Examples of the the word, ambitious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ambitious ), is the 5521 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the early 1990s. By 1994,however, the Armenian Government had launched an, ambitious ,IMF-sponsored economic program that has resulted in positive growth rates in
  2. A dangerous path with thieves and bandits all the way. Young, brave and, ambitious , Theseus decided to go to Athens by land. When Theseus arrived, he did not
  3. Has launched the COROT space mission in 2006. There are also several less, ambitious ,ground-based efforts underway. (See exoplanet). The goal of these missions is
  4. Pope ". The 1910 Catholic Encyclopedia remarks that" Undeniably secular and, ambitious , his moral life was not above reproach, and his unscrupulous methods in no wise
  5. The first permanent secretary and head of staff in 1919,AEC started as an, ambitious ,program and little else. Staff for the first year consisted of one executive
  6. Amateurs span the range from so-called" armchair astronomers" to the very, ambitious , who own science-grade telescopes and instruments with which they are able to
  7. Airplane Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,to build airliners. The crash of his, ambitious ," Midnight Liner" during its trial flight takeoff on May 8,1921,ended his
  8. Kernel, elected to replace the retiring deputy leader Michael Jacklin. The, ambitious ,Kernel immediately contested the Senate leadership. Being unemployed at the
  9. By the example of Charlemagne almost a century before, undertook an equally, ambitious ,effort to revive learning. It entailed the recruitment of clerical scholars
  10. Prove its supremacy, and the main use of the tax funds would be patronage for, ambitious ,British officers. The slogan" No taxation without representation" summed up
  11. S Macbeth—set, like Seven Samurai, in the Senior Era—represented an, ambitious ,transposition of the English work into an Asian context. Kurosawa instructed
  12. Books of wisdom" written in English. Alfred sought to remedy this through an, ambitious ,court-centred program of translating into English the books he deemed" most
  13. 1933 –. (PIR2) * Scullery: A critical view of Agrippina, suggesting she was, ambitious ,and unscrupulous and a depraved sexual psychopath. " Agrippina struck down a
  14. The house for current and future generations. The trust embarked upon an, ambitious ,£10 million campaign to save Abbotsford in 2009. This campaign will see the
  15. Peaceful years immediately following his victory at Handgun by focusing on an, ambitious ,restructuring of his kingdom's military defenses. When the Viking raids
  16. The townships that make up the Borough are being gradually transformed by the, ambitious ,regeneration plans, which are being put in place. One of the most important
  17. In Australia? " In December 1977,ABBA followed up Arrival with the more, ambitious ,fifth album" in countries where the latter had been released as a single, and
  18. Pursue his one true dream of writing the great American novel. Shaping Edwin’s, ambitious ,journey in the world of the theater is his love of three women: the beautiful
  19. Orbit in early 1969,the mission profile was changed in August 1968 to a more, ambitious ,Command Module-only lunar orbital flight to be flown in December, because the
  20. Stands between the two cathedrals. The Berlin Cathedral, emperor William II's, ambitious ,attempt to create a Protestant counterpart to St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, is
  21. Plus a flourishing reputation for research, high student satisfaction rates and, ambitious ,plans for its picturesque campus, Robert Gordon University is The Sunday Times
  22. Was married (when well over 30 years and a habitual bachelor) in 1109 to the, ambitious ,Queen Errata of León, widow of Raymond of Burgundy, a passionate woman unsuited
  23. Of Ifriqiya (roughly, modern Tunisia) and a former Umayyad client. The, ambitious ,In Habit, a member of the illustrious Fired family, had long sought to carve
  24. Brought new interest in the area of ABM technologies. SDI was an extremely, ambitious ,program to provide a total shield against a massive Soviet ICBM attack. The
  25. A 1938 Guggenheim Fellow, Derleth considered his most serious work to be the, ambitious ,Sac Prairie Saga, a series of fiction, historical fiction, poetry,and
  26. Trade Organization. By 1994,however, the Armenian Government had launched an, ambitious ,IMF-sponsored economic liberalization program that resulted in positive growth
  27. Experiences with, and anger towards, Japanese yellow journalism. The work is an, ambitious ,mixture of courtroom drama and social problem film about free speech and
  28. Labor force for his especially active mining and building campaigns. These, ambitious ,building and mining activities, however,combined with inadequate Nile floods
  29. Attempt to revolutionize the economy and defeat inflation, Sarney carried on an, ambitious ," heterodox" economic plan (Cruzado) in 1986,which included price controls
  30. Dancing. In South Korea, the Ministry of Information and Communication has an, ambitious ,plan to put a robot in every household by 2020. Several robot cities have been
  31. Republic, Nazi Germany, East Germany, and now the reunified Germany—initiated, ambitious ,(re-) construction programs, with each adding its own distinctive style to
  32. Data archive that offers the possibility of unimaginable riches for the, ambitious ,young civilization of the Stimuli Realm. The expedition's facility, called
  33. NASA) are Dim, a slow-witted bruiser who is the gang's muscle; Georgie,an, ambitious ,second-in-command; and Pete, who mostly plays along as the druids indulge their
  34. It became obvious that this was not going to be enough. However, the film's, ambitious ,scope and its extensive effects work forced Campbell, Raimi and producer Rob
  35. Lucas Cranach, Friedrich Prefer, and Genghis Khan. He was allowed to build an, ambitious ,garden, transforming what he initially described as a" wilderness" into what
  36. Has been described by both the ancient and modern sources as ‘ ruthless, ambitious , violent and domineering ’. She was a beautiful and reputable woman and
  37. For whom he had always maintained" the warmest human feelings ". The young, ambitious ,architect was dazzled by his rapid rise and proximity to Hitler, which
  38. The family to a new homestead in Coles County, Illinois. It was then that as an, ambitious ,22-year-old,Lincoln decided to seek a better life and struck out on his own.
  39. Literary glories of earlier generations of Anglo-Saxons. Alfred pursued these, ambitious ,programs to fulfil, as he saw it, his responsibility as king. This justified
  40. For the next twenty years, during which time the government initiated an, ambitious ,program of infrastructure development, fuelled by a sustained economic boom
  41. Interest in the political situation in the country. Continued Egyptian revolts, ambitious ,politicians, and powerful Syrian opponents made this situation unstable
  42. When Aristophanes' first play The Banqueters was produced, Athens was an, ambitious , imperial power and The Peloponnesian War was only in its fourth year. His
  43. Charles Alexis Édouard Healing became its first governor. Healing initiated an, ambitious ,road-making program and promoted the growth of cotton for export. The cotton
  44. With revenues booming from oil exports, the government has started to implement, ambitious ,development programs in building roads and other basic infrastructure for the
  45. Pericles, who promoted the arts and fostered democracy, Athens embarked on an, ambitious ,building program that saw the construction of the Acropolis of Athens (
  46. From Kurosawa's. The director meanwhile had become involved in a much more, ambitious ,Hollywood project. Torn! Torn! Torn!, produced by 20th Century Fox and Kurosawa
  47. Of 1802. Most of the curriculum consisted of classical languages; the young and, ambitious ,Cauchy, being a brilliant student, won many prizes in Latin and Humanities. In
  48. Watercolours mark him as one of the first European landscape artists, while his, ambitious ,woodcuts revolutionized the potential of that medium. Dürer's introduction of
  49. 13 leading companies were: Energy The Brazilian government has undertaken an, ambitious ,program to reduce dependence on imported oil. Imports previously accounted for
  50. Miles north of downtown—and it lacks a connection to the MARTA rail system. An, ambitious , long-standing proposal would create a Multi-Modal Passenger Terminal downtown

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