Examples of the the word, intermediate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intermediate ), is the 4237 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The maximum dose of aspirin (1 g) provides weaker pain relief than an, intermediate ,dose of ibuprofen (400 mg),and this relief does not last as long. It appears
  2. Systems of linear equations. It was successfully tested in 1942. However, its, intermediate , result storage mechanism, a paper card writer/reader, was unreliable, and when
  3. Life of the world to come ". Christian eschatology is concerned with death,an, intermediate ,state, Heaven,Hell, the Second Coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead
  4. They become so exactly adapted to distinct modes of life; and why do all the, intermediate ,grades die out (as geology shows they have died out) and leave only clearly
  5. The transsulfuration pathway or by the methylation of methionine via the, intermediate ,metabolite S-adenosyl methionine, while hydroxyproline is made by a
  6. North and South Atlantic central waters make up the surface. The sub-Antarctic, intermediate ,water extends to depths of. The North Atlantic Deep Water reaches depths of as
  7. The Nepohualtzintzin was divided in two main parts separated by a bar or, intermediate ,cord. In the left part there were four beads, which in the first row have
  8. The end of his life. In 1994,a stretch of the A6010 road (the Manchester city, intermediate ,ring road) was named Alan Turing Way. A bridge carrying this road was widened
  9. Court (or court of last resort) which primarily reviews the decisions of the, intermediate ,courts. A jurisdiction's supreme court is that jurisdiction's highest
  10. The effectiveness of prayer. Ammonium cites Iambics who said knowledge is, intermediate ,between the knower and the known, since it is the activity of the knower
  11. Could still involve thousands of tons. One of the many compounds used at this, intermediate ,level include aluminum acetate, a salt used in solution as an astringent.
  12. Land is located in the Unorganized Borough which, as the name implies, has no, intermediate ,borough government of its own, but is administered directly by the state
  13. Choices. Range voting and Majority Judgment allow these voters to give, intermediate ,approval ratings, but at the cost of added ballot complexity and longer ballot
  14. With potassium cyanide and ammonia, this produces an amino nitrite as an, intermediate , Hydrolysis of the nitrite in acid then yields an amino acid. Using ammonia or
  15. Post conviction court proceeds just as a direct appeal. That is, it goes to the, intermediate ,appellate court, followed by the highest court. If the petition is granted the
  16. Coastal area. The higher inland mountains receive less precipitation than the, intermediate ,uplands. Terrain differences cause wide local variations, but the seasonal
  17. Championship as well as the less powerful GT4 European Cup. Previously,an, intermediate ,FIA GT2 European Championship existed, but the FIA dropped it to cut costs.
  18. Carbothermic reduction possible by using carbon and Al2O3,which forms an, intermediate ,Al4C3 and this can further yield aluminum metal at a temperature of
  19. In these groups. For some coccidiomorphs, the original host has become the, intermediate ,host while in others it has become the definitive host. In the genera Aggregate
  20. Primary user input and output and an intermediate results output and input. The, intermediate ,results storage allowed operation on problems too large to be handled entirely
  21. 50 % of the cytoskeleton. The other parts are more stiff and are composed of, intermediate ,filaments and macro tubules. These are not used in amoebic movement, but are
  22. Donate a second proton to form the sulfate anion (SO42-),wherein the Ka2 is, intermediate ,strength. The large Ka1 for the first dissociation makes sulfuric a strong acid
  23. US. The one-way lanes that make it possible to enter and leave such roads at an, intermediate ,point without disrupting the flow of traffic are known as slip roads in the UK
  24. As the only effective agent available at the time. However, strains with, intermediate ,(4-8 kg/ml) levels of resistance, termed LISA (glycopeptide intermediate
  25. For this reason. In quantum field theory, this process is allowed only as an, intermediate ,quantum state for times short enough that the violation of energy conservation
  26. Its length, the Andes is split into several ranges, which are separated by, intermediate ,depressions. The Andes is the location of several high plateaux – some of which
  27. Intermediate (4-8 kg/ml) levels of resistance, termed LISA (glycopeptide, intermediate ,Staphylococcus aureus) or VISA (vancomycin intermediate Staphylococcus aureus
  28. There were two forms of input and output: primary user input and output and an, intermediate ,results output and input. The intermediate results storage allowed operation on
  29. Walrus a century later. Smith's allowance for wage increases in the short and, intermediate ,term from capital accumulation and invention added a realism missed later by
  30. Reviews evidence and testimony to determine the facts of the case; at least one, intermediate ,appellate court; and a supreme court (or court of last resort) which
  31. Punctuation marks come before letters, for example," 4" is before" one" An, intermediate ,order which can easily be programmed on a computer converts uppercase letters
  32. Coming of Christ. In other Christian denominations it has been described as an, intermediate ,place or state of confinement in oblivion and neglect. The notion of purgatory
  33. As the term alphasyllabary suggests, abugidas have been considered an, intermediate ,step between alphabets and syllabifies. Historically, abugidas appear to have
  34. LISA (glycopeptide intermediate Staphylococcus aureus) or VISA (vancomycin, intermediate ,Staphylococcus aureus),began appearing in the late 1990s. The first
  35. Also hold to the belief. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed in an, intermediate ,state between death and the final judgment and in the possibility of "
  36. Host when the insect vector feeds again. Evolution Many Coccidiomorpha have an, intermediate ,host as well as a primary host, and the evolution of hosts proceeded in
  37. Adult Albertosaurus were the apex predators in this environment, with, intermediate , niches possibly filled by juvenile Albertosaurus. See
  38. Acid is a small substituted cyclic amino acid that is a key, intermediate ,in the production of the plant hormone ethylene. Catabolism File: Amino acid
  39. Toward the Arabs River on the Turkish border. The plateau is masked by, intermediate ,mountain ranges and extinct volcanoes. The largest of these, Mount Arafat
  40. It is a pure donor, in the middle of the petrochemical series, and shows, intermediate ,hard-soft behavior. For historical reasons, ammonia is named amine in the
  41. Applejack protocols have been deprecated. Applejack Session Protocol ASP was an, intermediate ,protocol, built on top of ATP, which in turn was the foundation of AFP. It
  42. Thereby catalyzing the formation of an otherwise less-favorable molecular, intermediate ,between reactants and products. If an antibody is developed to a stable
  43. On the carbonyl breaking the carbonyl double bond and forming a tetrahedral, intermediate , This, hydroxyls and amines are all known to serve as nucleophiles. Owing to
  44. Alphabet and syllabify ". Aquinas were long considered to be syllabifies or, intermediate ,between syllabifies and alphabets, and the term" syllabic" is retained in
  45. Fate of the soul is determined at death, and that purgatorial fires of the, intermediate ,state purify only those that died in communion with the Church. His teaching
  46. If an antibody is developed to a stable molecule that's similar to an unstable, intermediate ,of another (potentially unrelated) reaction, the developed antibody will
  47. Memory. (The largest problem that could be solved without the use of the, intermediate ,output and input was two simultaneous equations, a trivial problem. )
  48. Excellent beef. Sport Chill has a GAA, football club which competes in the, intermediate ,championship and division 1C of the Mayo League. Chill Rovers who compete in
  49. Reaction, the developed antibody will enzymatically bind to and stabilize the, intermediate ,state, thus catalyzing the reaction. A new and unique type of enzyme is
  50. Applications,e.g. as a hardening agent and an antiperspirant. It is an, intermediate ,in the production of aluminum metal. Niche compounds Given the scale of

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