Examples of the the word, flame , in a Sentence Context

The word ( flame ), is the 4240 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The radiation beam passes through the zone of the highest atom cloud density in the, flame , resulting in the highest sensitivity. The processes in a flame include the
  2. Aerosol, which is introduced into a spray chamber, where it is mixed with the, flame ,gases and conditioned in a way that only the finest aerosol droplets (< 10 km
  3. For the figuring that can be seen when it is cut in a certain way (such as ", flame ," and" quilt" patterns). A common non-traditional wood gaining popularity is
  4. Deep. The radiation beam passes through this flame at its longest axis, and the, flame ,gas flow-rates may be adjusted to produce the highest concentration of free
  5. The eternal flame at the Arc de Triomphe and requested that an eternal, flame ,be placed next to her husband's grave at Arlington National Cemetery in
  6. Is responsible that only about 5 % of the aspirated sample solution reaches the, flame , but it also guarantees relatively high freedom from interference. On top of
  7. In which materials not normally considered highly flammable will burst into, flame , The high-pressure oxygen atmosphere was consistent with that used in the
  8. High affinity to oxygen. Liquid or dissolved samples are typically used with, flame ,atomizers. The sample solution is aspirated by a pneumatic nebulizer
  9. Most commonly used atomizers in AAS are flame s, principally the air-acetylene, flame ,with a temperature of about 2300 °C and the nitrous oxide (N2O)-acetylene
  10. In a way that only the finest aerosol droplets (< 10 km) enter the, flame , This conditioning process is responsible that only about 5 % of the aspirated
  11. Don Norman, Another presents the image of Jobs" wandering the hall with a, flame ,thrower in hand, asking random people 'do you work on Mobile Me? ' ". Users
  12. Apeiron). At the origin, after the separation of hot and cold, a ball of, flame ,appeared that surrounded Earth like bark on a tree. This ball broke apart to
  13. Specific reactions of functional groups. The first instrumental analysis was, flame ,missive spectrometry developed by Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff who
  14. Directly. Its sensitivity is 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than that of, flame ,AAS, so that determinations in the low kg L-1 range (for a typical sample
  15. Wall approximates an adiabatic boundary. Another example is the adiabatic, flame ,temperature, which is the temperature that would be achieved by a flame in the
  16. In water, earthy bodies sink while air bubbles rise up; in air, rain falls and, flame ,rises. Outside all the other spheres, the heavenly, fifth element, manifested
  17. As the target. Again some charring occurred, along with a small amount of, flame , In order to catch fire, wood needs to reach its autoignition temperature
  18. For such items as light aircraft engine covers. The resin will burn while a, flame ,is held to it but will extinguish itself as soon as the flame is removed.
  19. For neutron capture. Other nonmedical uses *Because of its distinctive green, flame , amorphous boron is used in pyrotechnic flares. *Starch and casein-based
  20. High temperature of the flame ; combustion of acetylene with oxygen produces a, flame ,of over 3600 K (3300 °C,6000 °F),releasing 11.8 kJ/g. Oxyacetylene is the
  21. Attend the state funeral, and witnessed Jacqueline Kennedy lighting the eternal, flame ,that had been inspired by her visit to France. Details: * Le Depart de 1792 (
  22. First World War. Interred here on Armistice Day 1920,it has the first eternal, flame ,lit in Western and Eastern Europe since the Vestal Virgins' fire was
  23. Stones. In contrast, water evaporates into air which ignites and produces, flame ,when further rarefied. While other philosophers also recognized such
  24. PCBs, phthalates and phenols used in plastic products, pesticides,brominated, flame ,retardants, alcohol,smoking, illicit drugs, vaccines,although no links have
  25. Bin (). One should either feel a puff of air or see a flicker of the candle, flame ,with pin that one does not get with bin. In most dialects of English, the
  26. Caused by dissociated molecules of concomitant elements of the sample or by, flame ,gases. We have to distinguish between the spectra of diatomic molecules, which
  27. For oxyacetylene gas welding and cutting due to the high temperature of the, flame ,; combustion of acetylene with oxygen produces a flame of over 3600 K (3300 °C
  28. Thunder without lightning is the result of the wind being too weak to emit any, flame , but strong enough to produce a sound. A flash of lightning without thunder is
  29. Flame temperature, which is the temperature that would be achieved by a, flame ,in the absence of heat loss to the surroundings. An adiabatic process that is
  30. Examples include this (2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate, which was used as a, flame ,retardant in plastic and textiles, such children's sleepwear, and
  31. Of oxidizing agents. In the presence of oxygen, alkenes burn with a bright, flame ,to produce carbon dioxide and water. Catalytic oxidation with oxygen or the
  32. Oxide (N2O)-acetylene flame with a temperature of about 2700 °C. The latter, flame , in addition, offers a more reducing environment, being ideally suited for
  33. Is easily mistaken for alb ite and other feldspar. Its density, cleavage and, flame ,test for lithium are diagnostic. Amblygonite forms a series with montebrasite
  34. In the largest amounts:: C2H4 + Br2 → CH2BrCH2Br Flame retardant Brominated, flame ,retardants represent a commodity of growing importance, and represent the
  35. 5–10 cm) and only a few mm deep. The radiation beam passes through this, flame ,at its longest axis, and the flame gas flow-rates may be adjusted to produce
  36. Represent the largest use of bromine. When the brominated material burns,the, flame ,retardant produces hydrobromic acid which interferes in the radical chain
  37. Potential of the analyte atoms and the energy available in a particular, flame , atoms might be in part converted to gaseous ions. Each of these stages
  38. Will burn while a flame is held to it but will extinguish itself as soon as the, flame ,is removed. Fireproofing consumes about half of the annual production of
  39. The 1963 assassination of President Kennedy, Mrs Kennedy remembered the eternal, flame ,at the Arc de Triomphe and requested that an eternal flame be placed next to
  40. From interference. On top of the spray chamber is a burner head that produces a, flame ,that is laterally long (usually 5–10 cm) and only a few mm deep. The
  41. The absence of a catalyst (such as platinum gauze),as the temperature of the, flame ,is usually lower than the ignition temperature of the ammonia-air mixture. The
  42. Density in the flame , resulting in the highest sensitivity. The processes in a, flame ,include the following stages: * Desolation (drying) – the solvent is
  43. Words: *Night rate: unreleased (without word space between and) If a, flame ,is held before the lips while these words are spoken, it flickers more during
  44. Of 15–25 % air. When mixed with oxygen, it burns with a pale yellowish-green, flame , At high temperature and in the presence of a suitable catalyst, ammonia is
  45. Number of atoms that is available for measurement, i. e., the sensitivity. In, flame ,AAS a steady-state signal is generated during the time period when the sample
  46. The carbon-hydrogen ratio is high. # They burn with a sooty yellow, flame ,because of the high carbon-hydrogen ratio. # They undergo electrophilic
  47. Per unit of carbon dioxide produced, eventually finding the same ratio for a, flame ,and animals, indicating that animals produced energy by a type of combustion
  48. Burning common fuel gas. Acetylene is the third-hottest natural chemical, flame ,after Cyanogen at 4798 K (4525 °C,8180 °F) and dicyanoacetylene's 5260 K (
  49. This is the oldest and still most commonly used technique, particularly for, flame ,AAS. In this case, a separate source (a deuterium lamp) with broad emission
  50. With a temperature of about 2300 °C and the nitrous oxide (N2O)-acetylene, flame ,with a temperature of about 2700 °C. The latter flame , in addition, offers a

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