Examples of the the word, parliamentary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( parliamentary ), is the 4008 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mostly in formal circumstances,e.g. in radio broadcasts, formal lectures, parliamentary ,discussions, and to some extent between speakers of different colloquial
  2. From the Labor Party. This meant that the Australian Democrats now shared the, parliamentary ,balance of power with two Independent senators. As a result, the Coalition
  3. Are based at the newly established United Nations Campus in the city's former, parliamentary ,quarter on the banks of the Rhine, continues to grow. The most recent agency
  4. Which banned the promotion of homosexuality by local governments. Out of the 17, parliamentary , votes considered by the Public Whip website to concern equal rights for
  5. Senator Aden Ridgeway was a deputy leader under Natasha Stott Despot. Federal, parliamentary ,leaders of the Australian Democrats. Former senators Former members in
  6. As Belgium's National Day),Belgium has been a constitutional monarchy and, parliamentary ,democracy, with a fascist constitution based on the Napoleonic code. Although
  7. Since the 2007 federal election. Julia Gillard is the party's federal, parliamentary ,leader and Prime Minister of Australia. Labor also currently governs in
  8. The Netherlands Antilles, each with its own nationality. Mr. C. Yarzagaray,a, parliamentary ,member representing the AVP political party, proposed a referendum for the
  9. And News Network. The service was established to broadcast federal, parliamentary ,sittings, to relieve the local ABC radio network from this intermittent task
  10. As the oldest member and de facto Mother of the House, being first to take the, parliamentary ,oath to Her Majesty the Queen. During the opening address which she delivered
  11. Is no inconsistency in the leaders' positions given that these countries are, parliamentary ,democracies. The economic and military issues are closely linked in the eyes of
  12. These were rejected in a referendum the following May at the same time as, parliamentary ,elections which left Kocharyan's party in a very powerful position in
  13. Enforcement. Government, politics and armed forces The Albanian republic is a, parliamentary ,democracy established under a constitution renewed in 1998. Elections are held
  14. Changed from fears of an over-mighty monarch to the issues of representation, parliamentary ,reform, and government retrenchment. Reformers sought to destroy what they saw
  15. With the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. He was a brilliant orator and skilled, parliamentary ,leader of the socialist opposition to the regime of the ruling Tsar, Nicholas
  16. Did not become general until the latter half of the 19th century. In British, parliamentary ,legislation referring to the English Established Church, it is described as the
  17. S At-large congressional district is currently the world's second-largest, parliamentary ,constituency by area, behind only the Canadian territory of Nunavut. In 2008
  18. However, international observers have questioned the fairness of Armenia's, parliamentary ,and presidential elections and constitutional referendum since 1995,citing
  19. Government. The Government of Armenia's stated aim is to build a Western-style, parliamentary ,democracy as the basis of its form of government. However, international
  20. And the vice-president of the political party which comes out strongest in the, parliamentary ,elections become automatically president and vice-president of Angola. Through
  21. 106 The politics of Antigua and Barbuda takes place in a framework of a federal, parliamentary ,representative democratic monarchy, wherein the Sovereign of Antigua and
  22. Territory of the United Kingdom. Its politics take place in a framework of a, parliamentary ,representative democratic dependency, whereby the Chief Minister is the head of
  23. New South Wales Queensland * Anderson Dawson (1899,world's first leader of a, parliamentary ,socialist government) South Australia Tasmania Victoria * Joan Corner (
  24. To the 30th nation in terms of female representation in parliament. The last, parliamentary ,election was held in September 2010,but due to disputes and investigation of
  25. They can support their party. Leadership Of the party's nine elected federal, parliamentary ,leaders, six were women. Aboriginal senator Aden Ridgeway was a deputy leader
  26. Of British Columbia. Government The government of Alberta is organized as a, parliamentary ,democracy with a unicameral legislature. Its unicameral legislature—the
  27. Although being an MP isn't a strict prerequisite for becoming PM in most, parliamentary ,systems). Instead, the results were nullified, and the military refused to
  28. Only general policy guidelines to Labor's federal, state and territory, parliamentary ,leaderships. The policy Labor takes into an election campaign is determined by
  29. Parliament. Politics Belgium is a constitutional, popular monarchy and a, parliamentary ,democracy. The bicameral federal parliament is composed of a Senate and a
  30. Largest Muslim-majority sovereign country wholly within Europe. Albania is a, parliamentary ,democracy with a transition economy. The Albanian capital, Tirana,is home to
  31. Part of the 4th Army) located in Chekhov, south of Baku. At the time of the, parliamentary ,decision, Lieutenant-General Valet Marshall became the first Minister of
  32. Mass protests begin across Moldova under the belief that results from the, parliamentary ,election are fraudulent. Births *1506 – Saint Francis Xavier, Spanish
  33. Candidates, have a proven track record, and she was later a leading figure in, parliamentary ,opposition to his A-List policy, which she has said is" an insult to women ".
  34. Continued to contest federal elections as the DLP (according to the, parliamentary ,library election results for 1980 and onward). In addition, founding member
  35. Bartlett as her deputy. From 1 July 2005 the Australian Democrats lost official, parliamentary ,party status, being represented by only four senators while the governing
  36. Poor result in the 2006 South Australian election as well as South Australian, parliamentary ,leader Sandra Kanck's comments regarding the drug MDMA which he saw as
  37. Governments, how and when it is implemented remains the prerogative of the, parliamentary ,caucus. It is now rare for the Platform to conflict with government policy, as
  38. As the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR). The ADR was the first modern, parliamentary ,republic in the Muslim World. Among the important accomplishments of the
  39. Suffrage for a four-year term; the Regional Government and Presidency, with, parliamentary , legitimacy,composed of a President, a Vice-President and seven Regional
  40. Consultation with key interest groups within the party, and is contained in the, parliamentary ,Leader's policy speech delivered during the election campaign. When Labor is
  41. And the Baptist World Alliance. Theories In their rejection of absolute, parliamentary ,authority, the Tractarians and in particular John Henry Newman – looked back to
  42. A series of terror attacks aimed at influencing voters in upcoming Swedish, parliamentary ,elections. Name" Politics daily. Com"/> name" DigitalJournal./JJ"> com"/>
  43. Were circulating the party's first-ever petition to criticize and oust the, parliamentary ,leader. The explicit grounds related to Powell's alleged responsibility for
  44. Of the Platform is usually developed in close collaboration with the party's, parliamentary ,leadership as well as the factions. However, where there is a direct
  45. His coup d'état by adopting a new Constitution, ending half a century of, parliamentary ,rule in Sweden and installing himself as an enlightened despot. *1778 –
  46. Fight the revolutionaries. Loris-Melikov's proposals called for some form of, parliamentary ,body, and the Emperor seemed to agree; these plans were never realized. On 13
  47. 11 buildings. *1999 – The German Bundestag returns to Berlin, the first German, parliamentary ,body to meet there since the Reichstag was dissolved in 1945. *2005 – His
  48. A glass dome over the session area, which allows free public access to the, parliamentary ,proceedings and magnificent views of the city. The Gendarmenmarkt, a
  49. Democracy based on a new constitution adopted in 1992. That same year, first, parliamentary , and presidential elections were held. In the former, the MPA won an absolute
  50. To be saved from anarchical disorders and revolutionary agitation, not by the, parliamentary ,institutions and so-called liberalism of Western Europe, but by the three

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