Examples of the the word, ritual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ritual ), is the 4223 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sparta, however,youths each sacrificed a puppy to Entails before engaging in, ritual ,fighting at the Phoebe. The Catholic nighttime sacrifice of a dog to
  2. Be explained in utilitarian terms and are thus categorized as decorative, ritual ,or symbolic, are aware of the trap posed by the term 'art '. " -Silva Tomaskova
  3. Of which prey upon carrion in the battlefield, were sacred to him. Cult and, ritual ,Although Ares received occasional sacrifice from armies going to war, the god
  4. Who called it Cuautla, and other Native America peoples in Mexico to prepare, ritual ,drinks and foods. To this day, amaranth grains are toasted much like popcorn
  5. Then prepare a mate for another guest. This is considered an important social, ritual , Mate condo is the same leaf, which rather than brewed is boiled and served
  6. But a recognition of her role as enforcer of rules of sexual modesty and, ritual ,mystery. Even beyond recognition, the Athenians allotted the goddess value
  7. Of ceramic fragments along the North Road have been related to some sort of, ritual ,activities carried out along the roadway. Isolated structures located on the
  8. For abstraction. Moi advocated frugality, condemning the Confucian emphasis on, ritual ,and music, which he denounced as extravagant. *Naturalism, the School of
  9. To Bernard Lewis: Nineteenth century The Damascus affair was an accusation of, ritual ,murder and a blood libel against Jews in Damascus in 1840. On February 5,1840
  10. Consider themselves restorationists rather than Protestants—also practice, ritual ,anointing of the sick, as well as other forms of anointing. Members of the
  11. Of nature, rather than superior to, or separate from it. In such societies, ritual ,is considered essential for survival, as it wins the favor of the spirits of
  12. Daily adoration to the Sun, a study of Crowley's writings, regular yogic and, ritual ,practices (which were to be recorded),as well as general domestic labor.
  13. Esoteric. In Paris during October 1908,he again produced Sarah by the use of, ritual ,and this time did so without hashish. He published an account of this success
  14. Birth to his second daughter, Lola Gaza, for whom Crowley devised a special, ritual ,of thanksgiving. Believing that he was now amongst the highest level of
  15. Section on mysticism in Book Four or Magic. Here he uses quotation marks for ", ritual ,murder" and for" Christian" children. An article at The Cauldron: A Pagan
  16. It contained, something he had been ignoring, and together they performed a, ritual ,to invoke Always once more. The ritual proved successful, and Always provided
  17. The Turkish governor and the French consul Ratti-Menton believed accusations of, ritual ,murder and blood libel, as the alleged murder occurred before the Jewish
  18. Generous. Agni represents the cultivated, cooked and cultured aspects of Vedic, ritual , Together with SOMA, Agni is invoked in the Rig Veda more than any other gods.
  19. And their means of celebrating them. Umbel Besides the blot, key among the, ritual ,structures of Ásatrú as developed by McAllen and Stine is the umbel, a
  20. From the general run of animals and objects, while retaining the necessity of, ritual ,to ensure good luck, favorable harvests, and so on. Death Most animistic belief
  21. By touch. The kings of France and England indeed regularly practiced the, ritual , Bloch was not concerned with the effectiveness of the royal touch—he acted
  22. Within the Church of England opposed to the Tractarians, and to their revived, ritual ,practices, introduced a stream of Parliamentary Bills aimed to control
  23. The goddess Artemis. She was punished by the goddess for not having performed a, ritual ,dance. * Camped, queen of the Amazons, co-ruler with Magnesia * Lysine
  24. The high altar (A) stands immediately to the east of the transept, or, ritual , choir; the altar of Saint Paul (B) in the eastern, and that of St Peter (C)
  25. Mass to this day. It symbolizes the act of sex as a magical or religious, ritual , Upon returning to London in the autumn of 1913,Crowley published the tenth
  26. Of the operatic form ". Both thought operas had become too full of, ritual ,and bereft of substance, and Mahagonny in part sought to deflate the pompous
  27. A treasury near the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion and is used occasionally in, ritual ,processions. Replicas of the Axum Talbot are kept in every Ethiopian church
  28. Neighbours, the Avers. Skull cups are believed to be part of a shamanistic, ritual , where drinking from the cup was considered a way to assume the dead man's
  29. Initiation, associating them with priests wearing animal masks in Egyptian, ritual , A meditation during his relationship with one of these women, the poet Jeanne
  30. Fiber 671 ", and later dubbed" Fiber Pyramids ". The pair repeated this, ritual ,again on 9 October, when they had made some alterations to it. In Crowley's
  31. This period the Priestesses of Athena, or “ Pantries ”, performed a cleansing, ritual ,within“ the Erecththeum ”, the personal sanctuary of the goddess. Here Athena
  32. Fragrance. The use of Acacia as a fragrance dates back centuries. Symbolism and, ritual ,The Acacia is used as a symbol in Freemasonry, to represent purity and
  33. Crowley would engage Victor Benjamin Newburgh in The Paris Working. The first, ritual ,took place on New Year's Eve 1914. In a period of seven weeks, Crowley and
  34. 9 October, when they had made some alterations to it. In Crowley's eyes, this, ritual , would prove to be one of the" greatest events of his career" during which he
  35. Rigged myth of Indra defeating Extra, liberating Us has. Was the practice of, ritual ,prostitution in her shrines and temples. The euphemism in Greek is microjoule
  36. This all to be a sign from a divine entity and on 20 March began performing, ritual ,invocations of the god Horus in his rented room. It was after this invocation
  37. Century when some clergy were disciplined and even imprisoned on charges of, ritual ,heresy while, at the same time, others were criticized for engaging in public
  38. Beneath a drill made of harder wood, resulting in fire. Further evidence of, ritual ,making of fire in Scandinavia has been theorized from a depiction on a stone
  39. Anointing of the sick is a frequent practice and has been an important, ritual ,in these communities since the respective movements were founded in the 19th
  40. Strength. As for the offering of the skull to Rosamond, that may have been a, ritual ,request of complete submission of the queen and her people to the Lombards, and
  41. The soil. The slaughter of a fattened ox was also a central part of an offering, ritual , Natural resources Egypt is rich in building and decorative stone, copper and
  42. Became his personal tutor, teaching him more about ceremonial magic and the, ritual ,usage of drugs. However, in 1900,Bennett left for Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka)
  43. Not to let the wound opened by the killing of her father be healed through a, ritual ,act, thus openly displaying her thirst for revenge. Alboin's remains were
  44. Site, reduces pain independently of the psychological impact of the treatment, ritual ,is unclear. " A report for CSICOP on pseudoscience in China written by Wallace
  45. Ignoring, and together they performed a ritual to invoke Always once more. The, ritual ,proved successful, and Always provided Crowley with the message that he should
  46. It has been proposed that these were part of pilgrimage paths followed during, ritual ,ceremonies. Archaeologists agree that the purpose of this road system may have
  47. Starvation or extreme social stress, dismemberment and cannibalism as religious, ritual ,or in response to religious conflict, the influx of outsiders seeking to drive
  48. To boot. Crowley repeated his claim that Jews in Eastern Europe practice, ritual ,child-murder in at least one later work as well, namely the section on
  49. Still fascinated by Crowley, and owned some of his clothing, manuscripts and, ritual ,objects, and during the 1970s bought Boles kine House, which also appears in the
  50. People decorated their homes and trees with paper flags; there were, ritual ,races, processions,dances, songs,prayers, and finally human sacrifices. This

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