Examples of the the word, forbid , in a Sentence Context

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  1. May make a shot at the goal from which a goal can be scored. FISH rules do not, forbid ,a shot at goal before the ball leaves the circle after being 'inserted ', nor
  2. Because a court cannot order the media in general not to report on a case or, forbid ,it from reporting facts discovered publicly. Newspapers cannot be closed
  3. of the churches or from the crosses. By our Apostolic authority we, forbid ,also the fortifying of churches and their conversion to profane uses. CANON 15
  4. To the bishops since the time of Gregory VII, shall be continued. We absolutely, forbid ,abbots and monks to acquire by prescription after thirty years the possessions
  5. However, such a tactic was not recorded as a stolen base, and modern rules, forbid ,going backwards on the base paths in order to" confuse the defense or make a
  6. Intercourse and the mouth. Others emphasize there is no decisive evidence to, forbid ,it. The Roche culture of ancient Peru worshiped daily life including sexual
  7. By one bishop, may not be restored by others. Text. We absolutely, forbid ,that those who have been excommunicated by their own bishops be received into
  8. Against the sanctity of marriage and ultimately against God. Early church texts, forbid ,marriage between an Orthodox Christian and a heretic or schismatic (which
  9. Traditional dances are highly choreographed and separate men and women or, forbid ,participation by one sex altogether. The goals of dances range from pure
  10. Considered permissible any practices that the New Testament did not expressly, forbid , After the division, Disciples churches used" Christian Church" as the
  11. CANON 5 Summary. Marriages between blood-relatives are forbid den. Text. We, forbid ,marriages between blood-relatives because they are forbid den by the divine and
  12. The canons of the holy fathers, we absolutely and under penalty of anathema, forbid ,laymen to remove the offerings from the altars of the churches of St. Peter, of
  13. As well as most of the mass of the waste. Nevertheless, most health authorities, forbid ,direct use of" humane" for growing food. The risk is microbial and viral
  14. The consent of the clergy of the Church or demoniacally. We also absolutely, forbid ,any cleric in any way to alienate his pretend or any ecclesiastical benefice.
  15. Of the holy fathers and recognizing the obligation of our office, we absolutely, forbid ,in virtue of the authority of the Apostolic See that anyone be ordained or
  16. Book Deuteronomy&verse 18:10-12&src=! Deuteronomy 18:10-12 clearly, forbid ,any acts of divination, describing them as something detestable to God.
  17. 1271-1276) issued a letter which criticized the practice of blood libels and, forbid ,arrests and persecution of Jews based on a blood libel, ... unless – which we
  18. Cannot be predicated“ by a judgment of ouster against individuals. God, forbid ,― such is the sentiment of Mr. Justice Wilmot ― that the rights of the body
  19. Item of clothing on 26 March. Legal implications Many jurisdictions, forbid ,certain activities to persons suffering from epilepsy. The most commonly
  20. Ultimately provided a ram as a substitute. The Ten Commandments in the Torah, forbid ,murder. In addition, the use of blood (human or otherwise) in cooking is
  21. They are to describe the offspring of knights and foot soldiers; they are to, forbid ,being unmarried; they are to guide the behavior of the people; they are not to
  22. Speech The BNP says that NUN guidelines on reporting 'far right' organizations, forbid ,unionized journalists from reporting uncritically on the party. In September
  23. More and more widely used. Orthodox Judaism and the Eastern Orthodox Church, forbid ,cremation, as do most Muslims. Orthodox Judaism forbid s cremation according to
  24. Beliefs, that " God intended segregation of the races and that the Scriptures, forbid ,interracial marriage. " The university was not challenged about the origin of
  25. Standards available to these libraries only under license restrictions which, forbid ,loan, inter-library loan, open-shelf access, and copying of more than 10 % of a
  26. CANON 17 Summary. Abbots and monks may not have the Cuba animal. Text. We, forbid ,abbots and monks to impose public penances, to visit the sick, to administer
  27. Son die than undergo a life-saving operation because their religious beliefs, forbid ,it. And while the show's creator and main writer identifies as an atheist
  28. To accelerate to the speed of light, although special relativity does not, forbid ,the existence of particles that travel faster than light at all times (
  29. At the administration building in protest at the UC Regents' decision to, forbid ,protests on UC property. *1967 – At Groove Schulz Hospital in Cape Town, South
  30. Comradeship and commitment of followers and subjects. Fascist governments, forbid ,and suppress opposition to the fascist state. Fascism promotes violence and war
  31. Catalonia became the second Spanish territory, after the Canary Islands, to, forbid , bullfighting. The ban, which will be effective as of January 1,2012,had
  32. Would include all non-Orthodox Christians). Traditional Orthodox Christians, forbid ,mixed marriages with other denominations. More liberal ones perform them
  33. Sed hospital Curtis, Armeniae tires lustrous agitate Charybdis. (If you, forbid ,me from here also and abandon me, you ungrateful one Europa is not mother to
  34. In 1985 by the third Boleyn Amendment. In October 1984,it was amended to, forbid ,action by not only the Defense Department and the Central Intelligence Agency
  35. Grace of God to protect the recognized possessions of the Holy Roman Church, we, forbid , under pain of anathema any military person to invade or forcibly hold Benedetto
  36. As referring to a Christmas tree, and that therefore the Bible would explicitly, forbid ,the practice. However, the context of this passage refers to idol worship, and
  37. The readability of their code. However, most popular programming languages, forbid ,the use of spaces inside identifiers, since they are interpreted as delimiters
  38. Marry, and marriages already contracted must be dissolved. Text. We absolutely, forbid ,priests, deacons,subdeacons, and monks to have concubines or to contract
  39. To bishops over the monks in their dioceses, with the right to permit or, forbid ,the foundation of new monasteries. # States that travelling bishops are subject
  40. Spanish rabbis, sent a letter to the community at Montpellier proposing to, forbid ,the study of philosophy to those who were less than twenty-five years of age
  41. Other than such as were permitted by the Nicene Council. Text. We absolutely, forbid ,priests, deacons,and subdeacons to associate with concubines and women, or to
  42. Policy was decided. The judge's decision permitted the blackout policy but, forbid ,Bell, or the NFL franchises collectively, from negotiating a TV contract; The
  43. Censor" and" censorship"—i. e., officials who review published material and, forbid ,the publication of material judged to be contrary to" public morality" as the
  44. Place to hold a rave" and has called for the Moorabool Shire Council to, forbid ,raves (such as the one held at Kraal Castle) around the immediate Ballarat
  45. They lead to God by the aid of His grace. And it (the Church) does not, forbid ,disciplines of this kind, each in its own sphere, to use its own principles and
  46. The doors of the Notre Dame de Paris, before his first Parliament could meet to, forbid ,the banns. Moreover, the price of marriage with the French princess was a
  47. Blessing or one's condemnation),enjoin (to cause something to be done, to, forbid , something from being done),and ravel (to unravel, to entangle). There are
  48. This ruling was based on the precedent that the prophet Muhammad did not, forbid ,such self-marriages among Zoroastrians despite coming in contact with them and
  49. Sticks are rare, but available; however they are pointless as the rules, forbid ,their use in a game. To make a strike at the ball with a left to right swing
  50. Specific elements of capitalism. Traditional Judaism, Christianity,and Islam, forbid ,lending money at interest, although alternative methods of banking have been

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