fast (at 40 Bit/s and beyond) that even full-length 1500 byte packets do not, incur ,significant real-time queuing delays (the need to reduce such delays — e.g.
  6. Its ultimate objectives, nevertheless showed that mechanized infantry could, incur ,far fewer casualties than dismounted troops in set-piece operations. The German
  7. Example, was the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Deforested regions typically, incur ,significant adverse soil erosion and frequently degrade into. Disregard or
  8. Netting. This represents the maximum losses the bank’s counter-parties would, incur ,if the bank defaults and there is no netting of contracts, and no bank
  9. In their state. The sale of dextromethorphan in its pure powder form may, incur ,penalties, although no explicit law exists prohibiting its sale. There have
  10. Are provided as part of the mediation process. Not all appointments will, incur ,fees, but fee transparency may be looked for in this context. *In New South
  11. Dutch had increased to about 22 percent and LTCM had to close the position and, incur ,a loss. According to Eisenstein (p. 234),LTCM lost $286 million in equity
  12. Departments in non-emergency situations who are not referred by their GP may, incur ,a fee of €100. In some circumstances this fee is not payable or may be waived.
  13. Or benefits being cut. Again, in a closely held business the shareholders can, incur ,this profit damage rather than passing it to the workers. The affairs of
  14. Except energy and utility providers, which will pay a 10 % surcharge and thus, incur ,a rate of 20 %. These will include electricity, fuel,telephone service and
  15. Bimbo, Vittoria Colonia, Pietro Mar tire, Carnesecchi, and others destined to, incur ,the suspicion of heresy, either from the moderation of their characters or from
  16. Of property in its own name like buildings, land and equipment. It can also, incur ,liabilities and enter into contracts like franchising and leasing. American
  17. In volume from V_b\ to a volume V_c\ at a variable temperature just such as to, incur ,no flow of heat (known as an adiabatic change) (3) another isothermal
  18. The session, while the top often respects this guidance. Other bottoms try to, incur ,punishment from their top by provoking them or" misbehaving ". Nevertheless a
  19. Index and much of the aux index may reside in a disk cache, so they would not, incur ,a disk read. Insertions and deletions cause trouble If the database does not
  20. shutdown on the bottom and most numerous node-layers, each sifting call will, incur , at most, a number of swaps equal to the" height" ( from the bottom of the
  21. Shall dare molest or seize these during the absence of their owners, shall, incur , excommunication. Those, however,who with a view of going to Jerusalem or to
  22. To take possession of things anywhere deposited in holy buildings ... should, incur ,sentence of excommunication. " It was during the issuing of Clerics Lies
  23. Taxes include those on polluting fuels (like petrol),taxes on goods which, incur ,public healthcare costs (such as alcohol or tobacco),and charges for
  24. The operating systems's capabilities as required. Dynamically loadable modules, incur ,a small overhead when compared to building the module into the operating system
  25. Also be mindful of the play clock. If they fail to snap the ball in time they, incur ,a delay of game penalty. Also, with a dwindling play clock, the defense has
  26. A coin collection does not produce income until it is sold, and may even, incur ,costs (for example, the cost of safe deposit box storage) in the interim.
  27. Be more of a reflection on the values of those in power. All large businesses, incur ,administrative costs in the process of delivering revenue collected from
  28. By the Government. (GP care may be fully funded. Private obstetric care will, incur ,a fee in addition to the government funding. ) Netherlands Midwives are called
  29. Errors by forming the least accurate expectations of future consumer demands, incur ,financial losses. Financial losses remove these inept entrepreneurs from
  30. Banks hold assets (foreign exchange, gold,and other financial assets) and, incur ,liabilities (currency outstanding). Central banks create money by issuing
  31. Requests that a model be shipped from the warehouse for store pickup would also, incur ,the same delivery charge to the customer, easily adding 10 % to 25 % to the
  32. Plenty of raw talent and exciting glimpses of his potential. Round 8 saw Port, incur ,a 31 point defeat at the hands of last year's grand finalists Sydney at the
  33. She is afraid to break the law and go to the King unsummoned. This action would, incur ,the death penalty. Mordechai tells her that she must. She orders Mordechai to
  34. Be famous in history ". Some historians argue that the award caused Britain to, incur ,disproportionate losses in defending Malta, as British credibility would have
  35. Him but that Balder us has already made a like request, and he does not want to, incur ,his wrath. Gears tells Others that Balder us is invincible but that he knows
  36. To all consumers and producers.: *Zero transaction costs - Buyers and sellers, incur ,no costs in making an exchange (perfect mobility). In the short term
  37. These economic woes were of a more serious nature for Iraq that had to, incur ,huge debts during the war as compared to the very small debt of Iran, as
  38. From the underlying hardware. Although these high-level languages usually, incur ,greater overhead, the increase in speed of modern computers has made the use of
  39. Projects, such as climate change mitigation and pension contributions similarly, incur ,costs in the present with expected payoffs only occurring many decades in the
  40. For use in more profitable enterprises. However, a firm cannot continue to, incur ,losses indefinitely. In the long run, the firm will have to earn sufficient
  41. The monarchy and military at the expense of the revolution, and that it would, incur ,the anger of ordinary people in Austria and elsewhere. The Austrian emperor
  42. Legal liabilities (depending on the jurisdiction) that the shooter may, incur ,if using hand loaded ammunition for defense, such as an implied malice on the
  43. Or application on C. Often an even higher-level protocol will sit on top, and, incur , further processing. An example protocol stack and the corresponding layers:
  44. Taking into account netting. This represents the maximum losses a bank could, incur ,if all its counter-parties default and there is no netting of contracts, and
  45. In volume from V_c\ to a volume V’d\ at constant temperature TO-\ such as to, incur ,a flow or heat out of the body and just such as to precisely prepare for the
  46. Should be putting as much pressure on the neck as possible. 3) A fighter may, incur ,an injury to one or more fingers if they are intertwined, and it becomes more
  47. No free pool of selenocysteine exists in the cell. Its high reactivity would, incur ,damage to cells. Instead, cells store selenium in the less reactive selenite
  48. As a long-term investment and not like current social spending programs that, incur ,spending commitments but provide little or no return on that investment.
  49. Behavior can, when a business is dominant, be considered abusive and therefore, incur ,legal sanctions. A government-granted monopoly or legal monopoly, by contrast
  50. Had injured at Attack, and it was no longer physically debilitating enough to, incur ,exclusion from the draft. When Brando reported to the induction center he

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