Examples of the the word, associated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( associated ), is the 4225 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Management The main goals when treating children with autism are to lessen, associated ,deficits and family distress, and to increase quality of life and functional
  2. Most of the Ramayana texts track their origins back to Paula tactic schools, associated ,to the teachings of the personality of Matsyendranath. The Ramayana was
  3. Lichens (hence" photoing" is the more accurate term). A photoing may be, associated ,with many specific symbionts or live independently; accordingly, lichens are
  4. Of the New Anarchism (1939-1977). In the United Kingdom in the 1970s this was, associated ,with the punk rock movement, as exemplified by bands such as Crass and the Sex
  5. Issues such as religion and ethics. She denounced libertarianism, which she, associated ,with anarchism. She rejected anarchism as a naïve theory based in subjectivism
  6. Of Compton scattering. Einstein concluded that each wave of frequency f is, associated ,with a collection of photons with energy hf each, where h is Planck's constant
  7. Etymology are attested from ancient authors. Thus, the Greeks most often, associated ,Apollo's name with the Greek verb ἀπόλλυμι (Apollo)," to destroy ". Plato
  8. And work alongside professional astronomers. Amateur astronomy is usually, associated ,with viewing the night sky when most celestial objects and events are visible
  9. Corgis, successor to The Roger Rich man Agency, licenses the use of his name and, associated ,imagery, as agent for the university. In popular culture In the period before
  10. Autism. Several other conditions are common in children with autism. And ASD is, associated ,with several genetic disorders. *Mental retardation. The fraction of autistic
  11. A creator deity, possibly the supreme deity in pre-Islamic Arabia. The concepts, associated ,with the term Allah (as a deity) differ among religious traditions. In
  12. And deadly plague. Amongst the god's custodial charges, Apollo became, associated ,with dominion over colonists, and as the patron defender of herds and flocks.
  13. Of comics – to comment on class distinctions in culture. Lichtenstein is thus, associated ,with the American Pop art movement (1960s). Pointillism is a technique in
  14. A given child, and reimbursed out-of-pocket medical or therapy expenses are, associated ,with likelihood of family financial problems; one 2008 US study found a 14 %
  15. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models, and their, associated ,procedures, in which the observed variance in a particular variable is
  16. The local deities of, Manāt and Allan were His daughters. The Meccas possibly, associated ,angels with Allah. Muhammad's father's name was meaning" the slave of Allah
  17. Of GMO foods. Since there are still questions regarding the safety and risks, associated ,with GMO foods, some believe the public should have the freedom to choose and
  18. Most fictional androids, though,is that the real-life technological challenges, associated ,with creating thoroughly human-like robots – such as the creation of strong
  19. Example is lowered activity in the fusiform face area of the brain, which is, associated ,with impaired perception of people versus objects. Causes It has long been
  20. Argue for diminished growth factors. Also, some inborn errors of metabolism are, associated ,with autism but probably account for less than 5 % of cases. Several studies
  21. May also contribute to epilepsy, which may explain why the two conditions are, associated , Interactions between the immune system and the nervous system begin early
  22. Taken at the Battle of Poltava in 1709 and assigned to Tools, where he, associated ,with Peter's Siberian official, Vasily Tatishchev, and was allowed freedom to
  23. Income in families of children with ASD, and a related study found that ASD is, associated ,with higher probability that child care problems will greatly affect parental
  24. S entire body of work. Associated events The following events are closely, associated ,with the annual Academy Awards ceremony: * The 25th Independent Spirit Awards (
  25. Could suffice. The committee voted to use a seven-bit code to minimize costs, associated ,with data transmission. Since perforated tape at the time could record eight
  26. Appears to be shown on the two sides of the Borges Vase. Apollo is often, associated ,with the Golden Mean. This is the Greek ideal of moderation and a virtue that
  27. And usually came with children. The epithet, lawiaiai," captives,", associated ,with some of them identifies their origin. Some are ethnic names. One in
  28. He regretted his father's lack of education and did not like the hard labor, associated ,with frontier life. Still, he willingly took responsibility for all chores
  29. Frequent nocturnal awakenings, and early morning awakenings. Sleep problems are, associated ,with difficult behaviors and family stress, and are often a focus of clinical
  30. For animals, who are our fellow sufferers. Compassion for animals is intimately, associated ,with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he, who is
  31. Changes. This experiment needed to be sensitive, because the angular momentum, associated ,with electrons is small, but it definitively established that electron motion
  32. Jules Verne's 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon. The name Columbia is also, associated ,with the feminine personification of the United States used traditionally in
  33. And are often found in museums. In the typical scenario, archaeologists are, associated ,with" digs," or excavation of layers of ancient sites. Archaeologists
  34. Socialism" or a form of such, is a revolutionary form of anarchism, commonly, associated , with Mikhail Bakunin and Johann Most. Collectivist anarchists oppose all
  35. In 2004 to help disrupt and shorten the intense lobbying and ad campaigns, associated ,with Oscar season in the film industry. Another reason was because of the
  36. Be divided into syndrome and non-syndromal autism; the syndrome autism is, associated ,with severe or profound mental retardation or a congenital syndrome with
  37. Sky and Telescope magazine for 21 years. * John Dobson (1915),whose name is, associated ,with the Bosnian telescope, a simplified design for Newtonian reflecting
  38. Stirling Castle. In England, the topic of alchemy in that time frame is often, associated ,with Doctor John Dee (13 July 1527 – December 1608),better known for his
  39. Pay attention to and become directly involved in uranium research and, associated ,chain reaction research. The letter is believed to be" arguably the key
  40. God—the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine and healing were, associated ,with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son
  41. Of language disorder. *Several metabolic defects, such as phenylketonuria, are, associated , with autistic symptoms. *Minor physical anomalies are significantly increased
  42. Conducting the common struggle. " According to Barbara Branden, who was closely, associated ,with Rand at the time the book was written, there were sections written
  43. Which is not an alphabet. The Phoenician letter names, in which each letter is, associated ,with a word that begins with that sound, continue to be used in Samaritan
  44. Λύκη," light" ). The meaning of the epithet" Lyceum" later became, associated ,Apollo's mother Let, who was the patron goddess of Lucia (Λυκία) and who was
  45. Century English and French labor movements before taking an anarchist form, associated ,with Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in France and others in the United States. Proudhon
  46. Two of his principal places of worship. An etiology in the Homeric hymns, associated ,the epithet" Delphiniums" with dolphins. He was worshiped as Acraephius (;
  47. 30 times less abundant than rubidium — with which it is so closely chemically, associated , Francium Francium-223,the only naturally occurring isotope of francium, is
  48. similarly and specifies the chi-squared distribution which describes the, associated ,sums of squares.: \text_ = \text_ + \text_\, \! See also Lack-of-fit sum of
  49. To have been influenced by anarchist and feminist Emma Goldman. Bombings were, associated ,in the media with anarchists because international terrorism arose during this
  50. Divided into two areas: the pathophysiology of brain structures and processes, associated ,with autism, and the neuropsychological linkages between brain structures and

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