Examples of the the word, dawn , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dawn ), is the 4238 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Roll on, roll on, Columbia,roll on / Your power is turning our darkness to, dawn ,/ Roll on, Columbia,roll on. Lyrics from Woody Guthrie's Roll on Columbia
  2. Astarte and Arabian Ali lat. Comparison with the Indo-European, dawn ,goddess It has long been accepted in comparative mythology that Aphrodite (
  3. Cycle. Housing livestock during times of maximum midge activity (from dusk to, dawn ,) may lead to significantly reduced biting rates. Similarly, protecting
  4. Confident that we can trust each other ". Sung San Sub FYI proclaimed" a new, dawn ,for the country ". However, on 30 May 2003,a government-sponsored mob attacked
  5. Order to commence the operation,U-32 moved to a position east of May Island at, dawn ,on 31 May. At 03:40,she sighted the cruisers and leaving the Forth at. She
  6. The Danube rose near the Pyrenees. Distribution Continental Celts Gaul At the, dawn ,of history in Europe, the Celts then living in what is now France were known as
  7. Architecture Arab Architecture has a deep diverse history, it dates to the, dawn ,of the history in pre-Islamic Arabia. Each of it phases largely an extension of
  8. The condition of the patients. Accidental discovery" When I woke up just after, dawn ,on September 28, 1928,I certainly didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine
  9. Ammunition boxes at the Japanese. Pope and his men managed to hold out until, dawn , When they evacuated the position, only nine men remained. Pope later received
  10. Athena to the culture of Crete, introduced,he thought, from Libya during the, dawn ,of Greek culture. Classical myths thereafter note that Hera was so annoyed at
  11. In Yosemite at a rate estimated at a few hundred per year, often at night or, dawn , El Capitan, Half Dome and Glacier Point have been used as jump sites. Other US
  12. Of God. The chastisement would only be for their good; a better day would, dawn ,for them. Chapter 4 laments the ruin and desolation that had come upon the city
  13. Déasthai),meaning" she who shines from the foam ocean ", a by name of the, dawn ,goddess (EOS). J. P. Mallory and D. Q. Adams (1997) have also proposed an
  14. 37 stars in Centaurus. While Centaurus now has a high southern latitude, at the, dawn ,of civilization it was an equatorial constellation. Precession has been slowly
  15. I would see creatures of the night-life before they disappeared with the, dawn , One night a celebrated female impersonator came to the restaurant in all his
  16. Before they go to bed. Some die pie dong-like restaurants stay open till, dawn , Unlike the typical menu selections of many other Chinese cuisines, Teochew
  17. S Hill. However, before Longstreet was ready, Union XII Corps troops started a, dawn ,artillery bombardment against the Confederates on Culp's Hill in an effort to
  18. In night-fighting, decided to try to avoid a major engagement until early, dawn , He placed a screen of cruisers and destroyers behind his battle fleet to
  19. Is at opposition to the Sun. At this time, Antares rises at dusk and sets at, dawn , and is thus in view all night. For approximately two to three weeks on either
  20. Of urea, proving that organic compounds can be created artificially. The, dawn ,of biochemistry may have been the discovery of the first enzyme, diastase (
  21. Majority, people are not allowed to eat, drink,or smoke in public between, dawn ,and dusk during the fasting month of Ramadan. Also, restaurants are ordered to
  22. Hands (839 officers and men) at 03:10 during the last wave of attacks before, dawn , Spitfire survived and made it back to port. Another German cruiser, was
  23. Although there is a vast and interesting history of crop cultivation before the, dawn ,of the 20th century, there is little question that the work of Charles Darwin
  24. Nightlife Baku boasts a vibrant nightlife. Many clubs that are open until, dawn ,can be found throughout the city. Clubs with an eastern flavor provide special
  25. 1469,becoming the Catholic Monarchs; subsequently, this event was seen as the, dawn ,of the Kingdom of Spain. At that point, though personally and informally
  26. Have also proposed an etymology based on the connection with the Indo-European, dawn ,goddess, from " very" and" to shine ". A number of speculative non-Greek
  27. Theories that cannot cleanly be assigned to any of these camps. Since the, dawn ,of Newtonian science with its vision of simple mechanical principles governing
  28. Advertising on Augmented Reality technology. Rise in new media With the, dawn ,of the Internet came many new advertising opportunities. Popup, Flash,banner
  29. The heat of the day. Birdlife is prolific, most often seen at waterholes at, dawn ,and dusk. Huge flocks of budgerigars, cockatoos,corollas and galas are often
  30. Enough to support one another). Crossing the frontier near Charleroi before, dawn ,on 15 June, the French rapidly overran Coalition outposts, securing Napoleon's
  31. The fact that the function in question is a contraction. First proofs At the, dawn ,of the 20th century, the interest in analysis sites did not stay unnoticed.
  32. Many years have I dwelt on your borders. I have known the quiet note of your, dawn , Even earlier I would take my coffee at Martin's, at 54th Street–now, alas
  33. Visible and common animals, humans have had a relationship with them since the, dawn ,of man. Sometimes, these relationships are mutualistic, like the cooperative
  34. Of possible oriental influences) preserves some aspects of the Indo-European, dawn ,goddess *Houses (properly Greek EOS, Latin Aurora, Sanskrit Us has). Wanda (
  35. Coupe Motorsport BMW has been engaged in motorsport activities since the, dawn ,of the first BMW motorcycle. Motorsport sponsoring * Formula BMW – A Junior
  36. Are often crammed with people of all ages who will sing, dance and drink till, dawn , The Nazi () area, one of the latest in full redevelopment, is located around
  37. In general, clocks,and ships. The latter advances made possible the, dawn ,of the Age of Exploration. The development of water mills was impressive, and
  38. Wellington rose at around 02:00 or 03:00 on 18 June, and wrote letters until, dawn , He had earlier written to Blucher confirming that he would give battle at
  39. Hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at, dawn ,looking for an angry fix ... In October 1955,Ginsberg and five other
  40. Country; he hired chroniclers to portray his reign as a" modern age" with its, dawn ,in 1485. Hicks states that the works of Virgil and the blind historian Bernard
  41. Message that the final destination of man's life lies beyond the grave. With, dawn ,and dusk constituting prominent themes of his landscapes,Friedrich's own
  42. A culture is" first" ( Latin = Prius),that it has not changed since the, dawn ,of mankind, though this has been demonstrated not to be true. Specifically, as
  43. Began to report about blues music in Southern Texas and Deep South at the, dawn ,of the 20th century. In particular, Charles Peabody mentioned the appearance of
  44. Branding became a new revenue stream. In the late 1990s and into the, dawn ,of the 21st century, the dugout, the backstops behind home plate, and anywhere
  45. Shadows' " true faces" and the rejection of both philosophies, heralding the, dawn ,of a new age without their interference. The notion that the war was about "
  46. Italian brigades had become separated during their overnight march and at, dawn ,were spread across several miles of very difficult terrain. Their sketchy maps
  47. Malacca River, the connecting bridge was a strategic point, so on 25 July at, dawn ,the Portuguese landed and fought in tough battle, facing poisoned arrows
  48. From dæges age meaning" day's eye," and this was because the petals open at, dawn ,and close at dusk. Distribution Daisies have a worldwide distribution, being
  49. Problems. A French mercenary by the name of Bob Lenard, arrived in the Comoros at, dawn ,on 13 May 1978,and removed Soil from power. Solid was shot and killed during
  50. The Akkadian language seems to have already been present in Mesopotamia at the, dawn ,of the historical period, and soon achieved preeminence with the first Dynasty

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