Examples of the the word, fellowship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fellowship ), is the 4004 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And some others are confined to the English-speaking world. Each, fellowship ,has a Statement of Faith, the most common of which is the Birmingham Amended
  2. Private Practice who did her residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology and her, fellowship ,in Reproductive endocrinology and infertility In physiology, the endocrine
  3. From the Madhya Pradesh government, and he won the Central Sanity Academic, fellowship ,in 1999. Puttaparthi Narayanacharyulu is one of the scholarly poets of Telugu
  4. Served entirely by alcoholics, except for seven" nonalcoholic friends of the, fellowship ," of the 21-member AA Board of Trustees. Above the group level, AA may hire
  5. The life which fills our whole beings as we realize its capacities, is active, fellowship ,with God. " The 20th century is marked by figures such as Charles Gore, with
  6. Is a translation; other translations are" participation "," sharing ",", fellowship ," of the Greek κοινωνία (Livonia) in. The King James Version has The cup of
  7. Shy man. Personal life Waring had a younger brother, Humphrey,who obtained a, fellowship ,at Magdalene in 1775. In 1776 Waring married Mary Swell, sister of a draper in
  8. But while a Mormon may sell his farm to a gentile, it would not be deemed good, fellowship ,for him to do so. ” While religious and secular socialism gained some
  9. Research assistant ships, teaching assistant ships or a combination of, fellowship ,and assistant ship support. Graduate students are bound by the Honor Code, as
  10. Great Lakes region, where numerous Amended & Unamended ecclesial have opened, fellowship ,to one another despite the failure of wider attempts at re-union under the
  11. Using User Land software, and held the first Blogger conferences. Winer's, fellowship ,ended in June 2004. Visiting Scholar at New York University In 2010 Wine was
  12. In Australia and New Zealand a union occurred in 1958 between the Central, fellowship ,and the Shield fellowship (which was allied to the Suffolk Street fellowship )
  13. Whilst still accepting the statement of faith of the larger community. For each, fellowship , anyone who publicly assents to the doctrines described in the statement and is
  14. Participating at its own discretion in various means of service and, fellowship ,with other congregations (see Sponsoring church (Churches of Christ) ).
  15. 1757 he graduated from BA as senior wrangler and on 24 April 1758 was elected to a, fellowship ,at Magdalene. He belonged to the Tyson Club, whose members included William
  16. Provide resources for leadership development and opportunities for Christian, fellowship ,beyond the local congregation. They have taken responsibility for the nurture
  17. As it does to this day, the drink united the crowd in a spirit of fun and good, fellowship , When they ordered another round, one soldier suggested that they toast ¡POR
  18. Post, led to increased book sales and membership. By 1946,as the growing, fellowship ,quarreled over structure, purpose,and authority, as well as finances and
  19. 1987,and a Knight Bachelor in 1993. In 1996,Hopkins was awarded an honorary, fellowship ,from the University of Wales, Lampeter. Hopkins has stated that his role as
  20. Two years later they counted 100 members, including one woman. To promote the, fellowship , Wilson and other members wrote the initially-titled book, Alcoholics Anonymous
  21. After receiving his law degree that year, he again spent a year in Paris on a, fellowship , Upon returning, he worked as a commentator at Radio Wino, but was dismissed
  22. About them and, of themselves, could never be the basis of Christian, fellowship ,". Jewish creed Whether Judaism is cereal in character has generated some
  23. Adventist movement formed the United Seventh-Day Brethren, seeking to increase, fellowship ,and to combine their efforts in evangelism, publications,and other ministries.
  24. In an area may regularly hold joint activities combining youth groups, fellowship , preaching, and Bible study. Christadelphians refuse to participate in any
  25. Cain insisted that" I do not suggest for a moment that a single A. A. quit the, fellowship , On the contrary, I strongly urge sticking with it. To anyone who is having
  26. Drinking. The Traditions also recommend that AA members acting on behalf of the, fellowship ,steer clear of dogma, governing hierarchies and involvement in public issues.
  27. The Christadelphian community today stem from further divisions of the Barn, fellowship , Today The post-war, and post-reunions, period saw an increase in co-operation
  28. Can provide checks and balances against the imbalances of modern society by its, fellowship ,of labor and cooperation with other agrarians, while obeying the rhythms of
  29. Died in California of tuberculosis the following year, after taking a teaching, fellowship ,at Berkeley. It is not known whether the two were related. On October 5,1915
  30. Apostolic succession" is meaningful. It is in this sense only that men have, fellowship ,with God in the truth (an extension of the Reformation doctrines of sold FIDE
  31. Natural causes. According to Bryan Wilson functionally the definition of a ", fellowship ," within Christadelphian History has been mutual or unilateral exclusion of
  32. And CD (Bartok 1994,1995a,1995b,2003 2007,2008). Supported by a research, fellowship ,from Columbia University, for several years, Bartók and Dicta worked on a large
  33. Grouping would not refuse a baptized Christadelphian from a minority ", fellowship ," from breaking bread, the exclusion is more usually the other way. Today the
  34. Book II, part 1. " Null Santa societal / NEC sides begin est" " No sacred, fellowship ,/ Nor faith (where) kingship is" - quoted by Cicero in" On Duties (part 1
  35. Of college,4 years of medical school,3 years of residency, and 2 years of, fellowship , Adult endocrinologists are board certified by the American Board of Internal
  36. To subspecialize in adult, pediatric,or reproductive endocrinology is called a, fellowship , Typical training for a North American endocrinologist involves 4 years of
  37. Societies meet approximately every other Friday for entertainment and, fellowship ,and on almost all Sunday mornings for Sunday School; societies also hold a
  38. Zealand a union occurred in 1958 between the Central fellowship and the Shield, fellowship ,(which was allied to the Suffolk Street fellowship ) through an understanding
  39. Purpose of marriage in the Baha'i faith is mainly to foster spiritual harmony, fellowship ,and unity between a man and a woman and to provide a stable and loving
  40. Then! Would men but generously snap our chains, and be content with rational, fellowship ,instead of slavish obedience, they would find us more observant daughters, more
  41. Latin community (cum," with/together" + minus," gift" ), a broad term for, fellowship ,or organized society. Since the advent of the Internet, the concept of
  42. Who opposed the amendment in North America became known as the" Unamended, fellowship ," and allowed the teaching that God either could not or would not raise those
  43. Tradition that belief in the Book of Mormon is not to be used as a test of, fellowship ,or membership in the church. " Greater Latter Day Saint movement There are a
  44. Association invited Brush Run Church to join with them for the purpose of, fellowship , The reformers agreed provided that they would be" allowed to preach and to
  45. The same Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith (BASF) as the central, fellowship ,), the Dawn Fellowship, the Old Paths Fellowship, the Companion Fellowship and
  46. Generational change, the articles and books on the doctrine and practice of, fellowship ,with the main" Central" grouping now reject the notion itself of separate "
  47. The Alma den Research Center. In January 2005,he joined the OSD on a one-year, fellowship ,; he then returned to IBM. In 2009 and 2010,Andrew Bridge (with Bob Edwards
  48. Fellowship and the Shield fellowship (which was allied to the Suffolk Street, fellowship ,) through an understanding expressed in a document called the Cooper-Carter
  49. Of Christ, then Graham had violated 2 John 9-11,which prohibits receiving in, fellowship ,those who do“ not abide in the teaching of Christ. ” In the 1960s,Graham
  50. Now and again, but they are still to be deplored. " Powell served a White House, fellowship , a highly selective and prestigious position, under President Richard Nixon

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