Examples of the the word, correspondence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( correspondence ), is the 4235 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2) a treatise of eighteen chapters on the in corporeality of God; (3), correspondence , ; (4) a treatise, called Refer halyard, included also in letter 58; (5) a
  2. Time Capsules: In 1973,Warhol began saving ephemera from his daily life –, correspondence , newspapers, souvenirs,childhood objects, even used plane tickets and food –
  3. Graham Bell Gardens in 1917. Many Bell's writings, personal, correspondence , notebooks, papers and other documents reside at both the United States Library
  4. With Ben Are and his colleagues. His Works Abbey Mari collected the, correspondence ,and added to each letter a few explanatory notes. Of this collection, called
  5. Assyria (539 BC - 330 BC) retained a separate identity (Ahura),official, correspondence ,being in Imperial Aramaic, and there was even a determined revolt of the two
  6. Reformed both library philanthropy and library design, encouraging a closer, correspondence ,between the two. The Brooke County Public Library in New York opened in October
  7. Proved (by being found outside the area) to be epistolary (letter writing), correspondence , with other countries. Representations of ships are not common, but several have
  8. Accrediting agencies. Other astrological organizations offer study programs and, correspondence ,courses which, after examination, certifies astrologers. United Kingdom In the
  9. Einstein Archives, told the BBC that there are about 3,500 pages of private, correspondence ,written between 1912 and 1955. Einstein bequeathed the royalties from use of
  10. And Milena Magic (Милева Марић) had a daughter they named Diesel in their, correspondence , who was born in Novi Sad where Marić's parents lived. Her full name is not
  11. Letters and its heavy use of nasal vowels and elision, may seem to lack much, correspondence ,between spelling and pronunciation, but its rules on pronunciation are actually
  12. Be ignored. One historian of science has pointed out that, through both private, correspondence ,and published works, Darwin and Wallace exchanged knowledge and stimulated each
  13. And Bulgarian have a very regular spelling system with a nearly one-to-one, correspondence ,between letters and phonemes. Strictly speaking, there is no word in the
  14. Studied mathematics at Rostov State University. At the same time he took, correspondence ,courses from the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History, at
  15. Were based on inferences of an asteroid's composition. However,the, correspondence ,between spectral class and composition is not always very good, and a variety
  16. 19:9; 20:15),probably the earliest of those referred to below. How fully in, correspondence ,with such an environment the work would be, as apologia for the Church against
  17. Initially around the challenges by Elisha Gray and Amos Dollar. In personal, correspondence ,to Bell, both Gray and Dollar had acknowledged his prior work, which
  18. Of the Nestorian and Jacobite churches in Persia, finally delivering the papal, correspondence ,to a Mongol general near Tabriz. In Tabriz, André de Longjumeau met with a monk
  19. In the printed edition of Might Knot. Contents of the Might Knot The, correspondence ,refers mainly to the proposed restriction of the study of the Aristotelian
  20. Gave a check to the reconquest of the country by the Christians. After friendly, correspondence ,with the caliph at Baghdad, whom he acknowledged as Amir Alma'mining ("
  21. And even within a single language. Languages may fail to achieve a one-to-one, correspondence ,between letters and sounds in any of several ways: * A language may represent a
  22. From tuberculosis. While Bell recovered (by then referring to himself in, correspondence ,as" A. G. Bell" ) and served the next year as an instructor at Somerset
  23. Are lost; they might have given a more favorable idea of his style as his, correspondence ,with the prince shows that they were composed with a very sincere sense of
  24. Then Ajaccio and does not have the same name. It could be So gone. The lack of, correspondence ,between Ptolemaic and historical names known to be ancient has no defense
  25. A short work consisting of three propositions. It is written in the form of a, correspondence ,with Dithers of Elysium, who was a student of Canon of Amos. In Proposition
  26. Many of his images. He also derived great satisfaction from his friendships and, correspondence ,with Erasmus and other scholars. Durer succeeded in producing two books during
  27. Childlike simplicity of his character are well brought out in his Journal et, correspondence ,(Paris,1872). Ampère's final work, published posthumously, was Essie SUR la
  28. Throughout The World as Will and Representation. Buddhism Schopenhauer noted a, correspondence ,between his doctrines and the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism. Similarities
  29. Teleprinter encoding systems. Like other character encoding, ASCII specifies a, correspondence ,between digital bit patterns and character symbols (i.e. grapheme and
  30. Were allowed in Photovoltaic as reconstructed by Starting et al. (2003); the, correspondence ,table of these clusters spans almost 7 pages in their book (83–89),and most
  31. Manning's research involved reading military camp newspapers and personal, correspondence ,between soldiers and families during the Civil War. Manning stated that the
  32. The Catoptrica. During his lifetime, Archimedes made his work known through, correspondence ,with the mathematicians in Alexandria. The writings of Archimedes were
  33. That natural selection could play a role in preventing hybridization in private, correspondence ,as early as 1868,but had not worked it out to this level of detail. It
  34. Poet Matthew Arnold and English philosopher Herbert Spencer as well as being in, correspondence ,and acquaintance with most of the U. S. Presidents, statesmen,and notable
  35. Moved to Paris in 1893,she and Rodin continued their warm friendship and, correspondence , which lasted to the end of the sculptor's life. After Hallowell's death, her
  36. Father). His work on sheaf theory hardly appears in his published papers, but, correspondence , with Henri Tartan in the late 1940s,and reprinted in his collected papers
  37. Situation Normal (1944) is based on his experiences researching the war, correspondence ,of Ernie Pyle. *In Russia (1969),the first of three books created with his
  38. Marc. The two fled to London, in retribution for which his wife burned all his, correspondence ," the best part of myself," as he was later to comment. In 1918,he met
  39. One is often described as a voiced unbounded velar fricative; some texts note a, correspondence ,between this approximate and that is parallel to – and –. An example is liq (?
  40. Extended manuscript (about 600 pages) entitled Pursuing Stacks, stimulated by, correspondence ,with Ronald Brown, ( see also http://www.bangor.ac.uk/r.brown R. Brown and Tim
  41. English words written in all capital letters. However, there is no one-to-one, correspondence ,between words in ASL and English, and the inflectional modulation of ASL
  42. Refuted that claim. The literary legacy of this long-distance marriage is a, correspondence ,which preserves gems of theater history, including shared complaints about
  43. A front counterpart ('short' e, like the vowel in 'head ', ). There is much, correspondence ,between these vowels between dialects. There is some evidence that Middle
  44. Miracles. In the preface, Abba Mari explains his object in collecting the, correspondence ,; and in the treatise which follows he shows that the study of philosophy
  45. Notation for these operations can be motivated by the Curry-Howard, correspondence ,and by the currying isomorphism. Non-associative operations for which no
  46. Of Nations, published as part of the 1976 Glasgow Edition of the works and, correspondence ,of Smith. Other works, including some published posthumously, include Lectures
  47. He finally settled and disappeared from public view. There he published his, correspondence ,with Ben Are and his colleagues. His Works Abbey Mari collected the
  48. Extensively in scientific circles both in published reviews and in private, correspondence , Environmental issues Wallace’s extensive work in biogeography made him aware
  49. According to Platonist (realists),the truth of a statement consists in its, correspondence ,to objective reality. Thus, intuitionists are ready to accept a statement of
  50. S request. The comic is based on thorough research on the biographies and, correspondence ,between Babbage and Lovelace, which is then twisted for humorous effect.

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