Examples of the the word, pad , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pad ), is the 4007 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For players to take a running start as long as they are supported by the tee, pad ,at the time of release. * Falling putts (when the player follows through as
  2. Netting for online gaming, and has built-in support for the Saturn's analog, pad , It also includes a hidden multiplayer mini-game called Death Tank Wei and an
  3. Major development in the history of clarinet was the invention of the modern, pad , Early clarinets covered the tone holes with felt pad s. Because these leaked
  4. Microorganisms in the beer are removed during the filtration process.; Sheet (, pad ,) filters These filters use pre-made media and are relatively straightforward.
  5. Of 2.5 meters (8 feet 2½ inches) diameter, which is recessed in a concrete, pad ,by 20 mm. The thrower typically takes an initial stance facing away from the
  6. Accidentals were thus largely avoided. With the invention of the airtight, pad , and as key technology improved and more keys were added to woodwinds, the need
  7. Was a test flight, and confidence-builder. After the January 1967 Apollo launch, pad ,fire, the Apollo Command Module had been extensively redesigned. Shirr, who
  8. Include: * and a human spotter (to direct a falling climber on to the, pad ,). * Chalk climbing: cliffs of chalk may (with difficulty) be climbed using
  9. Or stronger teams wanting to play the weaker ones early in the season to, pad ,their win-loss records. But, during Layden's tenure, scheduling reverted to a
  10. Entered the changes (amounting to over 80 keystrokes on the LM computer, pad ,) just in time. A second problem occurred during the powered descent, when the
  11. Unbreakable ciphers must have the same requirements as the one-time, pad , He is also credited with the introduction of sampling theory, which is
  12. Crack. It is possible to create a secure pen and paper cipher based on one-time, pad ,with the help of a computer that generates random numbers
  13. Before a drive on holes from which the target cannot be seen from the tee, pad , If a player is about to drive and wants to know if there are players in the
  14. I launch carried boilerplate models of the Apollo command/service module. Two, pad ,abort tests of the launch escape system took place in 1963 and 1965 at the
  15. With a target launch date of February 21, 1967. A cabin fire during a launch, pad ,test on January 27 at Launch Pad 34 at Cape Canaveral killed all three crew
  16. To be transmitted and only used once (this algorithm is called the One-time, pad ,). In light of this, and the practical difficulty of managing such long keys
  17. Transmission of information. " While at Bell Labs, he proved that the one-time, pad ,is unbreakable in his World War II research that was later published in October
  18. Have been shown to help stabilize the friction coefficient in automotive brake, pad ,materials. The semiconductor gallium nitride doped with antimony has been
  19. For further protection, climbers typically put a bouldering mat (crash, pad ,) on the ground to break their fall. Last, climbers often have one or more
  20. The astronauts, were installed at the site on the southern edge of the launch, pad , Each bears the name of one of the astronauts and his military service insignia
  21. Is probably his Brillo Boxes, silkscreened ink on wood replicas of Brillo soap, pad ,boxes (designed by James Harvey),part of a series of" grocery carton "
  22. System, the Tech Socrates, featured a wireless mouse with an attached mouse, pad ,as an optional controller used for some games. In the early 1990s the Super
  23. Handwriting methods which allow users to write characters on a designated ", pad ,"; this may require extra equipment, but may also be accomplished by using a
  24. Trip Apollo 17 launched at 12:33 AM EST on December 7,1972,from launch, pad ,39-A at the Kennedy Space Center. Because of a technical failure in the launch
  25. One or more spotters, who work to direct the climber's body toward the crash, pad ,during a fall, while protecting the climber's head from hazards. Bouldering is
  26. Operations manager to change Wendt's shift from midnight to day, so he could be, pad ,leader for Apollo 7. So Went remained as Pad Leader for the entire Apollo
  27. Made to modify the step routine. Prior to 6th Mix, codes were entered with the, pad ,to activate modifiers. 6th Mix replaced these pad codes with a new options menu
  28. Without a rope and normally limited to very short climbs over a crash, pad ,(called a bouldering mat) so that a fall will not result in serious injury.
  29. Known in most circles is the standard for Disc Golf courses. Tee pad s The tee, pad ,is where a player begins the hole. A solid base is a must for any successful
  30. The first manned mission,AS-204 (later renamed Apollo 1),during a launch, pad ,test in 1967. It was a C type mission—an 11-day Earth-orbital mission, the
  31. Outside the command module through open access panels to two levels of the, pad ,service structure. Intense heat, dense smoke, and ineffective gas masks
  32. Provides and more power on the putt. * Drives are made from a designated tee, pad , These are usually made of concrete and have a dimension of about six by ten
  33. A small piece of clean heavy copper or occasionally stainless steel scouring, pad ,often called a" Brillo" ( actual Brillo pad s contain soap, and are not used)
  34. This is now referred to as" Johnson noise ". ) During the 1920s,the one-time, pad ,cipher was invented by Gilbert Vernal and Joseph Gaborone at the laboratories.
  35. Unless he was obliged to, preferring instead to write his orders on a note, pad ,on his dressing-table. Holman, incidentally,was said to greatly resemble
  36. Or optical/laser mice also exist. Most optical and laser mice do not require a, pad , Whether to use a hard or soft mouse pad with an optical mouse is largely a
  37. Aircraft engineer Günter Went had been leader of the spacecraft launch, pad ,teams, with ultimate responsibility for condition of the spacecraft at launch.
  38. System must have essentially the same characteristics as the one-time, pad ,: the key must be truly random, as large as the plaintext, never reused in whole
  39. The device it is controlling. It is mainly used for playing the games. ** Game, pad ,- a hand held game controller that relies on the digits (especially thumbs)
  40. Weather. An evaporative cooler is a device that draws outside air through a wet, pad , such as a large sponge soaked with water. The sensible heat of the incoming
  41. September 21 and the rocket made the slow 3-mile (5 km) journey to the launch, pad ,on October 9. Testing continued all through December until the day before
  42. While electric pianos and chicken-scratch guitars create the background ", pad ," sound defining the harmony progression. Typically, a rich" wall of sound "
  43. Keys which are at least as long as the plaintext, and used only once: one-time, pad , Country music is a popular American musical style that began in the Southern
  44. A pessimistic estimate when first encountering the operation, and if necessary, pad ,it with one or more" no-operation" instructions in the second pass or the
  45. Had been changed from McDonnell to North American Rockwell, Wendt had not been, pad ,leader for Apollo 1. So adamant was Shirr in his desire to have Went back as
  46. Liquid chalk is sometimes used. * A mattress-like object called a crash, pad , These are generally thick, rectangular foam pad s with a heavy-duty fabric
  47. Claude Elwood Shannon, US,founder of information theory, proved the one-time, pad ,to be unbreakable. Modern See also: for an exhaustive list. Symmetric-key
  48. Special feature of the front paws, on the inside of the wrists, is the carpal, pad , also found on the paws of big cats and dogs. It has no function in normal
  49. Vocals, which are often doubled by horns, over a background ", pad ," of electric pianos and backpedaled" chicken-scratch" guitars. Other backing
  50. Playing, the contact point can move slightly away from the nail to the, pad ,of the finger, allowing a fuller vibrato. Vibrato is a small

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