Examples of the the word, speaker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( speaker ), is the 1273 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Past tense bought spawns bough ten. Such formations are highly irregular from, speaker ,to speaker , or even within dialects. This phenomenon is found chiefly in the
  2. With any short vowels that remain. *Depending on the level of formality,the, speaker ,'s education level, etc., various grammatical changes may occur in ways that
  3. Romanian writer, essayist * 1948 – Daniel Ruttier, American motivational, speaker ,* 1949 – Rick Springfield, Australian singer and actor *1951 – Akhmad Kadyrov
  4. Will often drop out, with the masculine plural endings used instead. If the, speaker ,'s native variety has feminine plural endings, they may be preserved, but will
  5. Merchandise sold by recruited distributors. DeVos was an extremely charismatic, speaker ,and used this ability to mobilize and motivate Amway distributors. " DeVos
  6. For Bluetooth cards. Newton can also dial a phone number through the built-in, speaker ,of the Newton device by simply holding a telephone handset up to the speaker
  7. To a Turkish speaker , for whom and are separate phonemes, than to an English, speaker , for whom they are allophones of a single phoneme. Allophony of" v-w" in
  8. Of their language, plus a vowel (or no vowel) to be supplied by the native, speaker , These glyphs were used as pronunciation guides for logo grams, to write
  9. Of BRE would instead use to come and plus bare infinitive. Thus, where a, speaker ,of AME may say come see what I bought, BrE speaker s would say come and see what
  10. Are a few witnesses, c ) the speaker has no integrity’d ) the, speaker ,is overly hesitant or bold, or e) the speaker is known to have motives for
  11. Bought spawns bough ten. Such formations are highly irregular from speaker to, speaker , or even within dialects. This phenomenon is found chiefly in the northern US
  12. Can also be felt by holding the hand in front of the lips. For a Mandarin, speaker , to whom and are separate phonemes, the English distinction is much more
  13. Ludwig on Miles Institute and Rockwell. Com. * Mary Ru wart: a libertarian, speaker , writer, activist and was a leading candidate for the 2008 Libertarian Party
  14. Of three consonants, then one of the following happens, depending on the, speaker ,'s native colloquial variety: **A short vowel (e.g. -i- or -ǝ-) is
  15. Motives for lying, then the epistemologist has reason to be skeptical of the, speaker ,'s claims. (Hume 1974:390) There is one final criterion that Hume thinks
  16. Sense Disambiguation. The use of multi-defined words requires the author or, speaker ,to clarify their context, and sometimes elaborate on their specific intended
  17. Singular in construction: the committee was unable to agree. However, when a, speaker ,wishes to emphasize that the individuals are acting separately, a plural
  18. A magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck near the Andaman Islands. Boa Sr., the last, speaker ,of the ancient language BO, died on January 28, 2010,at the age of 85.
  19. Dialect http://www.lel.ed.ac.uk/dialects/nis.html Listen to recordings of a, speaker ,of Scots from Aberdeen The local dialect of Lowland Scots is often known as
  20. Speakers of BRE would instead use to go and plus bare infinitive. Thus, where a, speaker ,of AME may say I'll go take a bath, BrE speaker s would say I'll go and have a
  21. e. Using a different allophone for a phoneme will cause confusion or make the, speaker ,sound non-native),the allophones are said to be complementary (i.e. the
  22. Called Strike (or" Stray an" ), a shortening of the word Australian, and a, speaker ,of the dialect may be referred to as an Ocker or Began. Tests indicated that
  23. Pronounced using a specific allophone in a specific situation, or whether the, speaker ,has freedom to (unconsciously) choose which allophone he or she will use.
  24. Ithaca Grandson: Phineas Function Aaron’s function included the duties of, speaker ,and implied personal dealings with the Egyptian royal court on behalf of Moses
  25. Irish by using language ordinarily reserved for animals. Lewis argues that the, speaker ,uses" the vocabulary of animal husbandry" to describe the Irish. Once the
  26. The 'dark' of feel. Again, this difference is much more obvious to a Turkish, speaker , for whom and are separate phonemes, than to an English speaker , for whom they
  27. Is not often heard outside the UK. In the 1960s,its use would mark a, speaker ,as coming from the north of England but by the turn of the 21st century this
  28. The 4th century version of democracy the roles of general and of key political, speaker ,in the assembly tended to be filled by different persons. In part this was a
  29. Which purports to be autobiographical, is that of rejected love. The (male), speaker , deplores the ruin of his life, and in tones at times reminiscent of Hamlet
  30. Studies at the Pacific Research Institute, adjunct scholar and frequent, speaker ,at the Ludwig on Miles Institute. * Jan Harrison: professor of philosophy
  31. Has no integrity’d ) the speaker is overly hesitant or bold, or e) the, speaker ,is known to have motives for lying, then the epistemologist has reason to be
  32. Phoneme, it will be slightly different from other utterances, even for the same, speaker , This has led to some debate over how real, and how universal, phonemes really
  33. A writer could predict the spelling of a word given its pronunciation, and a, speaker ,could predict the pronunciation of a word given its spelling. However, the
  34. From the tyrannical Pharaoh. In the Qur'an God says: Aaron was a gifted, speaker , He was largely responsible with teaching the Israelites the way of worship as
  35. Journalist, and essayist * Adrian Conquer, American lawyer and radio, speaker ,* Adrian Cruikshank, Australian politician and philanthropist * Adrian Darby
  36. To the act, which he said was unconstitutional. Johnson was an aggressive stump, speaker ,and often responded to hecklers, even those in the Senate. When Tennessee
  37. Always reflect the social class, education and urban or rural background of the, speaker , Broad Australian English is recognizable and familiar to
  38. As mentioned above, the pronunciation of the vowels differs from speaker to, speaker , in way that tends to echo the pronunciation of the corresponding colloquial
  39. DOI Bamako, chair of the Social Democratic Party, becomes Japan's first female, speaker ,of the House of Representatives. *1993 – Heavy rains and debris kill 72 in the
  40. Conflict one another, b ) there are a few witnesses, c ) the, speaker ,has no integrity’d ) the speaker is overly hesitant or bold, or e) the
  41. Smith argues that Swift’s rhetorical style persuades the reader to detest the, speaker ,and pity the Irish. Swift’s specific strategy is twofold, using a" trap" to
  42. And. As mentioned above, the pronunciation of the vowels differs from, speaker ,to speaker , in way that tends to echo the pronunciation of the corresponding
  43. American politician and actor *1944 – Jack Canfield, American author and, speaker ,* 1944 – Buzz Oilman, Chicago radio personality * 1944 – Charles Wang
  44. Speaker of the Newton device by simply holding a telephone handset up to the, speaker ,and transmitting the appropriate tones. Fax and printing support is also built
  45. Also be true - An opponent can turn a positive statement into a bad one, if the, speaker ,uses ambiguity (intentionally or not). The logical fallacies of amphibole and
  46. Preserved, but will often be modified in the direction of the forms used in the, speaker ,'s native variety,e.g. -an instead of -Na. **Dual endings will often drop out
  47. The English distinction is much more obvious than it is to the English, speaker ,who has learned since childhood to ignore it. Allophones of English may be
  48. The sound chip, named Paula, supports four sound channels (two for the left, speaker ,and two for the right) with 8-bit resolution for each channel and a 6-bit
  49. Context and may be involved in a phonological process. In other cases,the, speaker ,is able to select freely from free variant allophones, based on personal habit
  50. Different kinds of persuasion; and examinations of the trustworthiness of the, speaker , The" custom" view of learning can in many ways be likened to associations

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