Examples of the the word, fold , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fold ), is the 4205 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Modification process has been completed, the protein begins to, fold ,(sometimes spontaneously and sometimes with enzymatic assistance),curling up
  2. And retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the, fold , and reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Customer relationship
  3. South towards Families. Shielded as they were from observation by a slight, fold ,in the land, their commander, Brigadier-General Van Gallant, ordered the
  4. Integrals in order to bring the old algebraic ideas back into the geometrical, fold , The first of these new developments was seized up by Edmond Daguerre and
  5. Can assemble face-to-face (such as the beta-propeller domain or immunoglobulin, fold ,) or edge-to-edge, forming one big β sheet. Dynamic features Beta-sheets in
  6. They have two edge strands (as in the flavonoid fold or the immunoglobulin, fold ,) or they can be closed beta barrels (such as the TIM barrel). Β-Barrels are
  7. Next decade. One reporter referred to the team as the Napkins," because they, fold ,up so easily ". In 1912 the teams name was changed to" Cleveland Molly
  8. Logically precedes the code generation phase, though it is often possible to, fold ,multiple phases into one pass over the code in a compiler implementation. Back
  9. French side, displacements of up to are present owing to the Quench anticline, fold , The faults are of limited width, filled with calcite, pyrite and remolded
  10. Of the olive fails, the fields yield no food; the flocks are cut off from the, fold , and there is no herd in the stalls: 3:18 yet I will rejoice in Yahweh. I will
  11. The primary structure, in the case of proteins. Many biopolymers spontaneously, fold ,into characteristic compact shapes (see also" protein fold ing" as well as
  12. Of hydrogen-bonded β strands along the backbone. For example, the flavonoid, fold ,has a five-stranded, parallel β sheet with topology 21345; thus, the edge
  13. Makes her peace with the Sisterhood, and is apparently welcomed back into the, fold , With their warnings, Jessica returns fearing that Asia and her grandchildren
  14. Of both this measurement and the distance between the nipple and the, fold ,are both characteristic of advancing grades of ptosis. The end of the breast
  15. Catholicism while in Southeastern and Eastern Europe they were brought in the, fold ,of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Hungary and Poland, small and medium-size
  16. Described by their stagger or shear. Some open β sheets are very curved and, fold ,over on themselves (as in the SH3 domain) or form horseshoe shapes (as in
  17. Have to be fold ed on another machine which uses bars, rollers and cutters to, fold ,the sheet up into one or more signatures. A signature is a section of a book
  18. Chains connected by disulfide bonds. They have a characteristic immunoglobulin, fold ,in which two beta sheets create a“ sandwich” shape, held together by
  19. The Muslim, Jewish,and pagan communities of Medina bringing them within the, fold ,of one community—the Utah. The precise dating of the Constitution of Medina
  20. Rather than to decrease as LTCM was expecting. Eventually this caused LTCM to, fold , and their creditors had to arrange a bail-out. More controversially, officials
  21. In their fight against the Soviet army. This council existed outside the, fold ,of the Peshawar parties that were prone to internecine rivalry and bickering
  22. Based on Braille cells but not standard Braille. ** It is also possible to, fold ,notes in different ways to assist recognition. *Labeling and tagging clothing
  23. Nearly all of Sankara's policies, returned the country back under the IMF, fold , and ultimately spurned most of Sankara's legacy. As of 2010,Compare is
  24. Units per round instead of 1 unit, the range of possible outcomes increases 10, fold , SD (Roulette, even-money bet) 2b sort (NP),where b flat bet per round, n
  25. Their countercultural base. Leading midnight movie venues were beginning to, fold ,as early as 1977 – that year, New York's Bijou switched back permanently to
  26. Fold of each signature in succession, from the outside to the center of the, fold , sewing the pages of the signature together and each signature to its neighbors
  27. The nipple-areola complex and breast tissue may eventually hang below the, fold , and in some cases depending on their size the breasts may extend as far as, or
  28. woman's breasts differ by at least one cup size. In most cases, the breasts, fold ,down over the chest wall during Tanner stage development. It is typical for a
  29. And covering the blade when not in use. The blade holder may either retract or, fold ,into the handle, much like a fold ing-blade pocketknife. The blade holder is
  30. Shifts, the Brewers were one of only two Western League teams that didn't, fold , move or get kicked out of the league (the other being the Detroit Tigers).
  31. The Andes mountains host large ore and salt deposits and some of its eastern, fold ,and thrust belt acts as traps for commercially exploitable amounts of
  32. Sea Scrolls are a famous example of this format. ) This made it possible to, fold ,the scroll as an accordion. The next step was then to cut the folios, sew and
  33. Introduced a pivot where the arms join the shank, allowing the" idle" arm to, fold ,against the shank. Handling and stowage of these anchors requires special
  34. Binding, where gashes about an inch long are made at intervals through the, fold ,in the spine of each signature, parallel to the spine direction. In the binding
  35. Evenings, airing over the supplemental CSN+ channel. CIU came into the, fold ,in the early 2000s due to demands by The WB Television Network for WGN to
  36. Book can also be held together by Smith sewing. Needles pass through the spine, fold ,of each signature in succession, from the outside to the center of the fold
  37. The controversial Quaker-born financier Charles Yerkes (1837–1905) into the, fold ,and he purchased two large marbles for his Chicago manse; Other collectors soon
  38. Forward the Hanoverian Lundberg Battalion in line. Cuirassiers concealed in a, fold ,in the ground caught and destroyed it in minutes, and then rode on past La Have
  39. May develop breasts whose skin comes into contact with the chest below the, fold ,at an early age, and some women may never develop such breasts; both situations
  40. Chief monastery, under the presidency of an archimandrite (" the chief of the, fold ," from Chandra, a sheep fold ),and at the last meeting gave in reports of
  41. To proteins Some proteins that bind ATP do so in a characteristic protein, fold ,known as the Roseann fold , which is a general nucleotide-binding structural
  42. Muscle hypotonia (poor muscle tone),a flat nasal bridge, a single Palmer, fold , a protruding tongue (due to small oral cavity, and an enlarged tongue near
  43. The local conservative candidate. The paper lost the suit and was forced to, fold ,due to financial hardship. He was elected to the Legislative Assembly as a
  44. Can be open, meaning that they have two edge strands (as in the flavonoid, fold ,or the immunoglobulin fold ) or they can be closed beta barrels (such as the
  45. He was intent on keeping his important northern border city within the Umayyad, fold , By 783 ABD al-Rahman's army advanced on Zaragoza. It appeared as though ABD
  46. The backbone and the Asp side chain oxygen of a GGXGXD sequence motif. This, fold ,is called a beta-roll in the STOP classification. Β sheets in pathology Some
  47. That bind ATP do so in a characteristic protein fold known as the Roseann, fold , which is a general nucleotide-binding structural domain that can also bind the
  48. Normal. Sagging The relationship of the nipple position to the inframammary, fold ,is described as ptosis, a term also applied to other body parts. It generally
  49. The god of political life, and he also gives the explanation σηκός (seats),", fold ,", in which case Apollo would be the god of flocks and herds. Following the
  50. Skin fold s on the inner corner of the eyes (formerly known as a mongoloid, fold ,), muscle hypotonia (poor muscle tone),a flat nasal bridge, a single Palmer

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