Examples of the the word, sensor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sensor ), is the 4219 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nanotube nanometer). In May 2005,Naomi Inc. placed on the market a hydrogen, sensor ,that integrated carbon nanotubes on a silicon platform. Since then, Nanomix has
  2. Hundredth of a candela. Technology *Charge-coupled device, an electronic light, sensor ,used in digital cameras *. cc'd, the filename extension for CloneCD's CD image
  3. U-2,the CIA developed a plan, named Heavy Tea, to deploy two battery-powered, sensor ,pallets near the base. To deploy the pallets, a Black Bat Squadron crew was
  4. Is no electronic shutter. A mechanical shutter must be added to this type of, sensor ,or the image smears as the device is clocked or read out. With a frame-transfer
  5. Is that it can only produce spatial coordinates while its camera can see the, sensor ,bar. A mouse-related controller called the Space Ball™ has a ball placed above
  6. However in major tournaments it is strictly enforced; the" eye on the hog ", sensor ,in the stone will indicate whether the stone has been legally thrown or not. If
  7. Capabilities. After the failure of the Black Cat Squadron to plant operating, sensor ,pods near the Lop Our Nuclear Weapons Test Base using a Lockheed U-2,the CIA
  8. Extends this concept one step further and masks every other column of the image, sensor ,for storage. In this device, only one pixel shift has to occur to transfer from
  9. Long periods flying over their target area at night and in adverse weather. The, sensor ,suite consists of a television sensor , infrared sensor , and radar. These
  10. Dehydrogenase, an Fe-Ni-S-containing protein. Cool is a carbon monoxide, sensor ,protein. The scope of its biological role is still unknown; it may be part of a
  11. Protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to omit Shugart's Track-0, sensor , When the Operating System wants to go to track 0,the controller simply moves
  12. That can be easily transferred over the internet. ** Microphone - an acoustic, sensor ,that provides input by converting sound into electrical signals. Output
  13. Mobile phone as a wireless modem. *Short range transmission of health, sensor ,data from medical devices to mobile phone, set-top box or dedicated telehealth
  14. Area at night and in adverse weather. The sensor suite consists of a television, sensor , infrared sensor , and radar. These sensor s allow the gunship to visually or
  15. For whatever tactical means required. As with aircraft management, the bigger, sensor ,platforms (like the E-3D,STARS, ASTOR,Nimrod MRA4,Merlin HM Mk 1) have
  16. Card games are sometimes played on tables with a small mirror or electronic, sensor ,which are used to peek securely at the hole card. In European casinos," no
  17. Smith were cited for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit—the CCD, sensor , 1920s During its first year of operation, facsimile (fax) transmission
  18. Chemical, but this was replaced in the final design with a contrail, sensor ,from Ophir that alerts the pilot when he should change altitude. Mission
  19. Did not upgrade the thermostat to handle the higher voltage. The temperature, sensor ,could not read above the highest operational temperature of the heater, which
  20. And systems for vision based inspection or measurement. This implies that image, sensor ,technologies and control theory often are integrated with the processing of
  21. Being with the Gulf stream G-IV private jet in 1985. Display systems provide, sensor ,data that allows the aircraft to fly safely. Much information that previously
  22. In adverse weather. The sensor suite consists of a television sensor , infrared, sensor , and radar. These sensor s allow the gunship to visually or electronically
  23. Between bins. The CCD is a major technology for digital imaging. In a CCD image, sensor , reverse-biased p–n junctions (essentially photodiodes) are used to absorb
  24. Sensors in the right engine failed, and the remaining right engine temperature, sensor ,displayed readings near the redline for engine shutdown. Booster Systems
  25. Image coordinate system is correct. ** Noise reduction in order to assure that, sensor ,noise does not introduce false information. ** Contrast enhancement to assure
  26. Typically functions). If we assume the controller C, the plant P, and the, sensor ,F are linear and time-invariant (i.e.: elements of their transfer function C
  27. Rather than civil airliner development. Military aircraft had become flying, sensor ,platforms, and making large amounts of electronic equipment work together had
  28. A companion YAG laser designator, an improved forward-looking infrared (FLIR), sensor , video recording for TV and FLIR, an inertial navigation system, and a
  29. In photons to a DC signal in amperes) is a transducer, a transformer, or a, sensor , However, none of these amplify power. Figures of merit The quality of an
  30. Tomography devices, radar,ultrasonic cameras, etc. Depending on the type of, sensor , the resulting image data is an ordinary 2D image, a 3D volume, or an image
  31. a half hour at low altitude in the dark, they arrived over the target and the, sensor ,pallets were dropped by parachute near Anti in Gansu province. After another
  32. Sometimes called quadrature encoding of the wheel rotation, as the two optical, sensor ,produce signals that are in approximately quadrature phase. The mouse sends
  33. Model. Image restoration The aim of image restoration is the removal of noise (, sensor ,noise, motion blur, etc.) from images. The simplest possible approach for
  34. Temperature sensor s failed. Two minutes and 12 seconds later, the second, sensor ,failed, causing the shutdown of the center engine. This was the only in-flight
  35. Fighters currently enjoy advantages in stealth, electronic warfare and offboard, sensor ,support. Variants and upgrades Air-to-air missile versions There are currently
  36. Transfer function The output of the system y (t) is fed back through a, sensor ,measurement F to the reference value r (t). The controller C then takes the
  37. In a 3CCD device most of the light entering the aperture is captured by a, sensor , while a Bayer mask absorbs a high proportion (about 2/3) of the light
  38. US$ 10,000. Saxon’s winning idea, The Fit Companion, is a small, unobtrusive, sensor , that when clipped-on to a user’s clothing or integrated in to a shoe, provides
  39. Car, like a change in the slope of the road. In a closed-loop control system,a, sensor ,monitors the system output (the car's speed) and feeds the data to a
  40. Environment could be provided by a computer vision system, acting as a vision, sensor ,and providing high-level information about the environment and the robot.
  41. Probes but with a 242Cm source. An elaborated APES setup is equipped with a, sensor ,head containing six curium sources having the total radioactive decay rate of
  42. Sampling, several frames of the scene are produced. Between acquisitions,the, sensor ,is moved in pixel dimensions, so that each point in the visual field is
  43. Protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to omit Shugart's Track-0, sensor , When the Operating System wants to go to track 0,the controller simply moves
  44. Only in Israel is decompression used on all luggage to check for pressure, sensor ,detonators. Along with the FAA, the FBI also monitors terror suspects. Any
  45. On a silicon platform. Since then, Nanomix has been patenting many such, sensor ,applications, such as in the field of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, glucose
  46. Picture corresponding to the scene projected onto the focal plane of the, sensor , Once the array has been exposed to the image, a control circuit causes each
  47. One side (by using a 40 tracks format). The 1541 did not have an index hole, sensor , making it straightforward to use the reverse side of a disk by flipping it. A
  48. Is not regulated by G proteins or foreskin, instead acts as a bicarbonate/pH, sensor , In neurons, calcium-sensitive acetylate Cyclades are located next to calcium
  49. In (stoichiometric or catalytic) transformations of molecules or be used as a, sensor , Classification Metal complexes, also known as coordination compounds, include
  50. 87 (MON + RON)/2 (octane rating) fuel. In engines with a 'ping' or 'knock ', sensor ,and an electronic control unit, the CR can be as high as 13:1 (2005 BMW K1200S

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