Examples of the the word, probe , in a Sentence Context

The word ( probe ), is the 4012 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The smallest of the four inner moons of Jupiter. It was discovered in Voyager 2, probe , photographs taken in 1979,making it the first natural satellite to be
  2. Simplicity if that makes an organism better suited to its environment. The atom, probe ,is a microscope used in material science that was invented in 1967 by Erwin
  3. Reaction:: \math rm The 227AcBe neutron sources can be applied in a neutron, probe ,– a standard device for measuring the quantity of water present in soil, as
  4. A subsidiary of Action’s Access Business Group. The FTC later dropped the, probe ,; however, in October 2005,a class-action lawsuit was filed against McGraw by
  5. For the imaging of single atoms. The standard projection model for the atom, probe ,is an emitter geometry that is based upon a revolution of a conic section, such
  6. Atmosphere by both Earth-based telescopes and by the Mars Express, probe , Because of solar radiation and cosmic radiation, methane is predicted to
  7. As the Phoenix lander, Mars Science Laboratory, ExoMars to Mars, the Cassini, probe ,to Saturn's moon Titan, and the" Ice Clipper" mission to Jupiter's moon
  8. Relocated by the United States during World War II. *1990 – The Magellan space, probe ,reaches Venus. * 1990 – More than 127 Muslims are killed in North East Sri
  9. By individual research laboratories. System layout At a minimum, an atom, probe ,will consist of several key pieces of equipment. * A vacuum system for
  10. Is set by the physical properties of the material under analysis. Systems Atom, probe ,devices have only relatively recently been produced commercially, and many
  11. A high electric field, with radii on the order of 100 nm. To conduct an atom, probe ,experiment, such a needle is placed in an ultra-high vacuum chamber. After
  12. Walking distance of the Surveyor 3 probe . Conrad and Bean removed pieces of the, probe ,to be taken back to Earth for analysis. It is claimed that the common bacterium
  13. Bills designed to fit co-adapted flowers. Kiwis and shorebirds with long bills, probe ,for invertebrates; shorebirds' varied bill lengths and feeding methods result
  14. Prior to evaporation. Whilst the magnification of both the field ion and atom, probe ,microscopes is extremely high, the exact magnification is dependent upon
  15. Field ionization modes) the atom probe does not utilize a secondary source to, probe ,the sample. Rather, the sample is evaporated in a controlled manner (field
  16. Quantity or computation therefrom. Data features The canonical feature of atom, probe ,data its high spatial resolution in the direction through the material, which
  17. The Martian atmosphere contains 1.6 % of and 5 ppm of. The Mariner space, probe ,fly-by of the planet Mercury in 1973 found that Mercury has a very thin
  18. Corresponding to specimen volumes of 10,000-1,000,000 nm3). Overview Atom, probe ,samples are shaped to implicitly provide a highly curved electric potential to
  19. To the Toronto Star article, the Ontario provincial government launched a, probe ,into the use of Agent Orange. On February 18, 2011,Ontario's Ministry of
  20. Three different fields: optical microscopy, electron microscopy, and scanning, probe ,microscopy. Recently, this field is rapidly progressing because of the rapid
  21. A decay product from radioactive materials on the planet. In 2005,the Huygens, probe ,also discovered the presence of on Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Compounds
  22. Name from" parallax second ", for those arc seconds. The ESA asymmetric space, probe ,Gaia will measure star positions to 20 microseconds (was). There are about
  23. Distance (less than 200 meters) of its intended target - the Surveyor 3, probe , which had landed on the Moon in April 1967. This was not an off-the-cuff
  24. In 1993 by 243 Ida and its moon Dactyl, all of which were imaged by the Galileo, probe ,en route to Jupiter. The first dedicated asteroid probe was NEAR Shoemaker
  25. Projects, players may also benefit their factions through social engineering, probe ,teams, and diplomacy. Social engineering modifies the ideologically based
  26. An average successful search, and the worst case is \log_2 (N),just one more, probe , If the list is empty, no probe s at all are made. Thus, binary search is a
  27. Semiconductors Semi-conductor materials are often analyzable in atom, probe , however sample preparation may be more difficult, and interpretation of
  28. In normal operation (as opposed to a field ionization modes) the atom, probe ,does not utilize a secondary source to probe the sample. Rather, the sample is
  29. Rosa hold Kitty Hawk against Antares using its thrusters, then the docking, probe ,would be retracted out of the way, hopefully triggering the docking latches.
  30. Surface characterization instruments, electron microscopes and scanning, probe ,microscopes enables scientists to visualize atomic structures with chemical
  31. Its relatively weak power, the jab is often used as a tool to gauge distances, probe ,an opponent's defenses, harass an opponent, and set up heavier, more powerful
  32. Anne frank (by Stardust in 2002). In September 2005,the Japanese Hayabusa, probe ,started studying 25143 Iowa in detail and was plagued with difficulties, but
  33. Apollo 12 successfully landed within walking distance of the Surveyor 3, probe , Conrad and Bean removed pieces of the probe to be taken back to Earth for
  34. A detection system for single ions for field evaporation. Optionally, an atom, probe ,may also include laser-optical systems for laser beam preparation, targeting
  35. Which had not been achieved by Apollo 11),and to visit the Surveyor 3, probe , to remove parts for analysis. The mission ended on November 24 with a
  36. In 1967 by Erwin Wilhelm Müller, J. A. Paint, and S. Brooks Plane. The atom, probe ,is closely related to the method of Field Ion Microscopy, which is the first
  37. Returned samples of its surface to earth on June 13, 2010. The European Rosetta, probe ,(launched in 2004) flew by 2867 Steins in 2008 and 21 Letitia, the
  38. This theory. On the other hand, these accelerators have limited capabilities to, probe ,into such high energy regimes. There is little evidence regarding the absolute
  39. French camp. A French reconnaissance under the Marquis de Silly went forward to, probe ,the enemy, but were driven off by Allied troops who had deployed to cover the
  40. The intent of taking a photograph with himself, Pete Conrad and the Surveyor 3, probe , in the frame. As the timer was not part of their standard equipment, such an
  41. Photographs of asteroid-like objects were taken in 1971 when the Mariner 9, probe , imaged Phobos and Deimos, the two small moons of Mars, which are probably
  42. Imaged by the Galileo probe en route to Jupiter. The first dedicated asteroid, probe ,was NEAR Shoemaker, which photographed 253 Mathilde in 1997,before entering
  43. Probably more accurate to surmise that Marlborough launched Orkney in a serious, probe ,with a view to sounding out the possibilities of the sector. Families
  44. On February 18, 2011,Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources widened the, probe ,of Agent Orange spraying to include all areas of the province where government
  45. The uncertainty in the atomic mass computed by time-of-flight methods in atom, probe ,is sufficiently small to allow for detection of individual isotopes within a
  46. With hand-electropolishing techniques giving good results. Subsequently, atom, probe , has been used in the analysis of the chemical composition of a wide range of
  47. Comes into force. *2002 – The last successful telemetry from the NASA space, probe ,Pioneer 10. *2005 – The superjumbo jet aircraft Airbus A380 makes its first
  48. Which may be up to several meters from the specimen. The samples used in atom, probe ,are usually a metallic or semiconducting material, with the needle geometry
  49. Of million atoms (dataset volumes of 105 nm3) Applications Metallurgy Atom, probe ,has typically been employed in the chemical analysis of alloy systems at the
  50. Fairly simple system. When powered on, an Applejack machine broadcasts an AARP, probe ,packet asking for a network address, intending to hear back from controllers

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