Examples of the the word, leap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leap ), is the 4203 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Calculation for January 1 and the calculation of whether the year is a, leap ,year. There are only 14 different calendars when Easter Sunday is not involved.
  2. Of leap . The alternative option, namely suicide, would entail another kind of, leap , where one attempts to kill absurdity by destroying one of its terms (the
  3. Years no other month starts on the same day of the week as August, though in, leap ,years February starts on the same day. August ends on the same day of the week
  4. By the aircraft and its normal traffic patterns, he or she is more likely to, leap ,quickly to a decision about the aircraft's identity - they may have seen the
  5. Civil day aligned with the apparent movement of the Sun, positive or negative, leap ,seconds may be inserted. A civil clock day is typically 86,400 SI seconds long
  6. The rook can move any number of squares along any rank or file, but may not, leap ,over other pieces. Along with the king, the rook is involved during the king's
  7. Of the problem. He gives examples of how others would seem to make this kind of, leap , The alternative option, namely suicide, would entail another kind of leap
  8. April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in, leap ,years. April ends on the same day of the week as December every year. April
  9. Past participle of the verbs learn, spoil,spell, burn,dream, smell,spill, leap , and others, can be either irregular (learned, spoilt, etc.) or regular (
  10. And nothing more. Creation of meaning is not a viable alternative but a logical, leap ,and an evasion of the problem. He gives examples of how others would seem to
  11. At WWDC 2010,the iPhone 4 was announced, which Apple says is its" 'biggest, leap ,we've taken" since the original iPhone. The phone includes an all-new design
  12. With SI. A civil day is usually also 86,400 seconds, plus or minus a possible, leap ,second in Coordinated Universal Time UTC, and,in some locations, occasionally
  13. World Records first listed a BASE jumping record with Carl Boenish's 1984, leap , from Trollveggen (Troll Wall) in Norway. It was described as the highest BASE
  14. Following list. *1960 - c.1961?: Major General Victor Unduly (promoted in one, leap ,from sergeant-major to major general on the formation of ANC) After the severe
  15. Of special days such as Friday, Saturday,and Sunday varies). Systems of, leap ,days usually do not affect the week cycle. The week cycle was not even
  16. Horizontally and one square vertically. The knight is the only piece that can, leap ,over other pieces. * The pawn may move forward to the unoccupied square
  17. Looking ahead. Robin then comes into shot and joins his new partner. They both, leap ,off the pillar, towards the camera. A rough edit of the first half of the scene
  18. See Steps and skips. ) An interval of a fifth or larger is referred to as a ", leap ,". A few further rules given by Fun, by study of the Palestrina style, and
  19. On December 31 with a length of 365 days in an ordinary year and 366 days in a, leap ,year giving an average length of 365.2425 days. This is very close to the
  20. In different years. This may be handled, for example, by adding an extra day in, leap ,years. The same applies to months in a lunar calendar and also the number of
  21. Astronomical year, a function similar to that of the extra day in February in, leap ,years. However, because of the complex astronomical knowledge required to
  22. Which is used for astronomical calculations. Since 2008-12-31 when the last, leap ,second was added, TAI has been exactly 34 seconds ahead of UTC. This is still
  23. Among three non-entry months, two of which will be on one side of month 11. The, leap ,11th month produced is a very rare event. Exceptions such as these are rare.
  24. So the point is to expedite it; economy of research is what demands the ", leap ," of abduction and governs its art. Misbelieving that something real can defy
  25. By the day of the week January 1 falls on and whether the year is a, leap ,year. However, when Easter Sunday is included, there are 70 different calendars
  26. PDP-10s were sold before production ended in 1984. The project was able to, leap ,forward in design with the arrival of Harold McFarland, who had been
  27. The pieces blindfolded, the person who got the marked piece was compelled to, leap ,over the flames three times. In Gaelic folklore, the village's cattle were
  28. As a helpless Jessica looks on, Alia regains control of her body long enough to, leap ,out the window to her death. Let makes himself Emperor. He uses his new
  29. A rain-slicked girder. As Declared loses his grip, Roy,having made the same, leap ,effortlessly, seizes his arm and hauls him onto the roof. As Roy's life ends
  30. Can move any number of squares along rank, file,or diagonal, but it may not, leap ,over other pieces. * The knight moves to any of the closest squares that are
  31. The guard positions. However, with good timing and a sufficiently high vertical, leap , even shorter players can be effective shot blockers. Height At the
  32. Find" potential Jews" among all nations, whose souls are illuminated by the, leap ,of" holy faith ", which " activated" the Jewishness in their soul. These
  33. Introduced and allowed for the uniformity of language across large distances. A, leap ,in technology occurred when the Gutenberg printing-press was invented in the
  34. Urban populations of coyotes have been known to actively hunt cats, and to, leap ,shorter fences to take small dogs. In particularly bold urban packs, coyotes
  35. Kavanah is awareness of an ineffable situation. *"A Jew is asked to take a, leap ,of action rather than a leap of thought. " *"Speech has power. Words do not
  36. Relevant problems that are NP-complete. In 1972,Richard Karl took this idea a, leap ,forward with his landmark paper," Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems "
  37. Anthony" Spud" Webb was just tall, but had a 42-inch (1.07 m) vertical, leap , giving him significant height when jumping. The shortest player in the NBA (
  38. Years, it only counts days. Thus, it is unperturbed by complications such as, leap ,years. Week number used Companies in Europe often use year, week number and day
  39. 86,400 SI seconds long, but will be 86,401 s or 86,399 s long in the event of a, leap ,second. Leap seconds are announced in advance by the International Earth
  40. Move. * The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally, but may not, leap ,over other pieces. * The queen combines the power of the rook and bishop and
  41. If Penn Gillette reached the end of the poem before Teller's escape, he would, leap ,off of his chair, releasing the rope which supported Teller, and send his
  42. In Le Myth, Camus suggests that 'creation of meaning ', would entail a logical, leap ,or a kind of philosophical suicide in order to find psychological comfort. But
  43. BIPM to the ITU-R which stated" In the case of a redefinition of UTC without, leap ,seconds, the CCTF would consider discussing the possibility of suppressing TAI
  44. From to — still too" hot" to produce study-effective antihydrogen, but a huge, leap ,forward. In late 2002 the ATHENA project announced that they had created the
  45. Believed that its" improved controls, sound and graphics are an evolutionary, leap ,to a more enjoyable gaming experience ". He praised the interface, and
  46. Results from the initial difference of 10 seconds at the start of 1972,plus 24, leap , seconds in UTC since 1972. Time coordinates on the TAI scales are
  47. Go to your hotel room tonight; Hearst has set up an undressed, underage girl to, leap ,into your arms when you enter and a photographer to take pictures of you.
  48. 86,400 seconds. A day on the UTC timescale can include a negative or positive, leap ,second, and can therefore have a length of 86,399 or 86,401 seconds. The
  49. Vary slightly from year to year due to the intercalary rules (i.e. system of, leap ,years) of the Gregorian calendar. Jedi are published each year in farmers '
  50. An ineffable situation. *"A Jew is asked to take a leap of action rather than a, leap ,of thought. " *"Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound

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