Examples of the the word, software , in a Sentence Context

The word ( software ), is the 445 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adobe, one of Apple's oldest software partners, also sells its Mac-compatible, software , as does Microsoft, who sells Microsoft Office for the Mac. Books from John
  2. With a GUI, but was a commercial failure due to its high price tag and limited, software ,titles. In 1984,Apple next launched the Macintosh. Its debut was announced by
  3. Systems, an algorithm is basically an instance of logic written in software by, software ,developers to be effective for the intended" target" computer (s),in order
  4. Usually named after the type of media used to create the animation. Computer, software ,is widely available to create this type of animation. * Puppet animation
  5. Are either scanned into or drawn directly into a computer system. Various, software ,programs are used to color the drawings and simulate camera movement and
  6. Package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry, software ,products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools; the Safari web
  7. Heat to special swell paper. * Scanner. A device used in conjunction with OCR, software , The printed document is scanned and converted into electronic text, which can
  8. In computer systems, an algorithm is basically an instance of logic written in, software ,by software developers to be effective for the intended" target" computer (s
  9. For both Mac OS X and Windows. Apple also offers a range of professional, software ,titles. Their range of server software includes the operating system Mac OS X
  10. System. On January 6,2011,the company opened their Mac App Store, a digital, software ,distribution platform, similar to the existing iOS App Store. Apple was
  11. See also: Software patents for a general overview of the patentability of, software , including computer-implemented algorithms. Algorithms, by themselves, are not
  12. And voice emotional recognition for basic and complex emotions that were in the, software , As well as for complex voice emotional recognition for emotions not included
  13. Software. In 1998,Apple announced the purchase of Macromedia's Final Cut, software , signaling its expansion into the digital video editing market. The following
  14. From both the rendezvous and landing radars at the same time. However, in 2005, software , engineer Don Eyes concluded in a Guidance and Control Conference paper, that
  15. Touchpads, touch screens, foot mice, a microphone with speech recognition, software , sip-and-puff input, switch access, and vision-based input devices, such as eye
  16. To create a portfolio of professional and consumer-oriented digital production, software , In 1998,Apple announced the purchase of Macromedia's Final Cut software
  17. Suite of multimedia and creativity software ; the work suite of productivity, software ,; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of
  18. Used by amateur astronomers, including software that generates maps of the sky, software ,to assist with astrophotography, observation scheduling software , and software
  19. Transformations *" Atlas" was the former name for ASP. NET AJAX, Microsoft, software , a set of ASP. NET extensions providing Ajax functionality * Atlas Terrain
  20. Disabilities like dyslexia or dysmorphia can find text-to-speech (TTS), software , useful for reading and spelling programs useful when writing texts. Computers
  21. At the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2006 * ATLAS, control, software , used on the Mendocino train Geography * Atlas District, an arts and
  22. Integrate a scanner, optical character recognition (OCR) software , and speech, software ,in a single machine. These function together without a separate PC. *
  23. The iCloud online storage and syncing service for music, photos,files and, software , It has been argued that Apple has achieved such efficiency in its supply chain
  24. Of the sky, software to assist with astrophotography, observation scheduling, software , and software to perform various calculations pertaining to astronomical
  25. Hey, Hey It's Saturday. Other uses *ANIMAL (image processing),an interactive, software ,environment for image processing *Animal (clothing),a sportswear retailer
  26. Ultimately, most algorithms are usually implemented on particular hardware /, software ,platforms and their algorithmic efficiency is eventually put to the test using
  27. Jack to a flush jack to be compatible with more styles of headphones. The, software ,capabilities changed as well, with the release of the new iPhone came the
  28. Keyboard Pitch, with only five big rounded keys, which is used with a special, software ,for writing * Large print keyboard with high contrast colors (such as white on
  29. Bundled with its computers. An example of this is the consumer-oriented life, software ,package that bundles DVD, iMovie,photo, iTunes,GarageBand, and web. For
  30. 317 retail stores in ten countries, and an online store where hardware and, software ,products are sold., Apple is the largest publicly traded company in the world
  31. Of astronomy software is available and used by amateur astronomers, including, software , that generates maps of the sky, software to assist with astrophotography
  32. With their hardware extensibility, editing,spellchecking and speech synthesis, software ,are becoming the cornerstone of assistive technologies, improving quality of
  33. Corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer, software , and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include
  34. Detailed charts of very specific areas of the night sky. A range of astronomy, software ,is available and used by amateur astronomers, including software that generates
  35. But follow-up sales were not strong due to its high price and limited range of, software ,titles. The machine's fortunes changed with the introduction of the
  36. Accessible keyboards, large print, Braille,& speech recognition computer, software , People with disabilities often develop personal or community adaptations, such
  37. Apple's software . The AIM alliance hoped that PReP's performance and Apple's, software ,would leave the PC far behind, thus countering Microsoft. The same year, Apple
  38. System; the iTunes media browser; the life suite of multimedia and creativity, software ,; the work suite of productivity software ; Aperture, a professional photography
  39. Computer software titles for its Mac OS X operating system. Much of the, software ,Apple develops is bundled with its computers. An example of this is the
  40. Aid in the curing of synthetic rubber was deemed patentable. The patenting of, software ,is highly controversial, and there are highly criticized patents involving
  41. Reading aids integrate a scanner, optical character recognition (OCR), software , and speech software in a single machine. These function together without a
  42. Drive was released alongside the existing 40 GB model and on January 15, 2008 a, software ,update was released, which allowed media to be purchased directly from the
  43. Outdated because it was not built for multitasking, and several important, software ,routines were programmed directly into the hardware. In addition, Apple was
  44. Software to assist with astrophotography, observation scheduling software , and, software , to perform various calculations pertaining to astronomical phenomena. Amateur
  45. The Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple, software ,includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the life
  46. Platform),which would use IBM and Motorola hardware coupled with Apple's, software , The AIM alliance hoped that PReP's performance and Apple's software would
  47. Digital cameras and camcorders inside the store. Adobe, one of Apple's oldest, software ,partners, also sells its Mac-compatible software , as does Microsoft, who sells
  48. USA). * C-shaped animation, is used to mimic traditional animation using CG, software , Shading looked stark and less blending colors. Examples include, Skyland (
  49. Also offers a range of professional software titles. Their range of server, software ,includes the operating system Mac OS X Server; Apple Remote Desktop, a remote
  50. Mac OS X Lion (version 10.7). Apple also independently develops computer, software ,titles for its Mac OS X operating system. Much of the software Apple develops

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