Examples of the the word, gathering , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gathering ), is the 4208 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Suffering" and struck that Teacher was sober, Wilson attended his first Group, gathering , though he was drunk. Within days Wilson admitted himself for the fourth time
  2. Saving his city by meeting Attila in person. Genius moved to oppose Attila, gathering ,troops from among the Franks, the Burgundians, and the Celts. A mission by
  3. Big number ". 20 ROK" a bundle of 10 squirrels ", Nanai" collection, gathering ,". 21" A Hundred" in names of hundreds. 22 Starting et al. (
  4. That there were paintings on the ceiling. Charity Hall: This is also a Charity, gathering ,hall of the 5th-6th century AD. The veranda opens in to a court. There is a
  5. Networking, mobilization,publicity, as well as information dissemination, gathering ,and sharing. Abu AFUB al-Omari’s al-Qaeda movement in Iraq regularly releases
  6. In the middle. The bedrooms were at the back of the lodge. Fishing, hunting and, gathering ,were the only way Aleuts could find food. Salmon, seal,walrus, crabs
  7. National, regional,and local media organizations, which are active, gathering ,and disseminating information (as well as creating and disseminating
  8. Been misled. As usual in ancient democracies, one had to physically attend a, gathering ,in order to vote. Military service or simple distance prevented the exercise of
  9. Summer. The reasons for this were, among others, that in late autumn, plant, gathering , salmon fishing and other activities of securing food came to an end, and
  10. Military pressure and global political appeals. Resentment was increasingly, gathering ,against Taliban rule from the bottom of Afghan society including the Pashtun
  11. And his student Urban wrote one on the quadrivium. Charlemagne was a master at, gathering ,the best men of every land in his court. He himself became far more than just
  12. Fritz sch experimented on 600 Russian POWs and 250 Polish inmates by, gathering ,them in the basement of Block 11 and gassing them with Zyklon B, a highly
  13. Creatures on Earth, leaving only righteous mankind. They believe that the, gathering ,of the all the nations of the Earth refers to the uniting of the world's
  14. Martin as Speaker of the House of Commons, it was reported that Widdecombe was, gathering ,support for election as interim Speaker until the next general election. On 11
  15. Police Chief Dzerzhinsky heard Yaakov shout out to someone else in the, gathering ,crowd. The surrounding guards and the Cossacks urged the tsar to leave the area
  16. And Barbara's cousin Leonard Payoff. At first the group was an informal, gathering ,of friends who met with Rand on weekends at her apartment to discuss philosophy
  17. Hand. A little child is looking on from below. Cave 19: Cave 19 is a Charity, gathering ,hall, with many paintings and sculptures. They are mostly disfigured. Charity
  18. 17 patronized this cave. It was scooped at the same time. It is the charity, gathering ,hall for worship. The carving is intricate. The facade is elaborate, with
  19. In May. Lafayette skirmished with Cornwallis, avoiding a decisive battle while, gathering ,reinforcements. Cornwallis could not trap Lafayette, and upon his arrival at
  20. Of a wealthy industrialist should comprise two parts. The first part was the, gathering ,and the accumulation of wealth. The second part was for the subsequent
  21. That all the states encountered in collecting taxes, mustering men, and, gathering , supplies from a war-weary populace. " The second group of factors Above
  22. And 'ordering' is now strictly regulated in order to preserve stocks. The, gathering ,of orders is now restricted to a number of 'ordering tides ', from January 1 to
  23. To defend its territory in the wake of the Gothic War. After succeeding in, gathering ,together a large coalition of peoples, Alboin began his trek in 568. After
  24. And the So bat, Blue Nile and Barbara from the Ethiopian highlands (the chief, gathering ,ground of the flood-water),it separates the great desert with its fertile
  25. Eventually did make another bid for power. He quit Córdoba and quickly started, gathering ,supporters. While at large, al-Fihri managed to gather an army allegedly
  26. Century when it was known by its first Latin name of Aquarium, literally," a, gathering ,place or preserve of birds. " The Moors invaded and then held it until the 11th
  27. In the cities relatively expensive. In rural areas, subsistence hunting and, gathering ,is an essential activity because imported food is prohibitively expensive. The
  28. Young Alexander displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in, gathering ,botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. His best
  29. Alice Eastwood as his guide, exploring the flora of the Rocky Mountains and, gathering ,evidence that would lead him to a theory on how glaciation might explain
  30. All the while from loneliness, misery and remorse. Hordes of raucous sea lions, gathering ,on the beach for the mating season, eventually drove him to the island's
  31. North was a signal for a mutiny of the troops stationed in those parts and a, gathering ,of armed bands to his standard. After some delay and desultory fighting, he and
  32. Of the Demand movement, Jamaat-e-Islami, and Able Hadith. The largest, gathering ,of Muslims in the country is the Bishop Items, held annually by the Daylight
  33. From the standard of the Umayyad Caliphate and represented the call for a, gathering ,of the populace. The white symbolized pardon in the Almohad dynasty
  34. Become king of None; henceforth, the island's name Regina. Regina is the, gathering ,place of Myrmidons, in Regina they gathered, and they trained. Zeus needed an
  35. Is of about the same time as cave 9. It has a similar shape. The large charity, gathering ,hall is 28.5 m X 12.3 m wide and 11 m high. It has a stop shrine at the
  36. By Pinion, the Portuguese portion of the basin remained an untended former food, gathering ,and planned agricultural landscape occupied by the indigenous peoples who
  37. The text from the earlier passage of Revelation 16:14,that the purpose of this, gathering ,of kings in the" place called Armageddon" might be so that these kings could
  38. Was overseen by Bias Infant and approved in the Assembly of Ronda (a 1918, gathering , of Andalusian nationalists at Ronda). The green symbolizes hope and union, and
  39. The carving is simple. Cave Nine, Ten,Eleven Cave 9: This cave has a Charity, gathering ,hall. There are two early paintings, which survive. Frieze Of Animals And
  40. The formula for carrying out the transmutations. Most of his work was aimed at, gathering ,alchemical knowledge that had existed before him, especially as regarded the
  41. That Finishing pushed islanders' back. That evening, hundreds of Aleuts started, gathering ,on a mountain and marched to the Russians' houses. Five Russians opened fire
  42. At Auschwitz concentration camp, spending 945 days there, not only actively, gathering ,evidence of genocide and supplying it to the British in London by Polish
  43. The internal combustion engine. *1833 – The Convention of 1833,a political, gathering ,of settlers in Mexican Texas to help draft a series of petitions to the Mexican
  44. Abu Bakr for forsaking the funeral of Muhammad to attend the political, gathering , and believe that Muhammad had already appointed Ali in his lifetime as his
  45. VOR True" newsletter. The Ásatrú Alliance held its 25th annual" Alt hing ", gathering ,in 2005. Beliefs and practice Ásatrú groups and the individual Ásatrúarmenn
  46. Year 1200 Their economy was based on farming as well as hunting, fishing and, gathering , Full-blooded Ainu are lighter skinned than their Japanese neighbors and have
  47. August is the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. * The Penn sic War, a massive, gathering ,of the Society for Creative Anachronism, takes place about the first week of
  48. East, the Roman fleet would have had to attack during the morning for optimal, gathering ,of light by the mirrors. MythBusters also pointed out that conventional
  49. Was, however,able to play a dominant role in mathematics for around a decade, gathering ,a strong school. During this time he had officially as students Michel Dem azure
  50. Caesar's veteran legionaries and with troops designated for the Parthia war, gathering ,support by emphasizing his status as heir to Caesar. On his march to Rome

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