Examples of the the word, spatial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spatial ), is the 5520 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To find in the night sky, partly due to its brightness and partly due to its, spatial ,relation to one of the more noticeable asterisms in the sky. If one follows the
  2. Therefore, regardless of the shape of the universe the contribution of, spatial ,curvature to the expansion of the universe could not be much greater than the
  3. On atom positions not available through diffraction alone. * In statistics, spatial ,autocorrelation between sample locations also helps one estimate mean value
  4. Essentials ", and Meyer's research into user requirements, Mies advocated a ", spatial ,implementation of intellectual decisions ", which effectively meant an adoption
  5. Three-dimensional object composed of the four elements, whereas the soul has no, spatial ,dimensions. Soul is a kind of substance, participating in reason, fit for
  6. Is, they produce a neural activity pattern that contains information about the, spatial ,arrangement of the neurons. This information is exploited in the midbrain by a
  7. Scale electronics. Limitations * Materials implicitly control achievable, spatial ,resolution * Specimen geometry is uncontrolled, yet controls projection
  8. Is the time derivative of velocity or second time derivative of trajectory or, spatial ,position. Starting from knowing how an object is accelerating, we use calculus
  9. Density. In configuration, it resembles a miniature Times Square,a, spatial ," bow-tie" created by the geometry of the street. The area is part of Bronx
  10. Such as tense and number, and does not have articles such as" the ", but its, spatial ,mode of expression has enabled it to develop an elaborate system of grammatical
  11. Likewise, written texts include nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial ,arrangement of words and the use of emoticons to convey emotional expressions
  12. Are not well modeled by Bernie polynomials, which tend to low-pass filter fine, spatial ,definition in the wavefront. In this case, other fitting methods such as
  13. Therefrom. Data features The canonical feature of atom probe data its high, spatial ,resolution in the direction through the material, which has been attributed to
  14. Between the atoms or groups bound to the atoms at each end of the bond. The, spatial ,arrangement described by the torsion angles of the molecule is known as its
  15. Largest mountain Tuning Aging (Kara),and the sea (keloid). In addition to, spatial ,orientation, kaja and keloid have the connotation of good and evil; gods and
  16. Also thinks that Central Europe is a dynamical historical concept, not a static, spatial ,one. For example, Lithuania,a fair share of Belarus and western Ukraine are in
  17. All vertebrates. There is evidence that this part of the brain is involved in, spatial ,memory and navigation in fishes, birds,reptiles, and mammals. *The basal
  18. To one another. These are usually considered by their placement in houses (, spatial ,divisions of the sky),and their movement through signs of the zodiac (
  19. Weights and Measures (CPM) notes that" its definition applies only within a, spatial ,extent sufficiently small that the effects of the non-uniformity of the
  20. Clearly indicates that the ancient Romans were aware of how to use explicit, spatial ,and architectural metaphors as a mnemonic technique for organizing large
  21. Products (Slater determinants) of one-electron functions. The, spatial ,components of these one-electron functions are called atomic orbitals. (When
  22. Telescope. Human vision In humans,20/20 vision is the ability to resolve a, spatial ,pattern separated by a visual angle of one minute of arc. A 20/20 letter
  23. To prior bodily experience, Alhacen unequivocally rejected the intuitiveness of, spatial ,perception and, therefore,the autonomy of vision. Without tangible notions of
  24. Soil sample *Conical intersection of two potential energy surfaces of the same, spatial ,and spin symmetries *Conical measure, a type of graduated laboratory glassware
  25. Instead. The gallium is involved in multiple functions, including olfaction and, spatial ,memory. In mammals, where it becomes so large as to dominate the brain, it
  26. Bloodstain pattern analysis, forensic information can also be gained from the, spatial ,distribution of bloodstains. Blood residue analysis is also a technique used in
  27. With the other electrons. These interactions depend on the detail of its, spatial ,probability distribution, and so the energy levels of orbitals depend on not only
  28. Divisions of the sky),and their movement through signs of the zodiac (, spatial ,divisions of the ecliptic). Western astrology is largely gyroscopic, that is
  29. 18 percent women) also showed that surgeons who played video games requiring, spatial ,skills and hand dexterity and then performed a drill testing these skills were
  30. Nature of tides. The term" coastal zone" can be used instead, which is a, spatial ,zone where interaction of the sea and land processes occurs. Both the terms
  31. Structure of the atmosphere ", Benjamin D. Banter et al. wrote:" The observed, spatial ,patterns of temperature change in the free atmosphere from 1963 to 1987 are
  32. Mathbf, t ) is the acoustic fluid velocity vector, \math bf is the vector of, spatial ,coordinates x, y,z, t is the time, \rho_0 is the static mass density of the
  33. Quickly exceeds the limits of communications. In the global point of view,the, spatial ,slices are expanding very fast to cover huge volumes. In the local point of
  34. For example regular oiling, sharpening,the usage of specific parts of a blade, spatial ,awareness, etc ... While it has several advantages over use of a" live" edged
  35. Linearly arranged board games have been shown to improve children's, spatial ,numerical understanding. This is because the game is similar to a number line
  36. In Astrophysics, auto-correlation is used to study and characterize the, spatial ,distribution of galaxies in the Universe and in multi-wavelength observations
  37. A mechanism for varying essentially all the constants, including the number of, spatial ,dimensions. The anthropic idea that fundamental parameters is selected from a
  38. Product, to get a perpendicular vector of two known vectors (and also their, spatial ,volume) Many of these problems involve linear algebra. Example Here an example
  39. Amount to 1.09×10−10 m for a C – H bond and 1.54×10−10 m for a C – C bond. The, spatial ,arrangement of the bonds is similar to that of the four SP³-orbitals—they are
  40. To yield a measurement of velocity in 1-,2-, or 3-dimensional flow. The, spatial ,resolution is given by the path length between transducers, which is typically
  41. Zernike's polynomials. However, wavefronts with very steep gradients or very high, spatial ,frequency structure, such as produced by propagation through atmospheric
  42. Group. When there is more than one substituent present on the ring, their, spatial , relationship becomes important for which the are substitution patterns or tho
  43. While extremely delicate, have extremely high frequency-response and fine, spatial ,resolution compared to other measurement methods, and as such are almost
  44. Some materials conduct heat in a way that is isotropic, that is independent of, spatial ,orientation around the heat source. It is more common for heat conduction to be
  45. That could perpetually give birth to whatever will be. The indefiniteness is, spatial ,in early usages as in Homer (indefinite sea) and as in Xenophobes (6th
  46. Largest city, as well as the largest city within the Württemberg region. In, spatial ,planning, Aalen is designated a Mittelzentrum (“ medium-level center” ).
  47. In multi-wavelength observations of Low Mass X-ray Binaries. * In panel data, spatial ,autocorrelation refers to correlation of a variable with itself through space.
  48. A result of voltage pulsed atom probes providing good chemical and sufficient, spatial ,information in these materials. Metal samples from large grained alloys may be
  49. With the characteristic flat projection of figures with no indication of, spatial ,depth—created a sense of order and balance within a composition. Images and
  50. On the parameters used to convert the 2D detected data into 3D. Subsequently, spatial ,measurements can be greatly affected, and careful analysis of the reconstructed

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