Examples of the the word, spite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spite ), is the 4230 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With Hades's helm and slaying him. He set her free, and married her in, spite ,of Andromeda having been previously promised to her uncle Phineas. At the
  2. 1974 which they called the" Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics ". In, spite ,of his attraction to Eastern religions, the journalist Jane Kramer argues that
  3. Lived during the duration of the filming. Louis B. Mayer spared no expense in, spite ,of the remote location, going so far as to hire the chef from the Hotel
  4. Dismissed when his employer found out about his relationship with his wife. In, spite ,of her brother's behavior, Anne retained close ties to Elizabeth and Mary
  5. The Empire of Japan and the Germans (and doing almost as much harm as good in, spite ,of its advanced weapons). Similarly, Robert Charles Wilson's Mysterious
  6. Judges honored marriages based on mutual consent at ages younger than seven, in, spite , of what Gratin had said; there are recorded marriages of two and three year
  7. Magazine in Italian; and Airpower, a long-running French magazine. In, spite ,of declining interest in the platform there was a bi-weekly specialist column
  8. Said to end before the situation of the Byzantine Empire became untenable. In, spite ,of several not insignificant reverses at the hands of Bulgarians, Serbians,and
  9. In every town and by freeing serfs who adopted a scholastic life. In 1544,in, spite ,of some opposition, he founded Königsberg University, where he appointed his
  10. 1657 and 1659,it was occupied by Swedish troops on several occasions. In, spite ,of these and other misfortunes, such as plague and city-wide fires, Aarhus was
  11. With Bavaria, with Bavarians having a markedly different rhythm of speech in, spite ,of the similarities in the language. Regional dialects In mathematics, the
  12. Of Japanese tradition and integrity. " Ironically, it is because of, not in, spite ,of, the chaotic times of civil war depicted in the film that the seven rise to
  13. By his reactionary successor Alexander III. Emancipation of the serfs In, spite ,of his obstinacy in playing the Russian autocrat, Alexander II acted willfully
  14. Report was controversial; critics assailed it as being problematic since, in, spite , of the disclaimer, supporters used it to claim that the WHO endorsed
  15. Pray for the soul of Music, and see that she was thoroughly well buried. In, spite ,of this, the nobles did not cease to listen to songs in secret. This strictness
  16. And married. Crowley's plan with Foster was to produce his first son; but in, spite ,of a series of magical operations she did not get pregnant. By the end of 1915
  17. Have suggested that The Lord of the Rings is an allegory for the World Wars, in, spite , of J. R. R. Tolkien's emphatic statement in the introduction to the second
  18. Been looking for someplace new. This has led many more to choose Acapulco, in, spite , of the fact that the flight is longer and more expensive than to Cancun for
  19. The first time a complex function of a complex variable in another textbook. In, spite ,of these,Cauchy's own research papers often used intuitive, not rigorous
  20. Cauchy, being a brilliant student, won many prizes in Latin and Humanities. In, spite ,of these successes, Augustin-Louis chose an engineering career, and prepared
  21. Historical drama with contemporary relevance, but is not an allegory in, spite ,of its parallels with McCarthyism, linking the hunt for communists in the 1940s
  22. Flight controls are what allowed flight. Horizontal and vertical stabilizers In, spite ,of effective control surfaces, many early aircraft were virtually flyable.
  23. Exactions of the nobles, he exercised a happy influence upon the south, in, spite , of his naturally despotic character and his continual and pressing need of
  24. Prisoners of war died of starvation and disease. Name "/IN"> mcpherson66"/> In, spite ,of the South's shortage of soldiers, most Southern leaders — until 1865 —
  25. Country in English and their host country's language, and not in Afrikaans. In, spite ,of these moves, the language has remained strong, and Afrikaans newspapers and
  26. Catalonia) led by Roger de Flor to clear Byzantine Asia Minor of the enemy. In, spite ,of some successes, the Catalans were unable to secure lasting gains. They
  27. Household rating, the lowest rated and least watched ceremony to date, in, spite , of celebrating 80 years of the Academy Awards. The Best Picture winner of that
  28. This papal blessing, Portugal was at last secured as a kingdom. In 1184,in, spite ,of his great age, he still had sufficient energy to relieve his son DOM Sancho
  29. A controversial tradition reported by several medieval sources, Narses, out of, spite ,for having been removed by Justinian's successor Justin II, called the
  30. The newer albums share a more universal humor, both written and visual. In, spite ,of (or perhaps because of) this stereotyping, and notwithstanding some
  31. For the workers and the construction of the above-ground Dora camp. In, spite ,of these changes, half of the workers at Mittelwerk eventually died. Speer
  32. Assemblers since the decline of large-scale assembly language development. In, spite ,of that, they are still being developed and applied in cases where resource
  33. The single element from which Rutherford made his guess). Nevertheless, in, spite , of Rutherford's estimation that gold had a central charge of about 100 (but
  34. And lowering low density lipoproteins. A preliminary trial showed that, in, spite , of the high fat content of almonds, using them in the daily diet might lower
  35. Speer, with his improvisational skill, was able to overcome bombing losses. In, spite ,of these losses, German production of tanks more than doubled in 1943
  36. Any longer to proclaim Queen Draga's brother as the heir to the throne. In, spite ,of this, it had been agreed with the Serbian Government that Prince Miro of
  37. Survive. Wellington has retained a sizeable number of Art Deco buildings, in, spite , of constant post-World War II development. Australia also has many
  38. Aberdeen '. Homer then goes on to proclaim that 'Aberdeen rules! '. This is in, spite ,of the fact that Groundskeeper Willie does not have an Aberdeen accent. *Star
  39. Off his five-year-old daughter Simon is to King Stefan Militia in 1298. In, spite ,of the resolution of problems in Europe, Andronikos II was faced with the
  40. England seemed doomed to be bowled out cheaply and to lose the match. In, spite ,of the very difficult batting conditions, however,Hobbs and Ratcliffe took
  41. Modern Armenian was taught, dramatically increased the rate of literacy (in, spite ,of the obstacles by the colonial administrators),even in remote rural areas.
  42. Upon a rock through the assistance of Poseidon and would have been saved in, spite ,of Athena, but he said that he would escape the dangers of the sea in defiance
  43. Magic theory, which reinforced the idea of alchemy as an occultist belief. In, spite ,of all this, Agrippa still considered himself a Christian, though his views
  44. Was to explain the source of mankind's ability to form moral judgements, in, spite , of man's natural inclinations towards self-interest. Smith proposes a theory
  45. Attacked Udo, the heir, and was consequently deprived of Lusatia by Other. In, spite ,of this, he went to Italy in 1132 in the train of the king, and his services
  46. The war are the Murder III and Better vehicle, that were very different in, spite ,of being based on the same chassis: Murder was straightforwardly an anti-tank
  47. To the founding of the culture. The Pilgrims' dedication to their cause in, spite ,of the hardships renders the foundation of the country, and therefore the
  48. Graphics from whom Durer received Luther's 'Babylonian Captivity' in 1520. In, spite ,of all these reasons to believe Durer was sympathetic to Lutheranism, at least
  49. To" the ability of the grower to raise attractive almonds from seed. Thus, in, spite , of the fact that this plant does not lend itself to propagation from suckers or
  50. Mann attempted to join up his medical knowledge with that of Chinese theory. In, spite ,of his protestations about the theory, he was fascinated by it and trained many

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