Examples of the the word, freeze , in a Sentence Context

The word ( freeze ), is the 4210 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As the Fight or Flight response) but in extreme cases of fear (terror) a, freeze ,or paralysis response is possible. Some psychologists such as John B. Watson
  2. The cold or around entry locations where humidity and moisture will enter and, freeze ,instantly depending on the freeze r temperature. Advection frost
  3. Caused for users. Having predictable freeze s was expected to reduce overall, freeze ,time. The squeeze cycle was intended to be especially short to" get into the
  4. The end of the" Kino-Pravda" series, Vertov made liberal use of stop-motion, freeze ,frames, and other cinematic" artificializes," giving rise to criticisms not
  5. Not reach the southern parts of the Baltic Sea, and thus the entire sea did not, freeze ,over. However, floating ice was additionally observed near Świnoujście harbor
  6. And the Archipelago Sea. The remainder of the Baltic itself does not, freeze ,during a normal winter,except sheltered bays and shallow
  7. Agreements, which Hamas refused to do. The Quartet then imposed a, freeze ,on all international aid to the Palestinian territories. In 2006 after the Gaza
  8. Fats can stack themselves in a closely packed arrangement, so they can, freeze ,easily and are typically solid at room temperature. For example, animal fats
  9. Such as the maximum density of steps, how many jumps are in the steps, freeze ,arrows, and so on. Excluding the U. S. Home Version, the step difficulty was
  10. To taxpayers). In 2005,Premier Ralph Klein made a promise that he would, freeze ,tuition and look into ways of reducing schooling costs. So far, no plan has
  11. Respectively. It is also used to produce applejack. Unlike distillation, freeze ,distillation concentrates poisonous conveners rather than removing them.
  12. When tested, it approaches standards for potable water. In climates that, freeze , the plants and Aquarian need to be kept in a small greenhouse space. Good
  13. The northern bobwhite is shy and elusive. When threatened, it will crouch and, freeze , relying on camouflage to stay undetected, but will flush into low flight if
  14. Permit. When winters are cold enough to allow the freshwater canals to, freeze ,hard, the province holds its traditional Elfstedentocht (Eleven cities tour)
  15. Song option played in sudden death mode, any combo breaking step or missed, freeze ,will cause an instant failure. Usually if this final boss is beaten, a special
  16. As of Supernova),and jumps (two arrows appearing at the same time) and, freeze ,arrows can also be removed. The color scheme of the arrows can also be changed.
  17. Islands during the 1999 Atlantic hurricane season. While there has never been a, freeze ,reported in The Bahamas, the temperature can fall as low as during Arctic
  18. Halved, to 185 %. Within a few months, the authorities began to lift the price, freeze ,on some items; in other cases it took almost a year. By 1986,inflation was
  19. Virtually any biological specimen close to its native state. *Dehydration –, freeze ,drying, or replacement of water with organic solvents such as ethanol or
  20. Boo (complete miss) ). Longer green and yellow arrows referred to as ", freeze ,arrows" must be held down for their entire length, either producing a" O. K.
  21. To be especially short to" get into the new cycle ". However, this short, freeze ,cycle for squeeze was abandoned. The code names of Debian releases are names of
  22. Cold due to the eastern Russian winds, which rarely occurs, it can ", freeze ,from the south ". This was a phenomenon that took several centuries to
  23. For the government; an freezing winter that year caused coal mines to, freeze ,and cease production, creating widespread power cuts and food shortages. The
  24. But the UN waited until July 1998 to limit UNITA's exportation of diamonds and, freeze ,UNITS bank accounts. While the U. S. government gave USD250 million to UNITS
  25. Ended diplomatic relations with Cuba through Executive Decree Number 2. This, freeze ,lasted for 47 years until President Oscar Arias Sánchez announced on 18 March
  26. Feature to this console is the 'hold' button, which allows the player to, freeze ,the game, change the time or change the speed of the game during the course of
  27. Aurelian's currency reforms. The government's response was to issue a price, freeze , The Edict on Maximum Prices (Dictum De Pretiis Serum Vanadium) was issued
  28. A consular office in Costa Rica in 2001. Forty-seven years after the initial, freeze , Costa Rican President Oscar Arias Sánchez announced on 18 March 2009 that
  29. The mountains do not lie long. Three years out of four at Heart it does not, freeze ,hard enough for the people to store ice; yet it was not very far from Heart
  30. The insulating properties of a top ice layer, lakes and ponds would tend to, freeze ,solid and thaw very little during warmer periods. This principle has been
  31. On the context. E.g. INVENTED > (" young man ", Sp., Cat. ), GELARE > (" to, freeze ,", Sp., Cat. ). *Romance groups -LT-,-CT- result in,e.g. FACT > (" done "
  32. Even on the mountains does not lie long. Three years out of four it does not, freeze ,hard enough for the people to store ice. The eastern reaches of the Hard River
  33. The pearl "; when snow melts on tree branches, it forms droplets, and as these, freeze ,again, they are like pearls of ice. In Polish and Ukrainian, respectively,the
  34. Quote from Damian on the album cover:" We stood before it and began to, freeze ,inside from the exertion. We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to
  35. Hallways lined with brightly-lit glass bricks. During Mr. Freeze’s attempt to, freeze ,Gotham in the film Batman & Robin (1997),the targeting screen for his giant
  36. That in winter the canal freeze s before the lakes and then after the lakes, freeze , the canal thaws and remains unfrozen for the rest of the winter. Cadillac sits
  37. By flapping its wings. It has found practical use in a model hawk used to, freeze ,prey animals into stillness so that they can be captured, and in toy birds.
  38. To reach the house. Draw shots include raise and angle-raise, come-around,and, freeze ,shots. Takeouts are intended to remove stones from play and include the peel
  39. Area in Europe, with Cam argue red rice being a specialty. Moreover, they do not, freeze ,well. Foods and ingredients French regional cuisines use locally grown
  40. First package of austerity measures, implemented on 9 February 2010,included a, freeze ,in the salaries of all government employees, a 10 % cut in bonuses, as well as
  41. Serving the sugar plantations by 1897. An 1884 slump in prices led to a wage, freeze , and a subsequent labor shortage was filled by migrant workers from the Leeward
  42. Freezes on average in late February. The Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga, freeze ,typically in late January. In 2011,the Gulf of Finland was completely frozen
  43. Of time based releases with its policy of feature based releases. The new, freeze ,policy aims to provide better predictability of releases for users of the
  44. The Antarctic region cooled down, and the ocean surrounding Antarctica began to, freeze , sending cold water and ice floes north, reinforcing the cooling. The northern
  45. Subject from 1937 who, upon waking, is left simple-minded and with the power to, freeze ,anything he touches, though vulnerable to warmer temperatures and kept cold in
  46. Allowing his lines to continue. However, the semen of some stallions does not, freeze ,well. Some breed registries may not permit the registration of foals resulting
  47. Glacier retreat. Cold weather causes water trapped in tiny rock cracks to, freeze ,and expand, breaking the rock into several pieces. This can lead to gravity
  48. Rpm with limited development areas allowed, following the engine specification, freeze ,from the end of. For the 2009 Formula One season the engines have been further
  49. Rather than moderately so, water will first condense in small droplets and then, freeze ,into clear ice. White frost is a solid deposition of ice which
  50. Between the fat molecules, making it more difficult for unsaturated cis-fats to, freeze ,; they are typically liquid at room temperature. Trans fats may still stack like

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