Examples of the the word, sick , in a Sentence Context

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  1. A short litany is said, and the priest lays his hands on the head of the, sick ,person and then says a prayer of thanksgiving over the already blessed oil or
  2. The priest make himself available for this during a previous visit; but if the, sick ,person must confess during the celebration of the sacrament of anointing, this
  3. Was a reflection of his age or of the fact that Christie was by now heartily, sick ,of him it is difficult to assess. There is certainly a case for saying that
  4. Affected the health of the immigrants, so that on arrival most of them fell, sick , Abu Bakr also suffered from fever for several days and during this time he was
  5. To learn more from a wandering scholar who gained a livelihood by curing the, sick ,and teaching the young. He also studied Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) under
  6. All he could see were burnt houses and scattered corpses. This sight made him, sick ,and he cried the famous monologue: What have I done? If this is a victory, what
  7. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has as its effects: *the uniting of the, sick ,person to the passion of Christ, for his own good and that of the whole Church;
  8. Room: Mme. Room is Dr. Rieux's mother, who comes to stay with him when his, sick ,wife goes to the sanatorium. She is a serene woman who, after taking care of
  9. Sheltered from the elements between the various buildings. The infirmary for, sick ,monks, with the physician's house and physic garden, lies to the east. In the
  10. Him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the, sick ,man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be
  11. What was termed Stable 2 position. As they were buffeted by a swell, Borman was, sick , waiting for the three flotation balloons to right the spacecraft. They had
  12. To Augustine took place during the siege. While Augustine was confined to his, sick ,bed, a man petitioned him that he might lay his hands upon a relative who was
  13. There follows a penitential act, as at the beginning of Mass. If the, sick ,person wishes to receive the sacrament of penance, it is preferable that the
  14. All have official yet often optional liturgical rites for the anointing of the, sick ,partly on the model of Western pre-Reformation rites. Anointing need not be
  15. And some Protestant and other Christian communities use a rite of anointing the, sick , without necessarily classifying it as a sacrament. In the Churches mentioned
  16. Of Auschwitz 1 and/or its guards' quarters served first as a hospital for, sick ,liberated prisoners. Name" Auschwitz. Org./IN"> pl25"/> Until 1947 some of the
  17. The Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up ". To each prayer the, sick ,person, if able, responds:" Amen. " It is permitted, in accordance with local
  18. Should regale themselves with an essence found in the inglorious bowels of a, sick ,whale. " There is a song called" Amber Gris" by the avant-garde jazz trio
  19. When Augustine heard this, he no longer hesitated, but laid his hands upon the, sick ,man, who departed from Augustine's presence healed. Presidium also gives a
  20. The anointing. Therefore, God may or may not grant physical healing to the, sick , The healing conferred by anointing is thus a spiritual event that may not
  21. Extreme unction' ... may also and more fittingly be called 'anointing of the, sick ,'" ( emphasis added),and has itself adopted the latter term, while not
  22. Same by no means negligible value of any other form of prayer offered for the, sick ,or dying. Latter Day Saints and Restorationists Latter Day Saints—who consider
  23. The Eucharist, reconciliation of penitents, confirmation and anointing of the, sick , To those who claim it, apostolic succession is an important dividing line: the
  24. In accordance with local culture and traditions and the condition of the, sick ,person, to anoint other parts of the body in addition, such as the area of pain
  25. Manner the sufferings of illness or old age; *the forgiveness of sins, if the, sick ,person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of penance; *the
  26. In ministry to the marginalized inside and outside the church: the poor,the, sick , the hungry, the imprisoned. Unlike Orthodox and Roman Catholic deacons who may
  27. Restorationists rather than Protestants—also practice ritual anointing of the, sick , as well as other forms of anointing. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of
  28. Meaning) in that it is intended, as its name indicates, for the benefit of a, sick ,person. Other religious anointing occur in relation to other sacraments, in
  29. Oil or, if necessary, blesses the oil himself. The actual anointing of the, sick ,person is done on the forehead, with the prayer" Through this holy anointing
  30. Is to be administered ". There is an obligation to administer it to the, sick ,who, when they were in possession of their faculties, at least implicitly asked
  31. Convents are appropriated to the" oblate" or novices (Q),the other to the, sick ,monks as an" infirmary" ( R). The" residence of the physicians" ( S)
  32. Until the city was conquered. Death On 23 August 634,Abu Bakr fell, sick ,and did not recover due to his old age. There are two accounts about the
  33. Sick, but most twentieth-century Anglican prayer books do have anointing of the, sick , The rite of anointing is included in the Episcopal Church's" Ministration to
  34. Of falcons; c) the way of preparing them for the hunt; and d) the cures for, sick ,and wounded falcons. His scholarly legacy justifies his contemporaries '
  35. Beliefs In Charismatic and Pentecostal communities, anointing of the, sick ,is a frequent practice and has been an important ritual in these communities
  36. That when he first got to know Hence in the 1940s,Ginsberg saw that he was, sick ,from his heroin addiction, but at the time heroin was a taboo subject and
  37. A nurse. On January 14, 1863,the Alcott's received a telegram that Louisa was, sick ,; Bronson immediately went to bring her home, briefly meeting Abraham Lincoln
  38. The adjectives mad meaning" angry ", smart meaning" intelligent ", and, sick , meaning " ill" are also more frequent in American (these meanings are also
  39. In the Churches mentioned here by name, the oil used (called" oil of the, sick ," in both West and East) is blessed specifically for this purpose. Roman
  40. Of aversion therapy in which Alex is injected with a drug that makes him feel, sick ,and is forced to watch graphically violent films, eventually conditioning him
  41. As it appears in another narration, he said," O Abu Bakr, do you not get, sick , Are you never tested by distress and sorrow? " Abu Bakr said," No doubt, all
  42. A relative who was ill. Augustine replied that if he had any power to cure the, sick , he would surely have applied it on himself first. The visitor declared that he
  43. Texts The chief Biblical text concerning the rite is:" Is any among you, sick , Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him
  44. May use consecrated oil in performing the ordinance of blessing of the ", sick ,or afflicted ", though oil is not required if it is unavailable. The priesthood
  45. Of the Interior. The next three years Augustin-Louis was mainly on unpaid, sick ,leave, and spent his time quite fruitfully, working on mathematics (on the
  46. That in a case of necessity he can administer the sacrament of anointing of the, sick , " Sacramental graces The Catholic Church sees the effects of the sacrament as
  47. Of death. Lutheran communities in particular have the practice of anointing the, sick , or have always offered the rite since the Protestant Reformation with varying
  48. Persists in a manifestly grave sin. " If there is any doubt whether the, sick ,person has reached the use of reason, or is dangerously ill, or is dead, this
  49. Beliefs In Evangelical and Fundamentalist communities, anointing of the, sick ,is performed with varying degrees of frequency, although laying on of hands may
  50. Years. In April 1882,Alcott's friend and benefactor Ralph Waldo Emerson was, sick ,and bedridden. After visiting him, Alcott wrote," Concord will be shorn of its

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