Examples of the the word, allegation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Early, son and mother were disallowed communication, nevertheless,the, allegation ,helped earn her the guillotine). The new Bourbon King, Louis XVIII, however
  2. Harvard University, and reached a settlement in 1996 over a sexual harassment, allegation ,at Boston University. In 2009,Walcott became a leading candidate for the
  3. Caribbean, and South America from points north. History Origins The earliest, allegation ,of unusual disappearances in the Bermuda area appeared in a September 16, 1950
  4. Of prisoners involved in the controversial extraordinary rendition program,an, allegation ,formally reported to the Council of Europe in June 2007. On February 21, 2008
  5. Was so that the World Cup would not lose prestige because of his absence. This, allegation ,has never been proven. Playing style Maradona had a compact physique and could
  6. Pre-Barbara Gordon Bat-Girl (in 1961) were introduced in part to refute the, allegation ,that Batman and Robin were gay, and the stories took on a campier, lighter feel
  7. Spyware when inserted into the CD drive of a computer. The band has denied this, allegation , defending that there is no copy protection software on the albums sold in the
  8. Development of Russian-Jewish relations ". There is sharp division on the, allegation ,of anti-Semitism. From Solzhenitsyn's own essay" Repentance and
  9. Mentally impaired inmate cannot be executed. The courts disagreed with the, allegation ,of grave mental impairment and allowed the execution. Clinton's return to
  10. That their young master might become king. There is nothing to support the, allegation , which first appears in writing more than a century later, that Queen Ælfthryth
  11. Was probably added through confusion with another legal term, allegeance, an ", allegation ," (the French allegiance comes from the English). Allegiance is formed from "
  12. And are passed off as the real thing. " This comment may form the basis of the, allegation ,that deconstruction does not adhere to conventional academic standards by
  13. Harrison had fed LSD to Love when she was three years old. Harrison denied the, allegation , and Love admitted that she couldn't remember it, but insisted it was alleged
  14. Church. The objections raised by the Roman Catholic Church are based on the, allegation ,that Masonry teaches a naturalistic deistic religion which is in conflict with
  15. In Islam is death. Justification for attacks on non-Muslims is often the, allegation ,that the targets had" waged war against God," are occupiers of Muslim land
  16. Province trying to develop the shipbuilding industry in British Columbia. An, allegation ,(never substantiated) that the Premier had received a favor in return for
  17. 1987,following the revelation of a payoff to Jessica Hahn to keep secret her, allegation ,that Baker and another minister had raped her, Bakker resigned from PTL.
  18. Of every extension of democracy. This opposition has always rested on the, allegation ,that the people were incapable of exercising the power they demanded. Always
  19. Been destroyed. He admits that there is no extant proof for that position. The, allegation ,was also repeated by Shirley MacLaine in her book Out On a Limb. There is
  20. The driver is told the broad outlines of the case, but still does not know what, allegation ,is being made regarding alerting the third party. The driver can therefore
  21. To aggressively pursue organized crime. Although never corroborated,the, allegation ,of cross-dressing has been widely repeated. In the words of author Thomas
  22. Reported at Waling,110 km SW of BAVU, South SIVU in the course of rape, allegation ,27 March 2007. A number of outside donor countries are also carrying out
  23. Media theme of cursed mummies, claims have been made that Ötzi is cursed. The, allegation ,revolves around the deaths of several people connected to the discovery
  24. Of the first attack against the World Trade Center in New York in 1993. The, allegation ,has been backed by the Westminster Journal as well. The website" South Asian
  25. Cup tickets to touts; Sept Latter said that FIFA had not investigated the, allegation ,because it had not been told about it via 'official channels '. The program
  26. Was written for her, but Wood gave it to Loretta King instead. King denied the, allegation , In August 1954,Fuller was cast in Wood's The Vampire's Tomb, intended to
  27. Their kidneys for organ transplantation. The Kosovo government rejected the, allegation , On 25 January 2011,the Council of Europe endorsed the report and called for a
  28. A picture of a dead Gurkha soldier crossed out. The Sun later retracted the, allegation , saying that neither the BNP nor Walker were responsible for the leaflet. On 17
  29. From Russia and the wealthy Armenian diaspora. Armenians partially deny the, allegation , claiming that Russian side was equally supplying Armenian and Azerbaijani
  30. Of Diego Garcia. Two other issues concern the US base on Diego Garcia: the, allegation ,that a prison camp for alleged Islamic terrorists exists either on the atoll
  31. And prevent World War II by discrediting the" extremists ". The Brazilian, allegation ,of German support for the Integrality coup had a galvanizing effect on the
  32. Habitually makes claims that are easily shown to be inaccurate. One such, allegation ,of misleading balance came from Mark Hampering, political director of ABC News.
  33. Headmaster for professing such admiration for a Jew. Göring denied the, allegation , but was then presented with proof in the" Semi-Gotha ", They flew
  34. From the Crimea, but provided no reference to primary sources for his, allegation , In 1023 the Primary Chronicle reports that Mislay (one of Vladimir's sons
  35. As a witness; Chiral gave guarded interviews regarding his involvement. The, allegation ,was never fully explored. The Turin bid for the 2006 Winter Olympics was also
  36. Name of the organization, jdl. Org, was suspended by Network Solutions due to, allegation ,of infringement; the organization went back online soon thereafter at domain
  37. Al-Qaida. Nor is the Government detaining Petitioner Abu Zubaydah based on any, allegation ,that Petitioner Abu Zubaydah views himself as part of al-Qaida as a matter of
  38. Its formula by making claims the product was adulterated and disbanded. The, allegation ,of adulteration was, in substance, that the product contained an added
  39. Survey Group concluded that the evidence that Powell offered to support the, allegation ,that the Iraqi government possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) was
  40. Was developed and patented by Tangent, which provoked Greenpeace to renew its, allegation ,that the project is driven by profit motives. Dr. C. S. Prakash, who is the
  41. And at times passionate opinion, Judge Milan Smith likened Mr. al-Kidd's, allegation ,to the repressive practices of the British crown that sparked the American
  42. With the Lebanese group Hezbollah. The Hamas representative in Iran denied the, allegation ,that it had received $30 million from Iran in 1992,but acknowledged Iranian
  43. Has accused Jewish doctors of injecting Blacks with the AIDS virus,an, allegation ,which Dr. Abdul Slim Muhammad has denied. Jude Waikiki, late associate editor
  44. Pass by a simple majority article of impeachment, which constitute the formal, allegation ,or allegation s. Upon their passage, the defendant has been" impeached ". Next
  45. He has two daughters Anna-Jo (born in 1998) and Nellie (born in 2003). Rape, allegation ,In 1994,Charles and a friend were arrested and remanded in custody for several
  46. A leading character is an ancient historian who is trying to disprove the, allegation ,that the Carthaginians carried out child sacrifice. In Kushiel's Mercy by
  47. Manner. The media (particularly The Guardian cartoonist Steve Bell) used the, allegation ,by Alastair Campbell that he had observed Major tucking his shirt into his
  48. And Enrique Blanks, respectively. In these elections, a key issue was the, allegation ,of corruption. In Ortega's last days as president, through a series of
  49. Retain power. Grader was accused (by CAC) of corrupt actions involving an, allegation ,that a government position was offered to tempt an independent (who had
  50. The disputed articles and on 28 June 2010,issued its judgment on the principal, allegation ,of unconstitutionality presented by the People's Party in 2006. The judgment

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