Examples of the the word, pipeline , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pipeline ), is the 4209 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sisal. Total waterway length (as of 2004): 785 km Pipelines As of 2004: Major, pipeline ,operators are Jadranski neighbored and Planar.: This page is about the military
  2. Transport and pump up to of crude oil per day, more than any other crude oil, pipeline ,in the United States. Additionally, substantial coal deposits are found in
  3. Military aid, in 2003,to Colombia to assist in the effort to defend the, pipeline , Occidental Petroleum privately contracted mercenaries who flew Spymaster
  4. Most of the remaining one-fourth. Russian gas is imported via Ukraine (Aruba, pipeline ,), Norwegian gas is transported through Germany. Gas consumption (approx. 100
  5. Like mining and energy. In 2002 there were 170 attacks on the 2nd largest, pipeline , which travels 780 km from the Can Limón to the Atlantic port of Covens. The
  6. Tribe of Colombia, Martín Corridos of Panama and Hugo Chávez of Venezuela. The, pipeline ,will be inaugurated by October 2007. Human rights abuse in mining zones The oil
  7. Further. Designs that are said to be super scalar include a long instruction, pipeline ,and multiple identical execution units. In a super scalar pipeline , multiple
  8. To be attained. Whereas the AMD K6-III+ topped out at 570 MHz due to its short, pipeline , even when built on the 180 nm process, the Athlon was capable of clocking much
  9. 2006,the Armenian government handed de facto control of the Iran-Armenia gas, pipeline ,to Russian company Gazprom and increased Gazprom's stake in the
  10. From an agricultural service center to a twentieth-century city. A, pipeline ,from Magnum brought River Murray water to Adelaide in 1954 and an airport
  11. Ignores the important role of CPU cache, and therefore the access stage of the, pipeline , Design and implementation Integer range The way a CPU represents numbers is a
  12. In Carey was here Kazakhstan also have expressed interest in accessing this, pipeline ,to transport a portion of their production. In March 2001,Azerbaijan concluded
  13. And 156 kilometers of pipeline s for refined products. Name cp14/> The, pipeline ,system was scheduled for substantial changes and additions, however. Name
  14. Which travels 780 km from the Can Limón to the Atlantic port of Covens. The, pipeline ,was out of operation for 266 days of that year. The government estimates that
  15. To the contiguous states. The plan was approved, but a permit to construct the, pipeline , which would cross lands involved in the native dispute, could not be granted
  16. And other main cities. The collateral damaged produced by attacks against oil, pipeline ,infrastructure by rebel guerrillas in the Colombian armed conflict has produced
  17. Name cp14/> A 900-kilometer U. S. - financed alternate route, known as the AMMO, pipeline , would bring oil from Burgas across Bulgaria and Macedonia to the Albanian port
  18. 7 Unix and gained popularity as a way to add computational features to a Unix, pipeline , A version of the AWK language is a standard feature of nearly every modern
  19. Help protect a major pipeline , the 769-kilometer-long Can Limón–Puerto Covens, pipeline , which carries about 20 percent of Colombia's oil production to Puerto Covens
  20. Government also has begun awarding bids for the construction of a natural gas, pipeline ,system that will extend from the country's extensive gas fields to its major
  21. Economic hub in the transportation of raw materials. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, pipeline ,(BTC) became operational in May 2006 and extends more than 1,774 kilometers
  22. And now the scope of antibacterial research has broadened considerably. The, pipeline ,of new antibiotics is drying up. Major pharmaceutical companies are losing
  23. The same type has to be processed, modern processors can disable parts of the, pipeline ,so that when a single instruction is executed many times, the CPU skips the
  24. Turkey (the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline) became operational in 2006. The, pipeline ,is expected to generate as much as $160 billion in revenues for the country
  25. Has enabled Colombia to become a net oil exporter since 1986. The Transaction, pipeline ,transports oil from Frito in the Department of Putumayo to the Pacific port of
