Examples of the the word, shame , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shame ), is the 4003 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Persecution or legal matters (such as tax or criminal allegations),an act of, shame ,or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular
  2. Loam; Not My People, or more simply, Not Mine. The child bore this name of, shame ,to show that the Northern Kingdom would also be shame d, for its people would no
  3. An aesthetically shaped, successful drama. Killer eventually rebounded from the, shame ,of the scandal and had her own successful writing career while remaining
  4. Upon thy face; and I will show the nations thy nakedness, and the kingdoms thy, shame , " This is very symbolic showing that Nineveh was known for being a city full
  5. Sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to, shame ,and everlasting contempt. " The intermediate state Some traditions, notably the
  6. Letter, Bardot describes the activity as a" macabre spectacle" that" is a, shame ,for Denmark and the Fare Islands... This is not a hunt but a mass slaughter...
  7. Parents were obliged to return a runaway daughter to the husband or else suffer, shame ,which could even result in a generations-long blood feud. During World War II
  8. No one left who knows the truth about the battle of Okinawa. Bear the temporary, shame ,but endure it. This is an order from your army Commander. " Sahara was the most
  9. Touting it as a masterpiece that" puts most anime ... and Hollywood, to, shame , " On May 16, 2006,IGN listed Cowboy Bebop in its article" Top Ten Anime
  10. That pornography is as addictive as the worst drugs. He often talked of what a, shame ,it is to use such great resources (such as the internet) for such material.
  11. More lives that have compelled a reluctant offer from England, but it is the, shame ,of any further imposition of agony upon a people that loves liberty above
  12. Submission of the queen and her people to the Lombards, and thus a cause of, shame ,or humiliation. Alternatively, it may have been a rite to appease the dead
  13. And ability is perceived as uncontrollable, they experience the emotions of, shame ,and embarrassment and consequently decrease effort and show poorer performance.
  14. Crucial to this definition are the ancient Greek concepts of honor (time) and, shame , The concept of time included not only the exaltation of the one receiving
  15. A major decline in personal usefulness, that can be sometimes linked to guilt, shame ,or perceived rejection ". This suite may have manifested in aging hunters in
  16. Of tragedy. His name derives from the Greek word Bishop (αἶσχος),meaning ", shame ,". According to Aristotle, he expanded the number of characters in plays to
  17. By punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of, shame , If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules
  18. Male chauvinism was found to represent an attempt to ward off anxiety and, shame ,arising from one or more of four prime sources: unresolved infantile striving
  19. S mother, during a conversation which she assumed was private, said," It's a, shame ,Claire doesn't dress Dorothy as nicely as she dresses her own daughter. " When
  20. Felt these children were really brighter than their IQ would indicate. " What a, shame ,that others seem to have less confidence in black children than Professor
  21. To show" respect" toward women, where Hollywood movies were seen to have" no, shame ,". In Indian movies women were modestly dressed, men and women rarely kiss, and
  22. Canadians were dispersed across the country. Being Japanese at that time meant, shame , guilt, and an image of the enemy. Take was embraced by Japanese Canadians to
  23. The monastery of Montearagón, and still others that he had fled from Raga in, shame ,after his defeat and became a pilgrim as an act of penance. Some years later
  24. May be rich; To buy" white garments ", that they may be clothed, so that the, shame ,of their nakedness would not be revealed; To anoint their eyes with eye salve
  25. Her scorn had been misdirected, Cherryl puts off apologizing to Deign out of, shame ,until the night before she commits suicide, when she confesses to Deign that
  26. In their first attendance on me, I remember it with gloom and record it with, shame , " She studied privately with William Certain, a friend of Eakins and a New
  27. The front teeth. A simple dental click is used in English to express pity or to, shame ,someone, and sometimes to call an animal, and is written TSK! In American
  28. Disciplinary boards. To be disbarred is considered a great embarrassment and, shame , even if one no longer wishes to pursue a career in the law; it is akin, in
  29. His father. The event scared and embarrassed him. Lear felt lifelong guilt and, shame ,for his epileptic condition. His adult diaries indicate that he always sensed
  30. In a lean, hard,athletic narrative prose that puts more literary English to, shame , " The Sun Also Rises is written in the spare, tightly written prose, for which
  31. To strike, saying that any failing was the teacher's responsibility. The, shame ,and guilt this method induced, he believed, was far superior to the fear
  32. Pogo. Unfortunately, the drawings are long gone; no recording was made. What a, shame , Nobody anticipated there'd be this dueling back and forth between the two of
  33. At Clinton in Suffolk who brought their own prayer books to church in order to, shame ,their Vicar into conforming with it: they eventually ousted him. Between 1549
  34. To be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of the, shame , and moreover will become good. " (Translated by James Legged) in the Great
  35. Normal, they block out the feelings of overwhelming guilt, remorse,anxiety and, shame ,they experience when sober. Other theorists such as Milan & Ketch am (1983)
  36. Co (2009),ISBN 978-0-227-17299-5. *C. Erratic, The road of danger, guilt,and, shame ,: the lonely way of A. E. Housman (Associated University Press,2002) ISBN
  37. That causes people with alcoholism to avoid diagnosis and treatment for fear of, shame ,or social consequences. A common method for diagnosing alcoholism is evaluating
  38. All men, regardless of religious beliefs, will eventually get to heaven:" Our, shame ,would be in telling people a lie, and thereby letting them go to hell without
  39. Behind for a few minutes and contemplates suicide to save her husband from the, shame ,of the revelation of her crime, and more importantly to pre-empt any gallant
  40. Honor he decides that he prefers to kill himself rather than to live in, shame , He does so with the same sword Hector gave him when they exchanged presents.
  41. It just came to an end ", Iommi said. " We didn't go any further, and it's a, shame ,because the songs were really Commit commented on the difficulty getting all of
  42. Translated by James Legged) in the Great Learning (). This" sense of, shame ," is an internalization of duty, where the punishment precedes the evil action
  43. And murder. Lynch himself stated that the film was about" the loneliness, shame , guilt, confusion and devastation of the victim of incest. " Twin Peaks: Fire
  44. It is better to cast oneself into a fiery furnace than publicly to put to, shame ,one's fellow creature" ( Lava Media 59a). *"One should never betroth
  45. And he becomes aware of himself as seen by the Other. He is thus filled with, shame ,for he perceives himself as he would perceive someone else doing what he was
  46. Those who beat me and my cheeks to blows; and my face I did not shield from the, shame ,of spitting ”. This clearly reflects the teachings of Jesus to turn the other
  47. See that steadfast virtue was ultimately rewarded and vice, in the absence of, shame ,and redemption, severely punished (however dramatically incredible the final
  48. Sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, some to, shame ,and everlasting contempt. " Dan 12:2 Isaiah says:" Your dead will live.
  49. Of all gods, except the one responsible for the calamity, and this seems to, shame ,them into relenting. Humans, however,proliferate a fourth time. Enraged, Enlil
  50. Surrendered, and the implication was clear: if Paulus surrendered, he would, shame ,himself and would become the highest ranking German officer ever to be captured

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