  26. 21 production-sharing agreements with various oil companies. An export, pipeline ,that transports Caspian oil to the Mediterranean from Baku through Tbilisi
  27. In real-world use. The critical branch predictor unit, essential to keeping the, pipeline ,busy, was enhanced compared to what was on board the K6. Deeper pipe lining with
  28. An instruction is made more complete at each stage until it exits the execution, pipeline ,and is retired. Pipe lining does, however,introduce the possibility for a
  29. As many execution units busy as possible. This requires that the instruction, pipeline ,is filled as often as possible and gives rise to the need in super scalar
  30. Instruction will take, the CPU can minimize the number of times that the entire, pipeline ,must wait until a conditional instruction is completed. Speculative execution
  31. From the south of Chad, into Lake Chad. Pipelines Since 2003,a 1,070 km, pipeline ,has been used to export crude oil from the oilfields around Dora to offshore
  32. Mobil-led project will pump oil from reserves in Chad through an underground, pipeline ,to coastal Cameroon, where it will be loaded onto tankers. Following a crucial
  33. The oil to the lower 48 states, the best solution seemed to be building a, pipeline ,to carry the oil across Alaska to the port of Valdez, built on the ruins of the
  34. As the Pentium 4. The Athlon's exclusive-cache architecture and shorter, pipeline ,made it less sensitive to L2 cache size, and the Barton only saw an increase of
  35. Railways. By use A bridge is designed for trains, pedestrian or road traffic,a, pipeline ,or waterway for water transport or barge traffic. An aqueduct is a bridge that
  36. As well as x86 and x86-64,optimize Instruction scheduling to exploit the CPU, pipeline ,efficiently. Number of passes There are two types of assemblers based on how
  37. Beginning in 2005. Name cp14/> The Russian Gazprom company planned a gas, pipeline ,from Dimitrovgrad in eastern Bulgaria across Serbia, reaching the Adriatic Sea
  38. So). A pipeline processor can become very nearly scalar, inhibited only by, pipeline ,stalls (an instruction spending more than one clock cycle in a stage).
  39. This section describes what is generally referred to as the" classic RISC, pipeline ,", which in fact is quite common among the simple CPUs used in many electronics
  40. Planes, from Air Scan International Inc., to patrol the Can Limon-Covenas, pipeline , Many of these operations used helicopters, equipment and weapons provided by
  41. 300,000 barrels of oil per day via the Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean oil, pipeline , Science and technology Ancient Chinese inventors were responsible for
  42. Percent of its GDP. Through Georgia Russian natural gas reaches Armenia via a, pipeline ,through Georgia. The only operational rail link into Armenia is from Georgia.
  43. Venezuela and Panama to export to those markets as well. The Trans-Caribbean, pipeline ,connecting western Venezuela to Panama through Colombia is also under
  44. To check for these sorts of conditions and delay a portion of the instruction, pipeline ,if this occurs. Naturally, accomplishing this requires additional circuitry, so
  45. Models featured full 32-bit CPUs with a larger address space and instruction, pipeline ,facilities. Commodore's design choice to remain with the 68000 architecture
  46. Instruction pipeline and multiple identical execution units. In a super scalar, pipeline , multiple instructions are read and passed to a dispatcher, which decides
  47. Be returned. This issue is largely addressed in modern processors by caches and, pipeline ,architectures (see below). The instruction that the CPU fetches from memory
  48. Least September 2005,the United States funded efforts to help protect a major, pipeline , the 769-kilometer-long Can Limón–Puerto Covens pipeline , which carries about
  49. In CAR, since it needs to ensure calmness close to its oil fields and the, pipeline ,leading to the Cameroonian coast, close to the troubled northwest CAR. Before
  50. Grain elevators. Oil and gas exports have been possible because of increasing, pipeline ,technology. Prior to the 1950s,Alberta was a primarily agricultural economy

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